2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Interpersonal Trust and Similarity
verfasst von : Cai-Nicolas Ziegler
Erschienen in: Social Web Artifacts for Boosting Recommenders
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Recently, the integration of computational trust models [Marsh, 1994b; Mui et al, 2002; McKnight and Chervany, 1996] into recommender systems has started gaining momentum [Montaner et al, 2002; Kinateder and Rothermel, 2003; Guha, 2003; Massa and Bhattacharjee, 2004], synthesizing recommendations based upon opinions from
most trusted
peers rather than
most similar
ones. Likewise, for social filtering within a spread out and decentralized recommender framework, we cannot rely upon conventional collaborative filtering methods only, owing to the neighborhood computation scheme’s poor scalability. Some more natural and, most important,
neighborhood selection process schemes become indispensable, e.g., based on trust networks.