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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Introduction

verfasst von : Sneha Gautam, Alok Sagar Gautam, Amit Awasthi, Ramsundram N.

Erschienen in: Sustainable Air

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The book “Sustainable Air: Strategies for Cleaner Atmosphere and Healthier Communities” delves into the critical intersection of environmental sustainability and public health by exploring innovative approaches to address air pollution. With the ever-increasing global population and urbanization, air quality degradation has become a pressing concern, directly impacting the well-being of individuals and the planet. This comprehensive work synthesizes the latest research findings, policy insights, and technological advancements to offer a holistic perspective on mitigating air pollution while fostering sustainable development. The book begins by establishing a firm understanding of the multifaceted nature of air pollution, from its sources and composition to its effects on human health and the environment. Drawing on interdisciplinary research, it examines the intricate links between air quality, climate change, and societal well-being. “Sustainable Air” then shifts its focus to practical strategies and solutions, presenting a range of innovative approaches for reducing emissions, promoting clean energy sources, and enhancing urban planning to create livable, resilient communities. Through case studies and real-world examples, the book highlights successful initiatives from around the world, demonstrating how communities can transition to cleaner and more sustainable air quality standards. It also addresses the critical role of policy frameworks and international cooperation in achieving long-term air quality goals. Moreover, the book underscores the importance of public awareness and engagement, emphasizing the power of informed citizenry in advocating for cleaner skies and healthier environments. “Sustainable Air: Strategies for Cleaner Skies and Healthier Communities” provides a roadmap for policymakers, urban planners, researchers, and concerned citizens to collaboratively work towards a future where clean air and sustainable living are not only attainable but also synonymous with human progress. By promoting a balanced and harmonious relationship between society and the environment, this book aspires to inspire meaningful change, ultimately leading to improved air quality and wellbeing for generations to come.

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verfasst von
Sneha Gautam
Alok Sagar Gautam
Amit Awasthi
Ramsundram N.