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2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

8. Impact Measurement for Social Innovation: Analysis of the Spanish Third Sector

verfasst von : Marta Solórzano-García, Julio Navío-Marco, Mercedes Valcárcel-Dueñas

Erschienen in: Social Impact Investing Beyond the SIB

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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This chapter reports on the range and extent of monitoring and evaluation practices in the Spanish Third Sector of Social Action (TSAS) and it is conceived as a first step in the study. We assume, for this purpose, the contextualization of the sector: how its economic relevance and financial structure has evolved over the years. This analysis reveals that the funding situation of the sector is in a difficult situation, and needs to develop an accurate methodology that integrates with a common and understandable language; on the one hand, the needs of information that organizations have for their learning and management and, on the other hand, the accountability of the results demanded by stakeholders. The analysis of the different methods of measurement of social impact will allow us to draw some conclusions and set future goals.

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Impact Measurement for Social Innovation: Analysis of the Spanish Third Sector
verfasst von
Marta Solórzano-García
Julio Navío-Marco
Mercedes Valcárcel-Dueñas

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