Ausgabe 1/2014
Inhalt (4 Artikel)
A Comparative Study on Fuel Consumption Reduction Effects of Eco-Driving Instructions Strategies
- Open Access
Shuichi Matsumoto, Taehwi Park, Hironao Kawashima
Performance Evaluation of Spatial Correlation-based Feature Detection and Matching for Automated Wheelchair Navigation System
Wan Mohd Yaakob Wan Bejuri, Mohd Murtadha Mohamad, Maimunah Sapri, Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim, Junaid Ahsenali Chaudry
Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on Combination of Multidimensional Scaling and SVM
Zhanquan Sun, Geoffrey Fox
Balance Lane Use with VMS to Mitigate Motorway Traffic Congestion
Jian Xing, Eiji Muramatsu, Tetsuro Harayama