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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Improving the Robustness of Rumor Detection Models with Metadata-Augmented Evasive Rumor Datasets

verfasst von : Larry Huynh, Andrew Gansemer, Hyoungshick Kim, Jin B. Hong

Erschienen in: Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2024

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Rumors on social media can cause serious harm. Advances in NLP enable deceptive rumors resembling real posts, necessitating more robust detection. One approach collects and augments a dataset with adversarial rumors meant to evade models. Understanding evasive rumors and adding them to a dataset improves model robustness. We demonstrate effective data augmentation that significantly improves detection models. State-of-the-art accuracy drops by up to 29.5% against evasive rumors, while our augmentation raises it by up to 14.62%. Results highlight data augmentation’s importance for robust detection models countering evasion. Our evaluation shows the value of augmentation for developing models robust against adversarial attacks.

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Improving the Robustness of Rumor Detection Models with Metadata-Augmented Evasive Rumor Datasets
verfasst von
Larry Huynh
Andrew Gansemer
Hyoungshick Kim
Jin B. Hong
Springer Nature Singapore