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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Impact of Homophily on Patient Empowerment: A Study of Online Patient Support Groups

verfasst von : Vivek Pandey, Samrat K. Mukherjee, Ankit Singh, Saibal K. Saha, Ajeya Jha

Erschienen in: Advances in Communication, Devices and Networking

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Internet facility has led to emergence of patient support groups. These have gained prominence as these fulfils important benefits to patients. One such benefit is patient empowerment. These online groups provide opportunity to patients to interact with similar ailments and predicaments and who can understand the pain and discomfort felt by the patient. This provides validation for the patient and patients’ experiences. How does this homophily impacts patient empowerment? This question has been explored in this study. The methodology is based on an online survey of patients visiting such online platforms. In all 701 patients provided the data. Independent variable (homophily) and dependent variable (patient empowerment) have been measured using a 7-point Likert scale. Findings provide that both are weakly correlated, but this correlation is significant. Regression analysis led to a regression model that is fit statistically. This provides basis to encourage patients to visit online support groups.

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Impact of Homophily on Patient Empowerment: A Study of Online Patient Support Groups
verfasst von
Vivek Pandey
Samrat K. Mukherjee
Ankit Singh
Saibal K. Saha
Ajeya Jha
Springer Nature Singapore