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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Introduction

verfasst von : Stephan Schlegel, Michael Gatzsche, Christian Hildmann, Toni Israel

Erschienen in: Contact and Long-Term Behavior of Current-Carrying Connections in Electrical Power Engineering

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Currently, the electrical power supply system, consisting of generators, transmission and distribution networks, and consumers, is undergoing a fundamental change. A new structure of few central and many decentralized electrical power generation plants, coupled with increasing volatility of feed-in power due to the use of renewable energy sources, is facing an increasing demand for electrical power, for example, due to the electrification of mobility. Electrical power is increasingly being transported over greater distances between producers and consumers, and existing operating resources are correspondingly heavily burdened. The requirements for availability, safety, resilience, and cost of modern electrical installations have significantly increased. Examples of this are switching and distribution systems, but also new devices such as charging stations for or the power on-board network in electric vehicles. In addition to the safe operation of the electrical power supply network through stable switching states, there must be no failures in the transmission and distribution network or between individual plant components.

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verfasst von
Stephan Schlegel
Michael Gatzsche
Christian Hildmann
Toni Israel
Springer Berlin Heidelberg