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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Implementation of Mirror Adder Using Multilayer Approach in QCA

verfasst von : T. Jagadeep, M. Vamsi Krishna, S. V. D. S. Abhishek, V. Suraj Sai, S. R. Ramesh

Erschienen in: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computational Electronics for Wireless Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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The development of integrated circuit (IC) technology is accelerating to improve circuit performance and enhance system density. For the past few years, scaling CMOS devices has presented some difficulties. QCA (quantum dot cellular automata) is an innovative nano-electronic technology that could solve such transistor-based CMOS problems. Ripple Carry Adder (RCA) has been recognized and used as a basic component in designing several complex circuits, such as BCD adder, microprocessors, calculators, and signal processing applications. The delay of RCA turned out to be a major drawback in those circuits. This work involves the design of efficient mirror adder which proved as a potential alternate for RCA. The simulation of the proposed design has been achieved with QCADesigner-E and power dissipation analysis through QCAPro tool. The proposed adder reports less area, minimal delay, and reduced cell count.

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Implementation of Mirror Adder Using Multilayer Approach in QCA
verfasst von
T. Jagadeep
M. Vamsi Krishna
S. V. D. S. Abhishek
V. Suraj Sai
S. R. Ramesh
Springer Nature Singapore