2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Lightweight Composite Spring for the new Transit Camper
verfasst von : Alberto Girelli Consolaro, Francesco Italiano, Paul Zandbergen, Nick Watson, Ian MacLachlan
Erschienen in: 11th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2020
Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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One challenge for the Ford chassis research team in the recent past was to investigate lightweight solutions for the upcoming Transit platform, for the end customer benefits of higher payload, reduced emission and better fuel consumption. As first application within the platform, the Camper /Motorhome was chosen. One of the promising items which was looked at were the rear longitudinal leaf springs. Replacing the standard steel springs with equivalent parts in composite material, generated a weight saving of about fifty percent, or about fifteen kilograms per vehicle. The spring had to be entirely redesigned, to obtain best in class performance, considering the new material properties and limitations. The project covered all the necessary steps, from the first research state to series implementation. Three important aspects which are discussed here are the design, the testing and finally the manufacturing process.