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2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Interactive Games as Educative Strategy to Motivate Students to Communicate Inside the Classroom

verfasst von : Lida Solano, Eva Ulehlova, Verónica Espinoza

Erschienen in: Teaching and Learning in a Digital World

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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In the past years, English has been taught using the traditional methods and techniques, which has evoked low academic results in students’ performance in listening and speaking subject; thus, this study has been carried out with the aim to increase students’ motivation and participation inside the classroom through the use of interactive games based on deepening communicative skills. To conduct this study, a sample of one hundred students, who were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental and the control group as well as three English teachers of Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) participated in this study. The experimental and descriptive methods were employed to develop this research and a pre-test, an observation sheet, and a post-test were used as main instruments, which permitted to obtain information about the students’ progress in the listening and speaking classroom. The most important finding confirmed the fact that the use of interactive games is very productive since it allows students to increase interest and motivation in order to obtain better learning outcomes and raise students’ confidence at communicating in English.

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Interactive Games as Educative Strategy to Motivate Students to Communicate Inside the Classroom
verfasst von
Lida Solano
Eva Ulehlova
Verónica Espinoza