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International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research OnlineFirst articles

Dynamic Occupancy Rate for Shared Taxi Mobility-on-Demand Services through LSTM and PER-DQN

As an effective public transportation system, a Shared Taxi Mobility-on-Demand (STMoD) provides passengers with door-to-door shared taxi service. This study proposes a dynamic occupancy rate rebalancing approach with centralised dispatching for …

Impact of Buffer Time on Driving Behavior in Level-3 Autonomous Vehicles

  • Open Access

This study examines how buffer time impacts the behaviors of 20 young drivers in terms of takeover duration and quality, visual attention and cognitive effort, and emotional states preceding, during, and subsequent to take over requests (TORs) …

Designing and Developing a Model for Detecting Unusual Condition in Urban Street Network

This study introduces a novel model aimed at identifying traffic congestion, accidents, and other irregularities within transportation networks by leveraging a combination of unsupervised machine learning techniques and statistical models applied …

Spatiotemporal Bus Arrival Prediction Using ConvLSTM and CTGANs-augmented Data

Accurate arrival time predictions for bus services significantly enhance their usability, reducing wait times and increasing user satisfaction, which in turn encourages public transport use. In densely populated and developing countries, such as …

Generative AI and Online Learning Based Road Rage and Aggressive Driving Detection

Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) revolutionizes traditional coverage by utilizing technology to tailor insurance premiums to individual driving behaviour. Road rage and Aggressive driving behaviour Detection (RAD) is pivotal for enhancing the precision …

Spatial Network-Wide Traffic Flow Imputation with Graph Neural Network

Traffic data plays an essential role in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and offers numerous advantages, including efficient traffic control and system performance improvement. However, due to the scarcity of data collection systems …

Optimizing Road Networks: A Graph-Based Analysis with Path-finding and Learning Algorithms

This paper describes a graph-based methodology for analysing and optimising road networks that combines traditional algorithms, AI search, and a learning algorithm. The primary goal is to find the shortest and most efficient paths between vertices …

Long Short Term Memory Based Traffic Prediction Using Multi-Source Data

  • Open Access

Traffic prediction is a task where the goal is to determine the number and type of vehicles, or some other traffic related metric, at certain time point. In addition to predicting the short-term evolution of traffic, prediction can be done for …

Edge Based Intelligent Secured Vehicle Filtering and Tracking System Using YOLO and EasyOCR

Edge computing is used in intelligent transportation systems to handle data faster and with less delay. Implementing the proposed system in edge computing improves security in intelligent transportation systems. Video surveillance has played an …

Coupling Machine Learning and Visualization Approaches to Individual- and Road-level Driving Behavior Analysis in a V2X Environment

Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) infrastructure generates a vast amount of data from sensor-equipped vehicles and road infrastructure. The availability of such data provides new opportunities to explore and understand drivers' behaviors in diverse …

Counting Mixed Traffic Volumes at Motorcycle-Dominated Intersections by Using Computer Vision

This study addresses the lack of computer vision techniques for counting traffic at motorcycle-dominated intersections by developing an integrated framework. Three models are proposed: a detection model with a large visual dataset, a tracking …

Enhancing Traffic Incident Management with Large Language Models: A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Severity Classification

This research showcases the innovative integration of Large Language Models into machine learning workflows for traffic incident management, focusing on the classification of incident severity using accident reports. By leveraging features …

Trajectory and Motion Prediction of Autonomous Vehicles Driving Assistant System using Distributed Discriminator Based Bi-Directional Long Short Term Memory Model

The trajectory and motion prediction of autonomous vehicles stands as a pivotal element in guaranteeing the safety and effectiveness of self-driving systems. Yet, current models frequently encounter challenges in providing precise forecasts of the …

Braking Detection and Prediction with Inter-vehicle Distance Estimated from Driving Videos

Heavy braking is a common driving behaviour that indicates a possible traffic hazard. To avoid traffic accidents, detecting and predicting braking events are essential to inform the driver to take action beforehand. Recently, machine learning …

Driving towards Sustainability: Understanding Drivers and Barriers in Adoption of Green Mobility

Moving towards sustainable transportation is essential in mitigating environmental effects and achieving worldwide sustainability targets. Explore the impact of green mobility and sustainable transportation. This study investigates how the …

A Bayesian Method for Real-time Unsupervised Detection of Anomalous Road Vehicle Trajectories

Anomaly detection is critical in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) due to its significant impact on safety. This paper introduces a Bayesian probabilistic framework for identifying anomalous trajectories without explicitly modeling …

Can Autonomous Vehicles Enhance Safety in Heterogeneous Disordered Traffic Conditions? A Simulation-based Exploratory Study

The emergence of autonomous vehicles (AVs) as a solution to various traffic externalities, including safety concerns such as crashes, has been promising. However, existing research primarily focuses on AVs plying in homogeneous traffic conditions …

Deep Q-learning Network-based Imbalanced Classification for Fatality Prediction of Single-Vehicle Motorcycle Crashes

  • Open Access
  • Research Paper

Even though the number of motorcycle crash accidents in Japan has trended downward over the past decade, there persists a necessity to propose effective safety measures targeting factors associated with fatal crash accidents. Previous studies have …

Distributed Data Processing Optimization Based on Edge Computing in Intelligent Transportation System

With the rapid development of intelligent transportation systems, the amount of data is growing exponentially, which puts higher demands on real-time processing and storage of data. In view of the limitations of the traditional centralized data …

A Traffic Anomaly Detection Method Using Traffic Flow Vectors During Heavy Rainfall

  • Open Access

In torrential rain disasters, affected areas are identified through reporting and patrolling; however, traffic monitoring remains a challenge. This study establishes a traffic anomaly detection method during heavy rain disasters. Using probe …