2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Internet of Things for Wellbeing – Pilot Case of a Smart Health Cardio Belt
verfasst von : E. Kovatcheva, R. Nikolov, M. Madjarova, A. Chikalanov
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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This paper deals with the opportunities that the advanced telemedicine and information technologies can give for preventing patients with cardiovascular diseases – the leading cause of deaths worldwide. The selected pilot case presents a Smart Health Cardio Belt (SHCB) system developed by the Bulgarian team on the basis of the existing TEMEO prototype. Through the SHCB system, the patient is linked to the medical centre which monitors the patient 24 hours per day while in the same time, the patient is capable in accomplishing all activities of his normal day. The medical centre reacts adequately when a critical event appears. The SHCB system is based on the existing and new developed Internet services. They are piloted, fine tuned and implemented under the FP7 ELLIOT Project. The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) embedded in it is measured and carefully analysed through a set of knowledge-social-business (KSB) experience models. Their functionality and effectiveness are analysed, exploring the integrity of the social, intellectual, cognitive, economical, legal and ethical aspects of its usage.