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2019 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

ITC – Integrated traction control for sports car applications

verfasst von : Lars König, Frieder Schindele, Andreas Zimmermann

Erschienen in: 19. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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Due to the great success of Bosch Engineering’s nonlinear model based lateral dynamics controller Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control (IVC), the concept has now been expanded to traction control systems. Based on the method of exact linearization, a feedforward algorithm is presented. This is done by taking the nonlinearities of tire behavior with combined lateral and longitudinal slip conditions into account. Asymptotic stability of the closed loop is established using a model based linear feedback controller, enhanced by gain scheduling and anti-windup algorithms as well as optimized initial condition values. Damping and robustness properties are investigated by applying frequency domain methods. In order to reduce communication delay, the engine ECU is integrated into the controller computations. By integrating the active differential into the traction control algorithm a multivariable controller is established. The performance of the proposed control algorithm is demonstrated by means of road tests that are carried out with a rear wheel driven sports car under high-μ conditions.

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ITC – Integrated traction control for sports car applications
verfasst von
Lars König
Frieder Schindele
Andreas Zimmermann