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26.02.2022 | Original Paper

Instructional Designers' Perceptions & Experiences of Collaborative Conflict with Faculty

verfasst von: Chad M. Mueller, Jennifer Richardson, Sunnie Lee Watson, William Watson

Erschienen in: TechTrends | Ausgabe 4/2022

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The purpose of this qualitative research study was to investigate how instructional designers perceive and experience conflict in their collaborative work with faculty across higher education settings. Prior research studies have captured instructional designers’ perspectives on building and maintaining successful collaborations with faculty but have largely ignored the times when conflict arises with faculty. In an attempt to fill this knowledge gap, we conducted interviews of fourteen instructional design practitioners who had experienced various types of conflict with faculty at different higher education institutions. Our analysis of the data revealed participants characterized their perceptions of conflict with faculty in four ways with some subtleties in these perceptions. Additionally, instructional designers identified eight different types of conflict which consolidated into three major conflict themes: (1) Design & Development Collaborative Conflicts (2) Philosophical, Pedagogical & Autonomy Loss Conflicts (3) Communication & Scheduling Conflicts. In conclusion, we offer directions for future research and recommendations for instructional designers, faculty and administrators involved in the instructional design process.
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Instructional Designers' Perceptions & Experiences of Collaborative Conflict with Faculty
verfasst von
Chad M. Mueller
Jennifer Richardson
Sunnie Lee Watson
William Watson
Springer US
Erschienen in
TechTrends / Ausgabe 4/2022
Print ISSN: 8756-3894
Elektronische ISSN: 1559-7075