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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

23. Innovation and Quality of the Work Life Management: Managers, Purpose of Life and Joy

verfasst von : Ana Cristina Limongi-França, André Baptista Barcauí, Paulo Bergsten Mendes, Rodolfo Ribeiro da Silva, Wellington Nogueira

Erschienen in: The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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The interactions between innovation and Quality of the Work Life Management are multiple and continuous. The foundations of these relationships considering biological, psychological, social and organizational approaches. Studies on happiness among executives, characteristics of the app 7waves motivations for life objectives and a description of Doctors of Joy. The contributions of these approaches refer to innovations both in terms of organizational behaviour management models and the development of innovative skills in companies. The methodology Teaching Case used was the analysis of real cases from the perspective of added values to the management and practice of quality of life and changes in the organizational culture. The cases studied show new frontiers of perception by the directors, in relation to workshops that promote the expression of emotions.

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Innovation and Quality of the Work Life Management: Managers, Purpose of Life and Joy
verfasst von
Ana Cristina Limongi-França
André Baptista Barcauí
Paulo Bergsten Mendes
Rodolfo Ribeiro da Silva
Wellington Nogueira
Springer International Publishing

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