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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

5. Ideology and Party Evolution: An Analysis of the Adaptation of Ideologies by Kosovo’s Major Political Parties

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This chapter examines the ideological challenges confronting political parties in Kosovo and assesses the role of agency in influencing their ideologies within the broader political context. This analysis examines the impact of the conflict legacy, international administration, and institutional weaknesses on the development and expression of coherent ideologies. The chapter elucidates the absence of coherent and unified ideologies among the principal political parties in Kosovo, underscoring the impact of historical conflict and external interventions. The text goes on to examine the intricacies of party agency, with a particular focus on their ability to reengage with their supporters and to innovate in response to the evolving political landscape. By means of a thorough investigation of the post-conflict context, the chapter examines the ways in which major political parties have adapted and performed their political ideologies, taking into account both external influences and internal dynamics. It examines strategies such as revised platforms, internal democratization, and innovative communications as potential means of addressing ideological challenges and engaging with constituents. The findings elucidate the intricacies and constraints of ideological evolution within Kosovo’s political milieu, offering insights into the avenues for political parties to revitalize and innovate their ideologies.

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Zurück zum Zitat Engström, Jenny. 2009. Democratisation and the prevention of violent conflict-lessons learned from Bulgaria and Macedonia. 1st ed. Routledge. Engström, Jenny. 2009. Democratisation and the prevention of violent conflict-lessons learned from Bulgaria and Macedonia. 1st ed. Routledge.
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Zurück zum Zitat Inglehart, Ronald. 2015. The silent revolution: Changing values and political styles among Western publics. Princeton: Princeton University Press.CrossRef Inglehart, Ronald. 2015. The silent revolution: Changing values and political styles among Western publics. Princeton: Princeton University Press.CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Judah, Tim. 2008a. Kosovo: What everyone needs to know. Oxford: Oxford University Press.CrossRef Judah, Tim. 2008a. Kosovo: What everyone needs to know. Oxford: Oxford University Press.CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Sartori, Giovanni. 2005. Parties and party systems: A framework for analysis. Colchester: ECPR press. Sartori, Giovanni. 2005. Parties and party systems: A framework for analysis. Colchester: ECPR press.
Ideology and Party Evolution: An Analysis of the Adaptation of Ideologies by Kosovo’s Major Political Parties
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Burim Mexhuani