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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Introduction to Ideology and Identity in Kosovo’s Political Dynamics

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The introductory chapter of this book, entitled “Ideology and Identity in Kosovo’s Political Landscape”, establishes a foundation for a comprehensive analysis of the intricate interrelationship between ideological frameworks and governance practices in Kosovo. The chapter commences with an examination of the historical, ethnic, and international influences that have shaped Kosovo’s political landscape, with particular emphasis on the pivotal role of ideology in elucidating the country’s political parties and governance structures. The chapter defines key concepts such as ideology and political parties and contextualizes their development within Kosovo’s tumultuous history, with a particular focus on the post-conflict period and the role of international administration. Furthermore, the chapter addresses the impact of globalization on the political landscape of Kosovo, noting how global forces have further influenced political ideologies in the country. By delineating the research objectives in a clear and precise manner, this introduction establishes the foundation for the comprehensive examination that follows. It offers insights into the interplay between ideological goals and governance realities in the distinctive context of Kosovo.

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Zurück zum Zitat Clark, Howard. 2008. Civil resistance in Kosovo. London: Pluto Press. Clark, Howard. 2008. Civil resistance in Kosovo. London: Pluto Press.
Zurück zum Zitat Held, David. 2007. Global covenant: The social democratic alternative to the Washington consensus. Cambridge: Polity Press. Held, David. 2007. Global covenant: The social democratic alternative to the Washington consensus. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Zurück zum Zitat Kriesi, Hanspeter. 2012. Political conflict in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.CrossRef Kriesi, Hanspeter. 2012. Political conflict in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Tansey, Oisín. 2009. Regime-building: Democratization and international administration. Oxford: Oxford University Press.CrossRef Tansey, Oisín. 2009. Regime-building: Democratization and international administration. Oxford: Oxford University Press.CrossRef
Introduction to Ideology and Identity in Kosovo’s Political Dynamics
verfasst von
Burim Mexhuani