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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

3. Iceland’s Financial Crisis and Arctic Identity Politics

verfasst von : Valur Ingimundarson

Erschienen in: Iceland’s Arctic Policies and Shifting Geopolitics

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The October 2008 banking collapse in Iceland—at the beginning of the global financial crisis—had profound effects on its relations with the outside world. Under intense domestic political pressure, the coalition government of the Independence Party and the Social Democratic Alliance quickly began to prioritize economic and societal security at the expense of traditional military security. Initially, there was limited understanding for Iceland’s economic plight among its U.S., European, and Nordic allies who—with more than a hint of epicaricacy—saw the crash largely as a self-made disaster. They pointed out that through toothless financial supervision, Icelandic political elites had refused to listen to repeated foreign warnings and continued to promote an unsustainable banking expansion abroad. When Iceland’s main Western partners turned down its requests for emergency aid, the Icelandic government felt compelled to turn, formally, to Russia, asking it for a $5.4 billion loan. The conservative Prime Minister Geir Haarde put it bluntly: “We have not received the kind of support that we were requesting from our friends,” and in such a situation, “one has to look for new friends.” This abrupt call for new loyalties was not only fueled by political despondency; it was also influenced by hedging considerations aimed at opening up alternative non-Western venues in Iceland’s foreign policy to respond to a state of exception without abandoning its basic Western orientation. It was, however, difficult to accomplish such a goal in the absence of deeper political traditions and institutional ties.

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See, for example, Carsten Valgreen et al., Iceland: Geyser crisis (Copenhagen: Danske Bank, 2006), accessed February 20, 2024, https://​www.​mbl.​is/​media/​98/​398.​pdf.
Kerry Capell, “The Stunning Collapse of Iceland,” NBC, October 9, 2008, accessed February 18, 2023, https://​www.​nbcnews.​com/​id/​wbna27104617.
See, for example, Valur Ingimundarson, The Rebellious Ally: Iceland, the United States, and the Politics of Empire, 1945–2006, 74, 181.
See Icelandic Prime Minister’s Office, report, The Economic Impact of the Russian Counter-Sanctions on Trade between Iceland and the Russian Federation, January 2016, accessed February 2023, https://​www.​stjornarradid.​is/​media/​forsaetisraduney​ti-media/​media/​skyrslur/​theeconomicimpac​toftherussiansan​ctionsontradebet​weenicelandandru​ssia.​pdf.
Interview with a senior Russian official, June 22, 2009.
“Iceland seeks loan from Russia,” Bloomberg, October 7, 2023, accessed June 3, 2023, https://​www.​business-standard.​com/​article/​finance/​iceland-seeks-loan-from-russia-108100801025_​1.​html.
“Davíð Oddsson: ‘Öll aðstoð frá Rússlandi er vel þegin’” [All Assistance from Russia Welcome], Viðskiptablaðið, September 6, 2010 [2008], accessed May 3, 2023, https://​www.​vb.​is/​frettir/​davi-oddsson-oll-asto-fra-russlandi-er-vel-egin/​.
Interview with a senior Russian official, June 22, 2009.
Interview with a senior Russian official, June 22, 2009.
See, for example, Yuri Zarakhovich, “Why Russia Is Bailing Out Iceland,” Time, October 13, 2008, accessed February 18, 2023, https://​content.​time.​com/​time/​world/​article/​0,8599,1849705,00.​html.
Interview with an ambassador who was present at the meeting, June 18, 2009.
It was the Norwegian newspaper Klassekampen that first published the memorandum; see “Inviterar Russland” [Invites Russia], Klassekampen, November 12, 2008, accessed May 15, 2023, https://​klassekampen.​no/​utgave/​2008-11-12/​inviterer-russland.
Interview with an ambassador who was present at the meeting, June 18, 2009.
A Report “Foreign Aid—Size and Composition,” no date [1965] Dennis Fitzgerald Papers, 1945–69, Box 44, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Abilene, Kansas.
See Valur Ingimundarson, “Buttressing the West in the North: The Atlantic Alliance, Economic Warfare, and the Soviet Challenge in Iceland, 1956–59,” The International History Review 21, no. 1 (1999): 80–103.
Interview with a high-ranking Icelandic official, November 15, 2008. See also Catherine Belton and Tom Braithwaite, “Iceland asks Russia for €4bn loan after west refuses to help,” Financial Times, October 8, 2008.
Interview with a high-level Russian official, June 22, 2009.
See “Samstarfsyfirlýsing ríkisstjórnar 2009” [The Platform of the Coalition Government [between the Social Democratic Alliance and the Left Greens] 2009], May 10, 2009, accessed February 22, 2024, https://​www.​stjornarradid.​is/​rikisstjorn/​sogulegt-efni/​um-rikisstjorn/​2009/​05/​10/​Samstarfsyfirlys​ing-rikisstjornar-2009/​.
See “Send verður inn umsókn um aðild að ESB” [An EU Application will be Submitted], Morgunblaðið, July 16, 2009, accessed February 20, 2024, https://​www.​mbl.​is/​frettir/​innlent/​2009/​07/​16/​samthykkt_​ad_​senda_​inn_​umsokn/​.
See a summary of the Icesave case in Eiríkur Bergmann, “The Icesave Dispute: A Case Study into the Crisis of Diplomacy during the Credit Crunch,” Nordicum Mediterraneum 12, no. 1 (2017), accessed February 18, 2024, https://​nome.​unak.​is/​wordpress/​volume-12-no-1-2017/​double-blind-peer-reviewed-article/​icesave-dispute-case-study-crisis-diplomacy-credit-crunch/​; see also, for example, Ásgeir Jónsson and Hersir Sigurgeirsson, The Icelandic Financial Crisis: A Study into the World’s Smallest Currency Area and its Recovery from Total Banking Collapse; Valur Ingimundarson, Philippe Urfalino, and Irma Erlingsdóttir, Iceland’s Financial Crisis: The Politics of Blame, Protest, and Reconstruction; Guðrún Johnsen, Bringing Down the Banking System: Lessons from Iceland.
See “Umsögn [orkumálastofnunar] um tillögur olíu og orkumálaráðuneytis Noregs varðandi Jan Mayen svæðið frá 12.3 1992” [Comment by the Icelandic National Energy Authority on the Proposals from Norway’s Ministry of Oil and Energy from March 12, 1992], March 30, 1992, Folder, B/807, B-bréfasafn, 1991–1992, iðnaðar-og viðskiptaráðuneytið [Ministry of Industry and Commerce] 2013, ÞÍ.
See report, Olíuleit á Drekasvæði við Jan Mayen-hrygg, March 2007, Folder, F/0026, Skýrslur 1999–2009, iðnaðar- og viðskiptaráðuneytið, ÞÍ; see also memorandum (Kristján Skarphéðinsson and Pétur Örn Sverrisson) to Þorkell Helgason (Director General of the National Energy Authority), February 9, 2006, Folder, B/1319, B-bréfasafn, 2004–2007, iðnaðar og viðskiptaráðuneytið, ÞÍ.
Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ísland á norðurslóðum [Iceland in the Arctic], April 2009, accessed June 28, 2023, 7. https://​www.​utanrikisraduney​ti.​is/​media/​Skyrslur/​Skyrslan_​Island_​a_​nordurslodumm.​pdf.
Ísland á norðurslóðum, 45–47.
“Iceland upset by Arctic summit snub,” CBC News, February 16, 2010, accessed July 30, 2023, https://​www.​cbc.​ca/​news/​canada/​north/​iceland-upset-by-arctic-summit-snub-1.​885441; see also “Clinton til varnar Íslandi” “[[Hilary] Clinton Defends Iceland],” RUV, March 30, 2010, accessed February 10, 2024, https://​www.​ruv.​is/​frettir/​innlent/​clinton-til-varnar-islandi.
“Clinton rebuke overshadows Canada’s Arctic meeting,” Reuters, March 30, 2010, accessed May 20, 2023, https://​www.​reuters.​com/​article/​us-arctic-idUSTRE62S4ZP201​00330.
Eric J. Molenaar, “Participation in the Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement, in Emerging Arctic Legal Orders,” ed. Akiho Shibata, Leilei Zou, Nikolas Sellheim, and Marzia Scopelli (Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2019), 132–170.
See Þingsályktun um stefnu Íslands í málefnum norðurslóða. To put Iceland’s Arctic policy within broader international context, the author—on the request of the Icelandic Foreign Ministry—wrote an analysis of Arctic geopolitics and governance, which accompanied the parliamentary resolution.
See Alyson Bailes and Lassi Heininen, Strategy Papers on the Arctic or High North: a comparative study and analysis.
Email communication from a former government minister, December 22, 2014.
North Meets North: Navigation and the Future of the Arctic.
See, for example, “Ræða Össurar Skarphéðinssonar utanríkisráðherra um utanríkismál” á Alþingi [Parliamentary Address by Foreign Minister Össur Skarphéðinsson], Þingtíðindi, September 14, 2010, accessed May 20, 2023, https://​www.​althingi.​is/​altext/​raeda/​138/​rad20100514T1052​08.​html.
“Ræða Össur Skarphéðinssonar um utanríkismál,” May 14, 2010.
Þingsályktun um stefnu Íslands í málefnum norðurslóða.
See Egill Þór Níelsson, The West Nordic Council in the Global Arctic (Reykjavík: Institute of International Affairs, 2013).
Þingsályktun um stefnu Íslands í málefnum norðurslóða.
Þingsályktun um stefnu Íslands í málefnum norðurslóða.
Þingsályktun um stefnu Íslands í málefnum norðurslóða.
See “Ísland og Grænland” [Iceland and Greenland], memorandum on the Icelandic government’s reaction to arguments in favor of making a territorial claim to Greenland [no date], n. d, 1993, 56, sögusafn utanríkisráðumeytis, ÞÍ; see also Alþingistíðindi [Parliamentary Records], 1954, D, umræður um þingsályktunartillögur og fyrirspurnir [Parliamentary Debates and Questions] (Reykjavík: Gutenberg Printing House, 1956); þingskjöl [Parliamentary Documents] 1954, A (Reykjavík: Gutenberg Printing House, 1955); Erik Beukel, Frede P. Jensen, and Jens Elo Rytter, Phasing Out the Colonial Status of Greenland, 1945–55: A Historical Study (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2010); Daníel Hólmar Hauksson, “Grænlandsdraumurinn. Hugmyndir um tilkall Íslendinga til Grænlands á 20. öld” [The Greenland Dream: Ideas about Icelandic Claims to Greenland] (BA thesis, University of Iceland, 2019).
The Icelandic government was asked by the Norwegian government to coordinate a formal recognition of Kosovo a bit later than the other Nordic countries out of Norwegian deference toward Serbia, with which it had forged a historical relationship dating from World War II due to the presence of Yugoslav prisoners of war in Norway under Nazi occupation. Icelandic businessmen also pressed the government to go slow on recognition because they feared that it would detrimentally affect their commercial interests in Serbia; interview with a government minister, July 2, 2014.
See Þingsályktun um stefnu Íslands í málefnum norðurslóða.
See Þingsályktun um stefnu Íslands í málefnum norðurslóða.
See Þingsályktun um stefnu Íslands í málefnum norðurslóða.
See Þingsályktun um stefnu Íslands í málefnum norðurslóða.
See Dodds and Ingimundarson, “Territorial nationalism and Arctic geopolitics: Iceland as an Arctic Coastal State.”
See Michael Billig, Banal Nationalism (London: Sage Publications).
North Meets North: Navigation and the Future of the Arctic.
See Valur Ingimundarson, “‘A Crisis of Affluence’: the Politics of an Economic Breakdown in Iceland,” Irish Studies in International Affairs, 21 (2010): 57–69.
Styrmir Gunnarsson, Umsátriðfall Íslands og endurreisn [Under Siege: The Collapse of Iceland and Its Reconstruction] (Reykjavík: Veröld), 71.
Interview with a former Senior Arctic Official, July 18, 2023.
Interview with a former Senior Arctic Official, July 18, 2023; interview with a high-ranking former Arctic Council official, February 19, 2024.
Rasmus Brun Pedersen, “Bandwagon for Status: Changing Patterns in Nordic States Status-seeking Strategies,” 217–241; see also De Carvalho and Neumann, “Small states and status,” 56–72.
Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Press Release, “Launch of Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network and arrival of first Nansen Professor,” February 12, 2013, accessed June 25, 2023, https://​www.​government.​is/​news/​article/​2013/​02/​12/​Launch-of-Icelandic-Arctic-Cooperation-Network-and-arrival-of-first-Nansen-Professor/​.
Interview with a Senior Arctic Official, December 3, 2012; interview with an Icelandic foreign ministry official, January 13, 2023. After serving as the Russian SAO at the Arctic Council, 2008–2014, he was Russia’s Ambassador to Iceland from 2014 to 2020.
Interview with a former high-level Arctic official, February 19, 2024.
“Russia hands over presidency of Arctic Council’s Scientific Work to Norway,” TASS, April 14, 2023, accessed February 10, 2023, https://​tass.​com/​russia/​1604697; see Anton Vasiliev, “A Story of an Image: The Arctic Council at 25—Reflections, Arctic Circle,” Arctic Circle, September 20, 2021, accessed February 20, 2024, https://​www.​arcticcircle.​org/​journal/​by-anton-vasiliev-russias-senior-arctic-official.
See “The Arctic as Global Challenge—Issues and Solution.”
See Skýrsla Össurar Skarphéðinssonar utanríkisráðherra um utanríkis- og alþjóðamál [Report by Foreign Minister Össur Skarphéðinsson on Foreign and International Affairs], Þingtíðindi, April 2012, accessed September 30, 2023. https://​www.​althingi.​is/​altext/​140/​s/​1229.​html; Skýrsla Gunnars Braga Sveinssonar utanríkisráðherra um utanríkis- og alþjóðamál [Report by Foreign Minister Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson on Foreign and International Affairs], Þingtíðindi, March 2014, accessed September 30, 2023, https://​www.​althingi.​is/​altext/​143/​s/​0757.​html.
See Skýrsla Össurar Skarphéðinssonar utanríkisráðherra um utanríkis- og alþjóðamál Þingtíðindi, April 2012.
U.S. Department of Defense, Arctic Strategy, November 2013, accessed September 30, 2022, 13, https://​www.​hsdl.​org/​?​abstract&​did=​747036.
See, for example, Össur Skarphéðinsson, “Viðbragðsmistöð á norðurslóð” [A Rescue Center in the North], Morgunblaðið, March 14, 2013, accessed January 16, 2023, https://​www.​mbl.​is/​greinasafn/​grein/​1458610/​.
See Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson, “Iceland’s Role in the Arctic—The Future of Arctic Cooperation,” Arctic Circle Assembly Reykjavík, October 14, 2013, accessed November 15, 2022, https://​www.​stjornarradid.​is/​media/​utanrikisraduney​ti-media/​media/​nordurslodir/​Arctic-Circle-speech-October-14-2013.​pdf, see also Sveinsson, “Iceland’s Policy and Priorities in a Changing Arctic,” January 20, 2014, accessed September 30, 2022, https://​www.​stjornarradid.​is/​media/​utanrikisraduney​ti-media/​media/​Raedur/​Raeda-GBS-ArcticFrontiers.​pdf.
Interviews with Icelandic officials, June 13, 2016.
Ciorciari and Haacke, “Hedging in international relations,” 372.
See Darren J. Lim and Rohan Mukherjee, “Hedging in South Asia: balancing economic and security interests amid Sino-Indian competition,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 19, no. 3 (2019): 493–522.
Örn Daníel Jónsson, Ingjaldur Hannibalsson, and Li Yang, “A bilateral free trade agreement between Iceland and China,” in ÞjóðarspegillinnRannsóknir í félagsvísindum, ed. Ingjaldur Hannibalsson (Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2013), 1–7, accessed January 27, 2023, https://​skemman.​is/​en/​stream/​get/​1946/​16786/​39049/​3/​OrnDJonsson_​VID.​pdf; see also Baldur Thorhallsson and Snæfridur Grimsdottir, Lilliputian Encounters with Gulliver: Sino–Icelandic Relations from 1995 to 2021 (Reykjavík: International Institute at the University of Iceland, 2021).
The agreement was renewed in 2013 and 2016, but not in 2019, probably because of the strong position of Iceland’s currency reserves.
See, for example, Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, “Beðist afsökunar á vanrækslu og andvaraleysi” [An Apology for Failures and Complacency], Prime Minister’s Office, October 6, 2009, accessed February 20, 2024, https://​www.​stjornarradid.​is/​efst-a-baugi/​frettir/​stok-frett/​2009/​10/​06/​Bedist-afsokunar-a-vanraekslu-og-andvaraleysi/​.
See, for example, “Iceland invites China to Arctic shipping,” The Barents Sea Observer, September 22, 2010, accessed February 23, 2023, https://​barentsobserver.​com/​en/​sections/​business/​iceland-invites-china-arctic-shipping.
“Ólafur Ragnar kominn til Kína,” Vísir, May 16, 2005, accessed February 10, 2024, https://​www.​visir.​is/​g/​20051182278d; “Ræddi meðal annars mannrétindamál við forseta Kína” [Discussed Human Rights Among Other Things with the President of China], Morgunblaðið, May 17, 2005, accessed February 10, 2024, https://​www.​mbl.​is/​frettir/​innlent/​2005/​05/​17/​raeddi_​medal_​annars_​mannrettindamal_​vid_​forseta_​kin/​; Kári Jónasson, “Árangur af Kínaheimsókn forsetans,” Vísir, May 20, 2006, accessed February 10, 2024, https://​varnish-7.​visir.​is/​g/​2005505200301/​arangur-af-kinaheimsokn-forsetans.
See, for example, Andrew Stephen Campion, “From CNOOC to Huawei: securitization, the China Threat, and critical infrastructure,” Asian Journal of Political Science, 29, no 1 (2020): 47–66.
It was called a “Framework Agreement on Arctic cooperation and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperation in the Field of Marine and Polar Science and Technology”; see Embassy of Iceland in Beijing, “China and Iceland sign agreements on geothermal and geoscience cooperation and in the field of polar affairs,” April 23, 2012, accessed February 23, 2023, https://​www.​iceland.​is/​iceland-abroad/​cn/​english/​news-and-events/​china-and-iceland-sign-agreements-on-geothermal.
See Egill Þór Níelsson, “China Nordic Arctic Research Center,” in Nordic-China Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities, ed. Andreas Bøje Forsby (Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2019), 59–63; see also Shan Yanyan, Jianfeng He, Guo Peiqing, and Liu He, “An assessment of China’s participation in polar subregional organizations,” Advances in Polar Science, 34, no. 1 (2023): 56–65.
Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs. “Free Trade Agreement between Iceland and China. Fact Sheet,” April 15, 2013, accessed February 23, 2023, https://​www.​government.​is/​topics/​foreign-affairs/​external-trade/​free-trade-agreements/​free-trade-agreement-between-iceland-and-china/​.
Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ísland á norðurslóðum.
See Össur Skarphéðinsson, Ár drekans. Dagbók utanríkisráðherra á umbrotatímum [The Year of the Dragon: Diaries of a Foreign Minister in Turbulent Times] (Reykjavík: Sögur, 2013), 48, 53–53.
See Skarphéðinsson, Ár drekans, 52–53.
Skarphéðinsson, Ár drekans, 52–53.
See Serafettin Yilmas, “Exploring China’s Arctic Strategy: Opportunities and Challenges,” China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies 3, no. 1 (2017): 57–78; Mariia Kobzeva, “Strategic partnership setting for Sino-Russian cooperation in Arctic shipping,” The Polar Journal 10, no. 2 (2020): 334–352.
Atle Staalesen, “Chinese shippers shun Russian Arctic waters,” The Barents Observers, August 22, 2022, accessed February 20, 2024, https://​thebarentsobserv​er.​com/​en/​industry-and-energy/​2022/​08/​chinese-shippers-shun-russian-arctic-waters.
The Newnew company quickly came under a cloud when in October 2023, one of its container ships, Polar Bear, was suspected of damaging two underwater telecommunications cables—between Estonia and Sweden and Estonia and Finland—and a natural gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea. The Russians subsequently stated that one of its own telecommunications cable had also been damaged by the Polar Bear, whose anchor had been dislodged. The Finnish authorities stated that they thought that the act had been intentional. The Polar Bear subsequently returned to China via the Northern Sea Route under the escort of Russian icebreakers. See “Estonia Says Chinese Ship is Main Focus of Probe Into Cables Damage,” Reuters, November 10, 2023, accessed February 25, 2024, https://​gcaptain.​com/​estonia-eyes-chinese-ship-cable-damage-probe/​; “Russian Firm Says Baltic Telecoms Cable was Severed as Chinese Ship Passed Over,” Marine Link, November 7, 2023, accessed February 25, 2024, https://​www.​marinelink.​com/​news/​russian-firm-says-baltic-telecoms-cable-509285; “Finland says vessel’s broken anchor caused Balticconnector damage,” Aljazeera, October 25, 2023, accessed February 25. 2024, https://​www.​aljazeera.​com/​news/​2023/​10/​25/​finland-pipeline-damage-cause; “‘Everything indicates’ Chinese ship damaged Baltic pipeline on purpose, Finland says,” Politico, December 1, 2023, accessed February 25, 2024, https://​www.​politico.​eu/​article/​balticconnector-damage-likely-to-be-intentional-finnish-minister-says-china-estonia/​; Atle Staalesen, “Newnew Polar Bear sails towards Bering Straits,” The Barents Observer, November 6, 2023, accessed February 24, 2024, https://​thebarentsobserv​er.​com/​en/​security/​2023/​11/​newnew-polar-bear-exits-northern-sea-route.
On China’s Arctic aspirations at that time, see Linda Jakobson and Jingchao Peng, China’s Arctic Aspiration. SIPRI Policy Paper no. 34, Stockholm: International Peace Research Institute, 2012; Kai Sun, “China and the Arctic: China’s Interests and Participation in the Region,” East Asia-Arctic Relations: Boundary, Security and International Politics, Paper 2. GIGI (November 2013), accessed November 11, 2022, https://​www.​cigionline.​org/​publications/​east-asia-arctic-relations-boundary-security-and-international-politics/​; Nong Hong, “Emerging interests of non-Arctic countries in the Arctic: A Chinese perspective,” Polar Journal 4, no. 2 (2014): 271–286.
See Alexeeva and Lasserre, “The Snow Dragon: China’s Strategies in the Arctic,” China Perspectives, 3 (2012): 61–68.
See “CNOOC to lead offshore Iceland license group: Orkustofnun, Iceland’s National Energy Authority has granted its third license in the offshore Dreki area,” Offshore, February 6, 2014, accessed February 10, 2024, https://​www.​offshore-mag.​com/​regional-reports/​article/​16783755/​cnooc-to-lead-offshore-iceland-license-group; Ársskýrsla Orkustofnunar 2013 [The Annual Report of the Icelandic National Energy Authority] (Reykjavík: Orkustofnun 2014), accessed February 10, 2024, https://​rafhladan.​is/​bitstream/​handle/​10802/​18132/​OS-arsskyrsla-2013.​pdf?​sequence=​33; “Oil exploration in Icelandic waters comes to an end: Too expensive and too risky,” Iceland Magazine, January 23, 2018, accessed February 10, 2024, https://​icelandmag.​is/​article/​oil-exploration-icelandic-waters-comes-end-too-expensive-and-too-risky.
Xavier-Bender, “China and the West May Soon Compete for Troubled Iceland,” RealClear World, May 7, 2013, accessed July 5, 2023, https://​www.​realclearworld.​com/​articles/​2013/​05/​07/​china_​and_​the_​west_​may_​soon_​compete_​for_​troubled_​iceland_​105141.​html.
The Arctic Institute, Center for Circumpolar Security Studies, “Iceland for Sale—Chinese Tycoon Seeks to Purchase 300 km2 of Wilderness,” September 2, 2011, accessed July 5, 2023, https://​www.​thearcticinstitu​te.​org/​iceland-sale-chinese-tycoon/​.
Information supplied by the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, May 25, 2012.
“ASÍ mótmælir fríverslunarsamningi við Kína” [The Icelandic Federation of Labor Protests the Free Trade Agreement with China], Vísir, April 12, 2013, accessed January 19, 2023, https://​www.​visir.​is/​asi-motmaelir-friverslunarsamn​ingi-vid-kina/​article/​2013130419728. April 12, 2013.
On the Huang Nubo case, see the autobiography of former Minister of the Interior, Ögmundur Jónasson, Rauði þráðurinn (Selfoss: Bókaútgáfan Sæmundur, 2022), 411–424; interview with a government minister, April 10, 2013.
See “Teeing Off at Edge of the Arctic? A Chinese Plan Baffles Iceland,” New York Times, March 22, 2013, accessed January 19, 2023, https://​www.​nytimes.​com/​2013/​03/​23/​world/​europe/​iceland-baffled-by-chinese-plan-for-golf-resort.​html.
See, for example, “Stjórn Húsavíkurstofu styður áform Huang Nubo” [The Tourist Board of the Húsavík Municality Support Huang Nubo’s Plans],, November 22, 2011, accessed February 20, 2024, https://​www.​640.​is/​is/​frettir/​stjorn-husavikurstofu-stydur-aform-huang-nubo.
Jónasson, Rauði þráðurinn, 416–420; interview with a government minister, April 10, 2013.
See Jónasson, Rauði þráðurinn, 416.
“Hætta við kaup á Grímsstöðum” [Abandon Plans for the Purchase of Grímsstaðir], RUV [Icelandic Public Radio Broadcasting Services], December 12, 2014, accessed January 19, 2023, https://​www.​ruv.​is/​frett/​haetta-vid-kaup-a-grimsstodum.
See, for example, “British tycoon buys vast farm in the highlands. Intends to do ‘absolutely nothing with it,’” Iceland Magazine, December 16, 2016, accessed January 4, 2023, https://​icelandmag.​is/​article/​british-billionaire-buys-vast-farm-highlands-intends-do-absolutely-nothing-it.
See “Ögmundur segir sölu Grímsstaða mark um vesaldóm stjórnvalda” [Ögmundur [Jónasson] Characterizes the Sale of the Land of Grímsstaðir as an Example of the Government’s Spinelessness], Vísir, December 20, 2016, accessed May 5, 2023, https://​www.​visir.​is/​g/​2016161229918/​ogmundur-segir-solu-grimsstada-mark-um-vesaldom-stjornvalda.
Interviews with Senior Arctic officials, December 12, 2012, and May 28, 2013.
Arctic Council Secretariat, Kiruna Senior Arctic Officials Report to Minister, May 15, 2013.
See Sveinn K. Einarsson, Ingjaldur Hannibalsson, and Alyson J.K. Bailes, “Chinese Investment and Icelandic National Security,” in Þjóðarspegillinn, ed. Silja B. Ómarsdóttir (Reykjavík Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2014), 1–13, accessed January 21, 2023, https://​www.​semanticscholar.​org/​paper/​Chinese-Investment-and-Icelandic-National-Security-Einarsson-Bailes/​6251bacb83a9c6b6​e24bd7b84b29a1d5​973fe42c.
OECD, “OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment—FOURTH EDITION,” 2008, accessed May 13, 2022, https://​www.​oecd.​org/​daf/​inv/​investmentstatis​ticsandanalysis/​40193734.​pdf. P. 17.
Chinese Embassy in Iceland, “Sino-Icelandic Economic and Trade Relationship,” Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Iceland, 2019, accessed April 16, 2022, https://​is.​china-embassy.​gov.​cn/​eng/​zbgx/​jmgx/​201904/​t20190410_​3164334.​htm.
Askja Energy, “Foreign Investment [in Iceland],” n.d. accessed June 20, 2023. https://​askjaenergy.​com/​iceland-investing/​foreign-investment/​.
See Mark E. Rosen and Cara B. Thuringer, “Unconstrained Foreign Direct Investment: An Emerging Challenge to Arctic Security,” CNA’s Occasional Paper series (November 2017), accessed June 25, 2023, 54, https://​www.​cna.​org/​cna_​files/​pdf/​COP-2017-U-015944-1Rev.​pdf.
Nong Hong, China’s Role in the Arctic: Observing and Being Observed (London, New York: Routledge, 2020), 151.
“Chinese Embassy in Iceland, Science and Technology Exchanges,” April 9, 2019, accessed February 10, 2024, http://​is.​china-embassy.​gov.​cn/​eng/​zbgx/​kjjl/​201904/​t20190409_​3165020.​htm.
“Trú á olíufund myndi strax bæta lánstraust Íslendinga” [A Belief in an Oil Find Would Immediately Improve Iceland’s Credit Rating], Fréttablaðið, November 7, 2013, accessed January 16, 2023, https://​timarit.​is/​page/​6142786#page/​n0/​mode/​2up.
See, for example, “Drekasvæðið mun betra en við þorðum að vona” [The Dragon Area Has Far More Potential Than We Had Dared to Hope], Vísir, October 11, 2016, accessed January 16, 2023, https://​www.​visir.​is/​g/​2016161019705/​-drekasvaedid-mun-betra-en-vid-thordum-ad-vona-.
See, for example, Jónas Haraldsson, “Olíuvinnslan vart áhættunnar virði” [Oil Extraction Hardly Worth the Risk], Fréttatíminn, November 7–9, 2014, accessed January 16, 2023, https://​timarit.​is/​page/​6194027#page/​n12/​mode/​2up.
“Mistök að styðja olíuleit á Drekasvæðinu” [A Mistake to Support Oil Exploration in the Dragon Area], RUV, March 22, 2015, accessed January 16, 2023. https://​www.​ruv.​is/​frett/​mistok-ad-stydja-oliuleit-a-drekasvaedi.
Bremensport, “Welcome to the Finnafjord Project,” accessed February 20, 2024, https://​bremen-ports.​de/​finnafjord/​.
“Olíuleit í uppnámi” [Oil Exploration Plans in Limbo] Viðskiptablaðið, January 25, 2018, accessed January 16, 2023, https://​www.​vb.​is/​frettir/​oliuleit-i-uppnami/​.
See Helga Kristjánsdóttir, Sigurður Guðjónsson, and Guðmundur Kristján Óskarsson, “Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China and Interaction between Exports and Imports,” Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8, no. 1 (2022), DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​30525/​2256-0742/​2022-8-1-1-8.
Skýrsla utanríkisráðherra um utanríkis- og alþjóðamál [Report by the Minister for Foreign Affairs on Foreign and International Affairs], May 2024, 135, accessed October 25, 2024, https://​www.​stjornarradid.​is/​gogn/​rit-og-skyrslur/​stakt-rit/​2024/​05/​14/​Skyrsla-utanrikisradherr​a-um-utanrikis-og-althjodamal/​.
Hagstofa Íslands [Statistics Iceland] ,”Vöruviðskipti óhagstæð um 363,3 milljarða árið 2023” [The Trade Imbalance Amounts to 363.3 billion Icelandic Kronur in 2023], accessed October 25, 2024, https://​hagstofa.​is/​utgafur/​frettasafn/​utanrikisverslun​/​voruvidskipti-i-arid-2023-lokatolur/​.
On the Arctic Circle Assembly see, for example, Beate Steinveg, “Governance by conference? Actors and agendas in Arctic politics,” PhD diss. (The Arctic University of Norway, 2020); see also Steinveg, “The role of conferences within Arctic governance,” Polar Geography 44, no. 1 (2021): 37–54; Steinveg, “Exponential Growth and New Agendas—A Comprehensive Review of the Arctic Conference Sphere,” Arctic Review on Law and Politics 12 (2021): 134–160; Duncan Depledge and Klaus Dodds, “Bazaar Governance: Situating the Arctic Circle,” in Governing Arctic change: global perspectives, ed. Kathrin Keil and Sebastian Knecht (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), 141–160; Lara Johannsdottir and David Cook, “Discourse analysis of the 2013–2016 Arctic Circle Assembly programmes,” Polar Record 53 (2017): 276–279.
Vilborg Einarsdóttir, “Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson: A New Model of Arctic Cooperation for the 21st Century,” JONAA, Journal of the North Atlantic & Arctic (November 2018), accessed January 9, 2022, https://​www.​jonaa.​org/​content/​2018/​10/​19/​a-new-model.
See Robert Webb, “Iceland president sounds climate alarm demanding global attention, action at NPC Luncheon,” April 15, 2015, accessed January 7, 2023, https://​www.​press.​org/​newsroom/​iceland-president-sounds-climate-alarm-demanding-global-attention-action-npc-luncheon.
“Icelandic President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson speaks at April 17, 2013 National Press Club Luncheon,” YouTube, April 17, 2013, accessed May 25, 2023, https://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=​wW0p_​Eh94PI.
“Icelandic President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson speaks at April 17, 2013 National Press Club Luncheon.”
Michel Rocard, Address at the Arctic Circle Assembly, YouTube, November 1, 2014, accessed June 23, 2023, https://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=​qleb5wprlhw&​list=​PLI0a77tmNMvRksh​NIRBriGV-K8o3heehr&​index=​24.
See Depledge and Dodds, “Bazaar Governance: Situating the Arctic Circle,” 143, 146.
On the concept, see, for example, Morteza Aalabaf-Sabaghi, “Bazaar Governance,” SSRN Electronic Journal (February 27, 2008): 1–5, accessed January 18, 2023, https://​doi.​org/​10.​2139/​ssrn.​1098783.
See Depledge and Dodds, “Bazaar Governance: Situating the Arctic Circle,” 142–143.
Depledge and Dodds, “Bazaar Governance: Situating the Arctic Circle,” 143.
Webb, “Iceland president sounds climate alarm demanding global attention, action at NPC Luncheon.”
Depledge and Dodds, “Bazaar Governance: Situating the Arctic Circle,” 143–144.
Steinveg, “Governance by conference? Actors and agendas in Arctic politics,” 150. The academic commentator is anonymous.
Steinveg, “Governance by conference? Actors and agendas in Arctic politics,” 139. The academic is not named.
See Depledge and Dodds, “Bazaar Governance: Situating the Arctic Circle,” 143.
See Depledge and Dodds, “Bazaar Governance: Situating the Arctic Circle,” 143–144.
See Steinveg, “Governance by conference? Actors and agendas in Arctic politics,” 160.
Espen Barth Eide, “Opening Remarks at Arctic Frontiers: The Arctic—The New Cross-roads,” January 21, 2013, accessed February 21, 2024, https://​www.​regjeringen.​no/​en/​historical-archive/​Stoltenbergs-2nd-Government/​Ministry-of-Foreign-Affairs/​taler-og-artikler/​2013/​remarks_​frontiers/​id713462/​; see also Steinveg, “Exponential Growth and New Agendas—A Comprehensive Review of the Arctic Conference Sphere,” Arctic Review on Law and Politics 12 (2021): 151.
Steinveg, “Governance by conference? Actors and agendas in Arctic politics,” 147.
See, for example, Depledge and Dodds, “Bazaar Governance: Situating the Arctic Circle,” 141–161.
Vilborg Einarsdóttir, “Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson: A New Model of Arctic Cooperation for the 21st Century.”
See Mia M. Bennett, “Rise of Sinocene: China as a Geological Agent,” in Infrastructure and the Remaking of Asia, ed. Max Hirsh and Till Mostowlansky (Honolulu University of Hawai’i Press, 2020), 30.
See Steinveg, “Governance by conference? Actors and agendas in Arctic politics,” 234.
See, for example, “Ísland í betri stöðu utan ESB” [Iceland in a Better Position Outside the EU], Morgunblaðið, December 23, 2012, accessed July 2, 2023, https://​www.​mbl.​is/​frettir/​innlent/​2012/​12/​13/​island_​i_​betri_​stodu_​utan_​esb/​.
See, for example, “Staðfest að fjölmiðlalögin verði afturkölluð” [It Has Been Confirmed That the Media Law Will Be Withdrawn], Morgunblaðið, July 20, 2004, accessed June 15, 2023, https://​www.​mbl.​is/​frettir/​innlent/​2004/​07/​20/​stadfest_​ad_​fjolmidlalog_​verda_​afturkollud/​.
See, for example, Fahad Sayeed, “Sovereign default of Iceland: Voting outcomes of the referenda 2010 and 2011 conducted for the approval of the Icesave bill,” SSRN, March 13, 2015, accessed February 20, 2024, https://​papers.​ssrn.​com/​sol3/​papers.​cfm?​abstract_​id=​2571216.
Kosningasaga. Upplýsingar um kosningar á Íslandi [History of Elections: Electoral Information in Iceland], “Forsetakosningar 2012” [Presidential Elections], https://​kosningasaga.​wordpress.​com/​forsetakosningar​/​forsetakosningar​-2012/​.
See, Press Release, “Judgment in Case E-16/11 EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland (‘Icesave’). Application of the EFTA Surveillance Authority in the Case of Icesave Dismissed,” EFTA Court, January 28, 2013, accessed February 20, 2024, https://​eftacourt.​int/​wp-content/​uploads/​2019/​01/​16_​11_​PR_​EN1.​pdf?​x85212.
Össur Skarphéðinsson, “Auknar og breyttar kröfur á forseta” [Additional and Changed Demands on the President], Fréttablaðið, March 23, 2016, accessed January 16, 2023, https://​timarit.​is/​page/​6509020#page/​n19/​mode/​2up.
“Støre frykter Norge kan miste nordområdeinitiativet” [Støre Fears that Norway Can Lose the Initiative on the Arctic], NRK, November 10, 2015, accessed January 19, 2022, https://​www.​nrk.​no/​tromsogfinnmark/​store-frykter-norge-kan-miste-nordomradeinitia​tivet-1.​12646936.
“Össur gagnrýnir Ólaf fyrir ummæli um ESB” [Össur Skarphéðinsson Criticizes Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson for His Comments on the EU], RUV, June 6, 2013, https://​www.​ruv.​is/​frettir/​innlent/​ossur-gagnrynir-olaf-fyrir-ummaeli-um-esb.
See, for example, a parliamentary speech by Halldór Ásgrímsson, “Orð forseta um Evrópusambandið” [The President’s Comments on the European Union], Þingtíðindi, April 17, 2002, accessed January 16, 2023, https://​www.​althingi.​is/​altext/​127/​04/​r17104201.​sgml.
See “Halldór Ásgrímsson: Sjónarmið forseta og ríkisstjórnar fari saman” [The President and the Government Should Speak with One Voice], Morgunblaðið, November 25, 1998, accessed January 17, 2023, https://​www.​mbl.​is/​greinasafn/​grein/​433648/​.
An interview with an Icelandic Foreign Ministry official, August 28, 2004.
See Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Sögur handa Kára [Stories for Kári [Stefánsson]] (Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2020).
High-ranking Icelandic government official, interview by author, February 5, 2019.
See, for example, “Sigmundur: Mikið í húfi” [PM Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson: Much at Stake], Morgunblaðið, October 31, 2014, accessed February 15, 2024, https://​www.​mbl.​is/​frettir/​innlent/​2014/​10/​31/​sigmundur_​mikid_​i_​hufi/​; “Katrín segir að Hringborð norðurslóða hafa breytt umræðunni” [PM Katrín Jakobsdóttir Says That the Arctic Circle Has Changed the Debate], Vísir, October 19, 2018, accessed February 15, 2024, https://​www.​visir.​is/​g/​2018181018681/​f/​f/​skodanir; see also comments by Foreign Minister Bjarni Benediktsson, Facebook, October 20, 2023, accessed February 15, 2024, https://​m.​facebook.​com/​story.​php?​story_​fbid=​pfbid032vAy9Y41S​8VY1QAmmRK8xAobZ​PXQa8hJR64Sgbqow​C3b6K4k5UdHf2PaW​pZkmDPCl&​id=​100044612311463.
Vilborg Einarsdóttir, “Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson: A New Model of Arctic Cooperation for the 21st Century.”
“Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson: A New Model of Arctic Cooperation for the 21st Century.”
Mia Bennett, “Arctic Circle 2022: A NATO admiral, Chinese diplomat, and Faroese metal band walk into a concert hall,” Cryptopolitics (blog), October 19, 2022, accessed January 18, 2023, https://​www.​cryopolitics.​com/​2022/​10/​19/​arctic-circle-2022/​. Ólafur Elíasson is a world-famous Icelandic-Danish artist.
See, for example, “Harpa er martröð skattgreiðenda” [Harpa Is the Nightmare of Taxpayers], RUV, August 4, 2012, accessed February 20, 2024, https://​www.​ruv.​is/​frettir/​innlent/​harpa-er-martrod-skattgreidenda.
Interview with a senior Russian official, November 3, 2017.
Interview with a senior Russian official, June 22, 2009.
See the Arctic Circle website, accessed January 10, 2023, https://​www.​arcticcircle.​org/​.
“Forsetinn setti ofan í við norskan ráðherra” [The Icelandic President Scolded a Norwegian Minister], Vísir, March 19, 2014, accessed January 9, 2022, https://​www.​visir.​is/​g/​2014140318637/​forsetinn-setti-ofan-i-vid-adstodarutanriki​sradherra-noregs.
“Þurfa að skoða nýjar aðferðir í samskiptum við Rússa” [New Approaches in the Relationship with Russia Need to Be Examined], RUV, March 29, 2022, accessed January 9, 2024, https://​www.​ruv.​is/​frett/​2022/​03/​20/​thurfa-ad-skoda-nyjar-adferdir-i-samskiptum-vid-russa.
“Ólafur Ragnar deilir viðtölum við Rússa um stríðið” [Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson Circulates Interviews with Russians about the War], Fréttablaðið, April 5, 2022, accessed January 9, 2024, https://​www.​frettabladid.​is/​frettir/​olafur-ragnar-gagnryndur-fyrir-ad-deila-skodunum-russa-um-stridid/​.
“Ræða utanríkisráðherra [Þórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir] á Helsinki Security Forum á þingi Hringborðs norðurslóða” [Address by the Icelandic Foreign Minister Þórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir at the Arctic Circle’s Helsinki Security Forum], October 17, 2022, accessed January 12, 2023, https://​www.​stjornarradid.​is/​raduneyti/​utanrikisraduney​tid/​utanrikisradherr​a/​stok-raeda-utanrikisradherr​a/​2022/​10/​17/​Raeda-utanrikisradherr​a-a-Hringbordi-nordursloda-Arctic-Circle/​.
See “Statement of the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway on Normalization of Bilateral Relations,” December 16, 2016, accessed January 10, 2023, https://​www.​regjeringen.​no/​globalassets/​departementene/​ud/​vedlegg/​statement_​kina.​pdf.
See Malgorzata Smieszek, Timo Koivurova, and Egill Thor Nielsson, “China and Arctic Science,” in China and Arctic Science, ed. Timo Koivurova and Sanna Kopra (Leiden: Brill, 2020), 42–61.
He was succeeded as CEO by Ásdís Eva Ólafsdóttir.
Other board members are Sveinbjörnsson, Frederik Paulsen, the polar explorer and non-executive chairman of Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir, Professor of Environment and Natural Resources, and Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson, Researcher in Glaciology at the Icelandic Meteorological Office.
See “UAE’s COP28 president will keep role as head of national oil company,” Guardian, January 13, 2023, accessed January 14, 2023, https://​www.​theguardian.​com/​environment/​2023/​jan/​13/​uae-cop28-president-sultan-al-jaber-to-keep-role-as-head-of-national-oil-company.
“Gagnrýnin byggir á vanþekkingu” [The Criticism is Based on Ignorance], Morgunblaðið, January 24, 2023. https://​www.​mbl.​is/​mogginn/​bladid/​grein/​1827832/​?​t=​838151989&​_​t=​1674731166.​3241313.
Other advisory board members include, among others, Lassi Heininen, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Lapland, Dana Eidsness, Director, Main North Atlantic Development Office; Mead Treadwell, the former Lieutenant Governor of Alaska; Milind Deora, former Union Minister of State, India; and Paul Holthus, President and CEO of the World Ocean Council; see Arctic Circle website, accessed March 2, 2023, https://​www.​arcticcircle.​org/​.
Ríkisendurskoðun [The Icelandic National Audit Office]. Útdrættir ársreikninga sjálfseignarstofnana og sjóða [Summaries of Annual Reports] fyrir Hringborð norðurslóða—Arctic Circle Foundation, 2013–2022.
Interview with a high-ranking Arctic official, February 6, 2024.
Summaries of Annual Reports for the Arctic Circle Foundation, 2013–2022.
Summaries of Annual Reports for the Arctic Circle Foundation, 2013–2022.
See, for example, Steinveg, “Governance by conference?” 247–251.
Steinveg, “Governance by conference?” 148.
Iceland’s Financial Crisis and Arctic Identity Politics
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