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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Introduction

verfasst von : Makayla Lewis, Miriam Sturdee

Erschienen in: Sketching in Human Computer Interaction

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Sketching is a universal activity but an often overlooked skill—yet it can benefit researchers and practitioners in Human Computer Interaction (HCI)—sketching has proven to be a valuable addition to skill sets in academic and industrial contexts. Many individuals lack the confidence to take up sketching after years of non-practice, but it is possible to re-learn, improve, and apply this skill in practical ways. We introduce a sketching journey, from scribbles and playful interpretations to helpful theory, storytelling, and practical applications. Individuals will learn techniques and applied methods for utilising sketching within the context of HCI. This chapter covers the why, how, and background of sketching in computer science. We outline some of the history of sketching in human terms, from Ivan Sutherland’s sketchpad right through to current directions in AI and robotic doodles. We also cover why it is useful and how it can support multiple viewpoints—not just in human-computer interaction but also for those working in areas as diverse as distributed systems and cybersecurity. We drive home the point that anyone can learn to draw; it is a matter of starting, practicing, and developing your own personal style.

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verfasst von
Makayla Lewis
Miriam Sturdee