2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Intelligent Application to Reduce Transit Accidents in a City Using Cultural Algorithms
verfasst von : Fernando Maldonado, Alberto Ochoa, Julio Arreola, Daniel Azpeitia, Ariel De la Torre, Diego Canales, Saúl González
Erschienen in: Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
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Ciudad Juárez, a large city located along the Mexico-United States border with a population over a million people in 87 km
has recently experienced a history of violence and insecurity related directly to organized crime: assaults, kidnappings, multi-homicides, burglary, between others. However the second leading cause of death in the city is associated with traffic accidents: 1,377 deaths in 2011 alone. For this reason, citizens have actively pursued specific programs that would decrease the overwhelming statistics: 3,897 deaths from 2008 to 2012. The reason of the following project is to provide drivers with a technological tool with indicators and sufficient information based off statistics compiled by the
Centro de Investigaciones Sociales
(Social Research Centre) at Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez and other public sources. Then drivers would have more information on possible traffic accidents before they happened. This research tries to combine a Mobile Device based on Cultural Algorithms and Data Mining to determine the danger of suffering a traffic accident in a given part of the city during a specific time.