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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Impact of Digital Media and Digitalized Transformation on Talent Acquisition

verfasst von : Sonika, Ashita Chadha

Erschienen in: Innovative Computing and Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Digitalized channels for recruitment have become widespread due to technological advances. Candidates have the most influence over the hiring process in this day and age. Because of the increasingly competitive environment in which businesses operate, recruiters need to attract the appropriate people. The ability to connect personally and professionally is essential for recruiters to have in the form of a necessary, relevant, and digitalized suitable social networking platform. The research evaluates LinkedIn's effectiveness as a digitalized media platform by analyzing the information content and the website's ease of use. A survey with a predetermined format was sent to a sample of 150 recruiters in Chandigarh as part of the research that was carried out there. Utilizing factor analysis, we discovered many characteristics of LinkedIn that contribute to its widespread use by recruiters and hiring teams. The statistical techniques of correlation and regression made it possible to investigate the factors influencing a person's perception and willingness to use LinkedIn. According to research results, perceived utility and relevance information are the two factors that significantly influence recruiters’ intentions to use LinkedIn.

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Impact of Digital Media and Digitalized Transformation on Talent Acquisition
verfasst von
Ashita Chadha
Springer Nature Singapore