2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Intelligent Energy Management System for the Optimization of Power Consumption
verfasst von : Vicente Botón-Fernández, Máximo Pérez Romero, Adolfo Lozano-Tello, Enrique Romero Cadaval
Erschienen in: Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems
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This paper describes a Smart Storage System capable of managing energy and smart home devices to optimize the local power consumption of a house. The proposed model consists of two main systems; the Local Energy Management Unit (LEMU) and the Central Energy Management and Intelligent System (CEMIS). On the one hand, the LEMU is able to maintain the power consumption under a maximum reference value and to switch on/off the devices by using domotic protocols. On the other hand, the CEMIS receives operation data remotely from several devices, analyzes them using intelligent techniques and determines the best operation strategy for each LEMU, communicating the operation references back to them.