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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Introduction

verfasst von : Jörn H Bühring

Erschienen in: Private Banking and Wealth Management Futures 2030

Verlag: Springer Singapore

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In this chapter, the main arguments are put forward as to why leaders in design and business innovation must not only adapt to the current circumstances, but to think of, and prepare for the future. With the emphasis placed on multi-disciplinary teams having to work together to identify with macro and micro trends from which user engagement opportunities and possibilities for consumer-directed value creation, the emergence of new approaches toward imagining preferable futures are highlighted. The chapter puts forward the notion that developing a deeper understanding of the forward-looking perspectives which are relevant to Private Banking and Wealth Management futures (greater China) to the year 2030. Here, the Delphi method is introduced, which was used as a process to engage with a cohort of business and academic experts with specific knowledge in the field to arrive at a set of preferable wealth management futures scenarios. Statements of the study objectives are presented, and the chapter concludes with an outline of the research report outline and its contents.

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verfasst von
Jörn H Bühring
Springer Singapore

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