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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

11. Legal Pathways for Low-Skilled Migrant Workers

verfasst von : Kathleen Newland, Andrea Riester

Erschienen in: Forced Displacement and Migration

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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In countries whose native-born workforce has become ever more educated and ever more concentrated in medium- and high-skilled industries, many low-wage jobs that cannot be outsourced or automated- such as child and elder care, agriculture, and construction – are filled by immigrants. Yet legal migration pathways are most readily available not to workers who might fill such positions, but to highly skilled professionals with a formal qualification. Where legal pathways for low-skilled migrants are too narrow to meet demand, employers and foreign-born workers alike often look to illegal migration to bridge the gap. The negotiation of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration in 2018 represented a unique opportunity for states to take stock of what has and has not worked for low-skilled labour migration pathways in the past, as well as what might add value in the future. Among the key challenges, policymakers will need to address are the need to improve coordination between destination and origin countries, balance clarity of program design with flexibility, and weave the protection of workers’ rights and the evaluation of impact into the fabric of new initiatives.

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Illegal migration that violates the laws of the origin country is primarily migration that is organized by criminal actors or is undertaken with the intent to evade a legal obligation in one’s own country – such as conscription, avoiding a criminal sentence or evading taxes. Of course, characterization of these actions as criminal is often controversial: conscription in some circumstances may be seen as akin to involuntary servitude (conscription in Eritrea is often seen in this way), criminal charges may be brought for political reasons, and taxes may be levied in a discriminatory way. Any of these conditions may be grounds for claiming refugee status. But in normal circumstances, refusing permission to leave a country is seen as inconsistent with agreed human rights norms.
It should be noted, however, that while labour migration is the dominant form of international migration, it is not the only one. People also move to escape violence or persecution, to join family, or to broaden their horizons through study or other kinds of non-work experience. In many cases, these international movements are closely connected to labour migration, and are also in need of legal pathways.
Aggregated cross-country data compiled by World Bank researchers showed that a 10% increase in international migrants as a share of population led to a 1.9% decline in the number of poor people in the country of origin (Ratha 2013).
Zurück zum Zitat Canadian Council for Refugees, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies, and Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants. 2016. Migrant Workers: Precarious and Unsupported. A Canada-wide study on access to services for migrant workers. Accessed 3 September 2020. Canadian Council for Refugees, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies, and Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants. 2016. Migrant Workers: Precarious and Unsupported. A Canada-wide study on access to services for migrant workers. http://​ccrweb.​ca/​sites/​ccrweb.​ca/​files/​migrant-workers-2016.​pdf. Accessed 3 September 2020.
Zurück zum Zitat Chanda, Rupa. 2009. Mobility of Less-Skilled Workers under Bilateral Agreements: Lessons for the GATS. Journal of World Trade 43(3): 479–506. Chanda, Rupa. 2009. Mobility of Less-Skilled Workers under Bilateral Agreements: Lessons for the GATS. Journal of World Trade 43(3): 479–506.
Zurück zum Zitat Government of Mauritius. 2012. Circular Migration: More Mauritian workers to take employment in Canada. = t&rct = j&q = &esrc = s&source = web&cd = 1&ved = 0ahUKEwjW2_XCmNXaAhWGEywKHQkHADwQFgguMAA&url =–More-Mauritian-Workers-to-take-Employment-in-Canada.aspx&usg = AOvVaw2JbuukF0CuFT5iultW_o1r. Accessed 3 September 2020. Government of Mauritius. 2012. Circular Migration: More Mauritian workers to take employment in Canada. http://​www.​google.​de/​url?​sa = t&rct = j&q = &esrc = s&source = web&cd = 1&ved = 0ahUKEwjW2_XCmNXaAhWGEywKHQkHADwQFgguMAA&url =–More-Mauritian-Workers-to-take-Employment-in-Canada.aspx&usg = AOvVaw2JbuukF0CuFT5iultW_o1r. Accessed 3 September 2020.
Legal Pathways for Low-Skilled Migrant Workers
verfasst von
Kathleen Newland
Andrea Riester

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