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01.11.2015 | Commercial Vehicles

Innovative Drives for a New Type of Displacement Control

verfasst von: Dr. Torsten Winkler, Martin Lütenegger, Dipl.-Ing. Christian Ziegler

Erschienen in: ATZextra worldwide | Sonderheft 10/2015


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Electrification of hydraulic aggregates has been the trend in recent years, and can already be found in commercial and off-road vehicles. This evolution favors the development of components such as energy- efficient axles with ever-higher performance. In valve-controlled hydraulic systems, it is actually the drive that is the key problem: It runs continually, and thus, constantly consumes energy, which instead of being used, is simply dissipated into the environment in the form of heat. Sonceboz and Weber-Hydraulik have jointly developed an innovative permanent-magnet motor which can be used to drive hydraulic linear actuators with better performance. …

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Innovative Drives for a New Type of Displacement Control
verfasst von
Dr. Torsten Winkler
Martin Lütenegger
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Ziegler
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Erschienen in
ATZextra worldwide / Ausgabe Sonderheft 10/2015
Print ISSN: 2195-1470
Elektronische ISSN: 2195-1489

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