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1. Introduction

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Great deal of progress has been made in the last few years with Virtual Reality (VR) technology (Bhowmik, Inf Display 33(6):20–32, 2017) as VR headsets of different complexity are now available to the general public and are used for more than just games. Today’s use cases for VR are many, owing to the ability to generate and immerse people in a variety of different virtual worlds and environments (Berg and Vance, Virtual Real 21(1):1–17, 2017). These virtual worlds replicate or even enhance the real world (Velev and Zlateva, Int J Learn Teach 3(1):33–37, 2017), hence expanding the prospects and market for VR. Each year, the number of individuals purchasing immersive technology grows, and by the end of 2024, it is estimated that VR will generate around 12.19 billion dollars in revenue worldwide (Alsop: Consumer and Enterprise VR Revenue Worldwide 2024, 2021). Further, predictions for the foreseeable future imply that such numbers will only rise. Even though most of its current popularity can be connected to the VR gaming industry, still, VR technology can be found and used in many other aspects. It can be used for a range of fields (Bastug et al., IEEE Commun Mag 55(6):110–117, 2017), including but not limited to education, sports, training, tourism, simulators, big data visualization, health care issues, and more. As a result, the purpose of the VR application in those fields is not the game itself but rather including game-design principles in a nongame context (Werbach and Hunter: For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business. Wharton Digital Press, Philadelphia, 2012). This means it is not primarily intended for entertainment, leading to those games being referred to as serious games (Deterding et al.: Proceedings of the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, pp. 9–15. ACM, 2011).

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Zurück zum Zitat Berg, L.P., Vance, J.M.: Industry use of virtual reality in product design and manufacturing: a survey. Virtual Real. 21(1), 1–17 (2017)CrossRef Berg, L.P., Vance, J.M.: Industry use of virtual reality in product design and manufacturing: a survey. Virtual Real. 21(1), 1–17 (2017)CrossRef
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Zurück zum Zitat Schmidt, S., Ehrenbrink, P., Weiss, B., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Kojic, T., Johnston, A., Möller, S.: Impact of virtual environments on motivation and engagement during exergames. In: 2018 Tenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–6. IEEE, Piscatway (2018) Schmidt, S., Ehrenbrink, P., Weiss, B., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Kojic, T., Johnston, A., Möller, S.: Impact of virtual environments on motivation and engagement during exergames. In: 2018 Tenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–6. IEEE, Piscatway (2018)
Zurück zum Zitat Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Schmidt, S., Tetzlaff, L., Kortowski, B., Sirotina, U., Möller, S.: Influence of virtual environments and conversations on user engagement during multiplayer exergames. In: 2018 Tenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–3. IEEE, Piscatway (2018) Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Schmidt, S., Tetzlaff, L., Kortowski, B., Sirotina, U., Möller, S.: Influence of virtual environments and conversations on user engagement during multiplayer exergames. In: 2018 Tenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–3. IEEE, Piscatway (2018)
Zurück zum Zitat Kojic, T., Sirotina, U., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: Influence of UI complexity and positioning on user experience during VR exergames. In: 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–6. IEEE, Piscatway (2019) Kojic, T., Sirotina, U., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: Influence of UI complexity and positioning on user experience during VR exergames. In: 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–6. IEEE, Piscatway (2019)
Zurück zum Zitat Kojic, T., Schmidt, S., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: Influence of network delay in virtual reality multiplayer exergames: Who is actually delayed? In: 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–3. IEEE, Piscatway (2019) Kojic, T., Schmidt, S., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: Influence of network delay in virtual reality multiplayer exergames: Who is actually delayed? In: 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–3. IEEE, Piscatway (2019)
Zurück zum Zitat Kojić, T., Nugyen, L.T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: Impact of constant visual biofeedback on user experience in virtual reality exergames. In: IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), vol. 2019, pp. 307–3073. IEEE, Piscatway (2019) Kojić, T., Nugyen, L.T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: Impact of constant visual biofeedback on user experience in virtual reality exergames. In: IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), vol. 2019, pp. 307–3073. IEEE, Piscatway (2019)
Zurück zum Zitat Kojić, T., Ali, D., Greinacher, R., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: User experience of reading in virtual reality—finding values for text distance, size and contrast. In: 2020 Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–6. IEEE, Piscatway (2020) Kojić, T., Ali, D., Greinacher, R., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: User experience of reading in virtual reality—finding values for text distance, size and contrast. In: 2020 Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–6. IEEE, Piscatway (2020)
Zurück zum Zitat Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Kojic, T., Ali, D., Möller, S.: Influence of hand tracking as a way of interaction in virtual reality on user experience. In: 2020 Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–4. IEEE, Piscatway (2020) Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Kojic, T., Ali, D., Möller, S.: Influence of hand tracking as a way of interaction in virtual reality on user experience. In: 2020 Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 1–4. IEEE, Piscatway (2020)
Zurück zum Zitat Kojić, T., Ashipala, S., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: Exploring visualisations for financial statements in virtual reality. In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), pp. 49–52. IEEE, Piscatway (2020) Kojić, T., Ashipala, S., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: Exploring visualisations for financial statements in virtual reality. In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), pp. 49–52. IEEE, Piscatway (2020)
Zurück zum Zitat Vergari, M., Kojić, T., Vona, F., Garzotto, F., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: Influence of interactivity and social environments on user experience and social acceptability in virtual reality. In: IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), vol. 2021, pp. 695–704. IEEE, Piscatway (2021) Vergari, M., Kojić, T., Vona, F., Garzotto, F., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N.: Influence of interactivity and social environments on user experience and social acceptability in virtual reality. In: IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), vol. 2021, pp. 695–704. IEEE, Piscatway (2021)
Zurück zum Zitat T. Kojić, Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S.: Contribution to ITU-T Rec G.1035: Contribution for Human Influencing Factors—Static and Dynamic Human Factors,” ITU-T Study Group 12, Virtual-Geneva, ITU-T Contribution C.562 (2021) T. Kojić, Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S.: Contribution to ITU-T Rec G.1035: Contribution for Human Influencing Factors—Static and Dynamic Human Factors,” ITU-T Study Group 12, Virtual-Geneva, ITU-T Contribution C.562 (2021)
Zurück zum Zitat Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S.: Update of Human IF for ITU-T Rec G.1035. ITU-T Study Group 12, Virtual-Geneva, ITU-T Contribution C.605 (2021) Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S.: Update of Human IF for ITU-T Rec G.1035. ITU-T Study Group 12, Virtual-Geneva, ITU-T Contribution C.605 (2021)
Zurück zum Zitat Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S.: Proposal for new Work Item P.IntVR: Subjective Test Methods for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications. ITU-T Study Group 12, Virtual- Geneva, ITU-T Contribution C.548 (2021) Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S.: Proposal for new Work Item P.IntVR: Subjective Test Methods for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications. ITU-T Study Group 12, Virtual- Geneva, ITU-T Contribution C.548 (2021)
Zurück zum Zitat Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S.: P.IntVR: Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications,” ITU-T Study Group 12, Virtual-Geneva, ITU-T Contribution C.601 (2021) Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S.: P.IntVR: Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications,” ITU-T Study Group 12, Virtual-Geneva, ITU-T Contribution C.601 (2021)
Zurück zum Zitat Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S.: ITU-T P.IntVR: Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications–Quality of Experience aspects for Interactive Virtual Reality, ITU-T Study Group 12, Geneva, ITU-T Contribution C.060 (2022) Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S.: ITU-T P.IntVR: Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications–Quality of Experience aspects for Interactive Virtual Reality, ITU-T Study Group 12, Geneva, ITU-T Contribution C.060 (2022)
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Tanja Kojić