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2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Introduction

verfasst von : Balsing Rajput

Erschienen in: Cyber Economic Crime in India

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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This chapter introduces how the internet has become the most significant technological advancement in the world. It also introduces the landscape of cyber space and information society. Now, cyberspace is a fact of daily life. It has become a fundamental feature of the world we live in. Crime is no exception in this domain too. With the very existence of humans, crime exists and it has been a concern for society since time immemorial, but antisocial elements are using the advanced technologies to commit various crimes in cyberspace. Crime is committed to various motives. Greed and illicit monetary gain is a major motive in modern societies. A brief context is provided for introducing the topic of cybercrime. Developments in the field of cyberspace, crime, the criminal justice system are brought forward to help the readers to understand the context of the book. The other essential topics like economic crime and cyber economic crime are introduced in this chapter, to provide a further understanding of the book’s central theme.

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Zurück zum Zitat Thilagaraj, R., & Kala, N. (2013). The Indian Police Journal, LX(1), 90–104. Thilagaraj, R., & Kala, N. (2013). The Indian Police Journal, LX(1), 90–104.
Zurück zum Zitat Zetter, K. (2014). Countdown to zero day: Stuxnet and the launch of the world’s first digital weapon. Broadway Books. Zetter, K. (2014). Countdown to zero day: Stuxnet and the launch of the world’s first digital weapon. Broadway Books.
verfasst von
Balsing Rajput