
1 Introduction

Cryptographic multilinear maps are a powerful and versatile tool to build cryptographic schemes, ranging from one-round multipartite Diffie-Hellman to witness encryption and general program obfuscation. The notion of cryptographic multilinear map was first introduced by Boneh and Silverberg in 2003, as a natural generalization of bilinear maps such as pairings on elliptic curves [BS03]. However it was not until 2013 that the first concrete instantiation over ideal lattices was realized by Garg, Gentry and Halevi [GGH13a], quickly inspiring another construction over the integers by Coron, Lepoint and Tibouchi [CLT13]. Alongside these first instantiations, a breakthrough result by Garg, Gentry, Halevi, Raykova, Sahai and Waters achieved (indistinguishability) obfuscation for all circuits from multilinear maps [GGH+13b]. From that point multilinear maps have garnered considerable interest in the cryptographic community, and a host of other applications have followed.

However this wealth of applications rests on the relatively fragile basis of only three constructions of multilinear maps to date: namely the original construction over ideal lattices [GGH13a], the construction over the integers [CLT13], and another recent construction over lattices [GGH15]. Moreover none of these constructions relies on standard hardness assumptions. In fact all three constructions have since been broken for their more “direct” applications such as one-round multipartite Diffie-Hellman [HJ15, CHL+15, Cor15]. Thus building candidate multilinear maps and assessing their security may be regarded as a challenging work in progress, and research in this area has been very active in recent years.

Following the attack by Cheon, Han, Lee, Ryu and Stehlé (CHLRS attack) on the [CLT13] multilinear map over the integers, several attempts to repair the scheme were published on ePrint, which hinged on hiding encodings of zero in some way; however these attempts were quickly proven insecure [CGH+15]. At Crypto 2015, Coron, Lepoint and Tibouchi set out to repair their scheme by following a different route [CLT15]: they essentially retained the structure of encodings from [CLT13], but added a new type of noise designed to thwart the CHLRS approach. Their construction was thus able to retain the attractive features of the original, namely conceptual simplicity, relative efficiency, and wide range of presumed hard problems on which applications could be built.

1.1 Our Contribution

In this paper we propose two polynomial attacks on the new multilinear map over the integers presented by Coron, Lepoint and Tibouchi at Crypto 2015 [CLT15]. These two attacks were originally published independently on ePrint by Cheon, Lee and Ryu [CLR15], and by Minaud and Fouque [MF15]. The present paper is a merge of the two results for publication at Eurocrypt 2016.

The impact of both attacks is the same, and they both use the same starting point (“integer extraction”). The second half of the attacks is where they differ. In a nutshell, the attack by Cheon, Lee and Ryu looks into the exact expression of the value a in the term \(av_{0}\) appearing in integer extractions. This makes it possible to uncover a matrix product similar to the CHLRS attack on CLT13, albeit a more complex one. As in the CHLRS attack, the secret parameters are then recovered as the eigenvalues of a certain matrix. For this reason we shall call this attack the eigenvalue attack.

By contrast the attack by Minaud and Fouque treats the value a in \(av_{0}\) as a noise, which is removed by first recovering \(v_{0}\) and taking equations modulo \(v_{0}\). The secret parameter \(v_{0}\) is recovered as (a divisor of) the determinant of a CHLRS-type matrix product. For this reason we shall call this attack the determinant attack. Once \(v_{0}\) is recovered, CLT15 essentially collapses to CLT13 and can be broken by the CHLRS attack.

Both of the proposed attacks are polynomial in the security parameter. In addition, in the optimized version of the scheme where an exact multiple of \(x_{0}\) is provided in the public parameters, the second attack is instant (as no determinant computation is actually required).

Moreover both attacks apply to virtually all possible applications of the CLT15 multilinear map. Indeed, while they do require low-level encodings of zero, these encodings are provided by the ladders given in the public parameters. In this respect CLT15 is weaker than CLT13. A closer look at the impact of our attacks is provided in Sect. 1.3.

We refer the reader to [MF15] for a third, probabilistic attack with similar properties.

1.2 Overview of the Attacks

We begin by briefly recalling the CLT15 multilinear map (more precisely, graded encoding scheme). The message space is \(\mathbb {Z}_{g_{1}} \times \dots \times \mathbb {Z}_{g_{n}}\) for some small primes \(g_{1}, \dots , g_{n}\), and \((m_{1},\dots ,m_{n})\) is encoded at some level \(k \le \kappa \) as:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {CRT}_{(p_{i})}\Big (\frac{r_{i}g_{i} + m_{i}}{z^{k}}\Big ) + ax_{0} \end{aligned}$$


figure a

Encodings at the same level can be added together, and the resulting encoding encodes the sum of the messages. Similarly encodings at levels i and j can be multiplied to yield an encoding at level \(i+j\) of the coordinate-wise product of the encoded messages. This behavior holds as long as the values \(r_{i}g_{i} + m_{i}\) do not go over \(p_{i}\), i.e. reduction modulo \(p_{i}\) does not interfere. In order to prevent the size of encodings from increasing as a result of additions and multiplications, a ladder of encodings of zero of increasing size is published at each level. Encodings can then be reduced by subtracting elements of the ladder at the same level.

The power of the multilinear map comes from the zero-testing procedure, which allows users to test whether an encoding at the maximal level \(\kappa \) encodes zero. This is achieved by publishing a so-called zero-testing parameter denoted \({{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\in \mathbb {Z}\), together with a large prime \(N \gg x_{0}\). An encoding at the maximal level \(\kappa \) may be written as:

That is, some constants independent of the encoding have been folded with the CRT coefficients into \(u_{i}\). Now \({{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\) is chosen such that and satisfy \(|v_{i}| \ll N\) and \(|v_{0}| \ll N\). In this way, for any encoding e of zero at level \(\kappa \), since \(m_{i} = 0\), we have:

$$\begin{aligned} |e{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,N| = \big |\sum r_{i}v_{i} + av_{0}\big | \ll N \end{aligned}$$

provided the noises \(r_{i}\) and a are small enough. Thus, users can test whether e is an encoding of zero at level \(\kappa \) by checking whether \(|e{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,N| \ll N\).

1.2.1 Integer Extraction (\(\phi \)-value)

Our attacks proceed in two steps. The first step is shared by both attacks and proceeds as follows. We define the integer extraction procedure \(\phi : \mathbb {Z}\rightarrow \mathbb {Z}\). In short, \(\phi \) computes \(\sum _i r_{i}v_{i} + av_{0}\) over the integers for any level-\(\kappa \) encoding e (of size up to the largest ladder element). Note that this value is viewed over the integers and not modulo N. If e is “small”, then \(\phi (e) = e{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,N\), i.e. \(\phi \) matches the computation from the zero-testing procedure.

If e is “large” on the other hand, then e would need to be reduced by the ladder before zero-testing can be applied. However the crucial observation is that \(\phi \) is \(\mathbb {Z}\)-linear as long as the values \(r_{i}g_{i} + m_{i}\) associated with each encoding do not go over \(p_{i}\). Thus e can be ladder-reduced into \(e'\), then \(\phi (e') = e'{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,N\) is known, and \(\phi (e)\) can be recovered from \(\phi (e')\) by compensating the ladder reduction using \(\mathbb {Z}\)-linearity.

1.2.2 Eigenvalue Attack

The point of a CHLRS attack can be divided into two parts. The first is that, for a level-\({\kappa }\) encoding of zero \(e=\sum _{i=1}^n [\frac{r_{i}g_i}{z^{\kappa }}(\frac{x_0}{p_i})^{-1}]_{p_i} \frac{x_0}{p_i}+a x_0\),

$$[{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot e]_{x_0}=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{i} \hat{v_{i}},$$

where \(\hat{v}_i\) is common to all the encodings in CLT13, holds over the integers. The second point is that the zero-testing value of a product of two encodings is a quadratic form of some values related to each encoding. More precisely, for two encodings \(e_1=\sum _{i=1}^n [\frac{r_{i1}g_i}{z^t}(\frac{x_0}{p_i})^{-1}]_{p_i} \frac{x_0}{p_i}+a_1 x_0\) and \(e_2=\sum _{i=1}^n [\frac{r_{i2}}{z^{{\kappa }-t}}(\frac{x_0}{p_i})^{-1}]_{p_i} \frac{x_0}{p_i}+a_2 x_0\), the product is \(e_1 e_2 ~ \equiv ~\sum _{i=1}^n [\frac{r_{i1} r_{i2}g_i}{z^{{\kappa }}}(\frac{x_0}{p_i})^{-1}]_{p_i}\frac{x_0}{p_i} \,\mathrm{mod}\,{x_0}\). Therefore, the zero-testing value of \(e_1 e_2\) is

$$[{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot e_1 e_2]_{x_0}=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{i1} r_{i2} \hat{v_{i}}.$$

Let us look at CLT15 in these aspects. For a level-\({\kappa }\) encoding of zero \(e=\sum _{i=1}^n r_i u_{i{\kappa }} +a x_0\), the zero-testing value of x is written as

$$[{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot e]_N=\sum _{i=1}^n r_i v_i + a v_0,$$

for common \(v_i\)’s, similar to CLT13. Let \(e_1\) be a level-t encoding of zero, \(e_2\) be a level-\(({\kappa }-t)\) encoding, and e be a product of \(e_1\) and \(e_2\). Then, these can be written as \(e_1=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{i1} u_{it}+a_1 x_0\), \(e_2=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{i2} u_{i{\kappa }-t}+a_2 x_0\), and \(e=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{i1}r_{i2} u_{i{\kappa }}+a x_0\), for some integers \(a,a_1,a_2,r_{i1},r_{i2}, 1\le i\le n\), where a is a quadratic form of \(a_1, a_2,r_{i1},r_{i2}, 1\le i\le n\). Since the size of e is larger than that of \(x_0\), we need to reduce the size of e to perform zero-testing. Let \(e'\) be a ladder-reduced encoding of e; then, it is of the form \(e'=e-\sum _{j=0}^M b_jX_j=\sum _{i=1}^n (r_{i1} r_{i2}-\sum _{j=0}^M b_js_{ij}) u_{i{\kappa }}+(a-\sum _{j=0}^M b_jq_j) x_0\), for some \(b_0,\cdots , b_M\in \{0,1\}\). In this case, the zero-testing value gives

$$\begin{aligned}{}[{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot e']_N= & {} \Big [{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot \big (e-\sum _{j=0}^M b_j X_j\big )\Big ]_N\\= & {} \sum _{i=1}^n \big (r_{i1} r_{i2}-\sum _{j=0}^M b_js_{ij}\big ) v_i+\big (a-\sum _{j=0}^M b_jq_j\big ) v_0 \\= & {} \sum _{i=1}^n \big (r_{i1} r_{i2}\big ) v_{i}+a v_0-\sum _{j=0}^M b_j \big (\sum _{i=1}^n s_{ij} v_i+ q_jv_0\big ). \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, if one has \(\sum _{i=1}^n s_{ij} v_i+ q_jv_0\) for all j, one can compute \(\sum _{i=1}^n (r_{i1} r_{i2}) v_{i}+a v_0\) and follow a CHLRS attack strategy. For this purpose the integer extraction function \(\phi \) provides exactly what we need.

By using \((n+1)\) level-t encodings of zero and \((n+1)\) level-\((\kappa -t)\) encodings, we constitute matrix equations that consist only of a product of matrices. As in [CHL+15], we have a matrix, the eigenvalues of which consist of the CRT components of an encoding. From these, we can recover all the secret parameters of the CLT15 scheme. Our attack needs only ladders and two level-0 encodings (which can be provided by ladder elements), and runs in polynomial time.

1.2.3 Determinant Attack

The determinant attack proceeds by first recovering \(x_{0}\). Once \(x_{0}\) is known, the original CHLRS attack can be applied by taking all values modulo \(v_{0}\). We now explain how to recover \(x_{0}\).

In the optimized variant of the scheme implemented in [CLT15], a small multiple \(qx_{0}\) of \(x_{0}\) is given in the public parameters. In that case \(qx_{0}\) may be regarded as an encoding of zero at level \(\kappa \), and \(\phi (qx_{0}) = qv_{0}\). Since this holds over the integers, we can compute \(q = \gcd (qx_{0},qv_{0})\) and then \(x_{0} = qx_{0} / q\).

In the general case where no exact multiple of \(x_{0}\) is given in the public parameters, pick \(n+1\) encodings \(a_{i}\) at some level t, and \(n+1\) encodings of zero \(b_{i}\) at level \(\kappa - t\). Note that ladder elements provide encodings of zero even if the scheme itself does not. Then compute:

If we write \(a_{i} \,\mathrm{mod}\,v_{0}= \mathsf {CRT}_{(p_{j})}(a_{i,j}/z^{t})\) and \(b_{i} \,\mathrm{mod}\,v_{0} = \mathsf {CRT}_{(p_{j})}(r_{i,j}g_{j}/z^{\kappa -t})\), then we get:

$$\begin{aligned} \omega _{i,j} \,\mathrm{mod}\,v_{0} = \sum _{k} a_{i,k}r_{j,k}v_{k} \,\mathrm{mod}\,v_{0}. \end{aligned}$$

Similar to the CHLRS attack on the CLT13 multilinear map, this equality can be viewed as a matrix product. Indeed, let \(\varOmega \) denote the \((n+1) \times (n+1)\) integer matrix with entries \(\omega _{i,j}\), let A denote the \((n+1) \times n\) integer matrix with entries \(a_{i,j}\), let R denote the \((n+1) \times n\) integer matrix with entries \(r_{i,j}\), and finally let V denote the \(n \times n\) diagonal matrix with diagonal entries \(v_{i}\). If we embed everything into \(\mathbb {Z}/v_{0}\mathbb {Z}\), then we have:

$$\begin{aligned}&\varOmega = A \cdot V \cdot R ^\mathrm{T}&\text {in }\mathbb {Z}/v_{0}\mathbb {Z}. \end{aligned}$$

Since A and R are \((n+1) \times n\) matrices, this implies that \(\varOmega \) is not full-rank when embedded into \(\mathbb {Z}/v_{0}\mathbb {Z}\). As a consequence \(v_{0}\) divides \(\det (\varOmega )\). We can repeat this process with different choices of the families \((a_{i})\), \((b_{i})\) to build another matrix \(\varOmega '\) with the same property. Finally we recover \(v_{0}\) as \(v_{0} = \gcd (\det (\varOmega ), \det (\varOmega '))\), and \(x_{0} = v_{0}/{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,N\).

1.3 Impact of the Attacks

Two variants of the CLT15 multilinear map should be considered. Either a small multiple of \(x_{0}\) is provided in the public parameters. In that case \(x_{0}\) can be recovered instantly with the determinant attack, and the scheme becomes equivalent to CLT13 in terms of security (cf. Sect. 4.3.1). In particular it falls victim to the CHLRS attack when low-level encodings of zero are present, but it may still be secure for applications that do not require such encodings, such as obfuscation. However the scheme is strictly less efficient than CLT13 by construction, so there is no point in using CLT15 for those applications.

Otherwise, if no small multiple of \(x_{0}\) is given out in the public parameters, then ladders of encodings of zero must be provided at levels below the maximal level. Thus we have access to numerous encodings of zero below the maximal level, even if the particular application of multilinear maps under consideration does not require them. As a result both the eigenvalue and the determinant attacks are applicable (cf. Sect. 4.3.3), and the secret parameters are still recovered in polynomial time, albeit less efficiently than the previous case.

In summary, the optimized version of CLT15 providing a small multiple of \(x_{0}\) is no more secure than CLT13, and less efficient. On the other hand in the general non-optimized case, the scheme is broken for virtually all possible applications due to encodings of zero provided by the ladder. Thus overall the CLT15 scheme can be considered fully broken.

1.4 Organization of the Paper

For the sake of being self-contained, a presentation of multilinear maps and graded encoding schemes is provided in Appendix A. The CLT15 construction itself is described in Sect. 3. In Sect. 3.2 we recall the CHLRS attack on CLT13, as it shares similar ideas with our attacks. Readers already familiar with the CLT15 multilinear map can skip straight to Sect. 4 where we describe our main attacks.

2 Notation

The symbol denotes an equality by definition.

For n an integer, \(\mathrm{size}(n)\) is the size of n in bits.

For a finite set S, we use \(s\leftarrow S\) to denote the operation of uniformly choosing an element s from S.

Modular Arithmetic. The group \(\mathbb {Z}/n\mathbb {Z}\) of integers modulo n is denoted by \(\mathbb {Z}_{n}\). For \(a,b, p\in \mathbb {Z}\), \(a\equiv b \,\mathrm{mod}\,p\) or \(a\equiv _p b\) means that a is congruent to b modulo p. The notation “\(\text {mod } p\)” should be understood as having the lowest priority. For instance, the expression \(a\cdot b \,\mathrm{mod}\,p\) is equivalent to \((a \cdot b) \,\mathrm{mod}\,p\).

We always view \(a \,\mathrm{mod}\,p\) (or \([a]_p\)) as an integer in \(\mathbb {Z}\). The representative closest to zero is always chosen, positive in case of tie. In other words \(-p/2 < a \,\mathrm{mod}\,p \le p/2.\)

Chinese Remainder Theorem. Given n prime numbers \((p_{i})\), we define \(p_{i}^{*}\) as in [Hal15a]:

$$ p_{i}^{*} = \prod _{j \ne i} p_{j}. $$

For \((x_{1},\dots ,x_{n}) \in \mathbb {Z}^{n}\), let \(\mathsf {CRT}_{(p_{i})}(x_{i})\) denote the unique integer in \(\mathbb {Z}\cap [0,\prod p_{i})\) such that \(\mathsf {CRT}_{(p_{i})}(x_{i}) \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{i} = x_{i} \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{i}\), as per the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

It is useful to observe that for any \((x_{1},\dots ,x_{n}) \in \mathbb {Z}^{n}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {CRT}_{(p_{i})}(x_{i} p_{i}^{*}) = \sum _{i} x_{i} p_{i}^{*} \,\mathrm{mod}\,\prod _{i} p_{i}. \end{aligned}$$

Matrix. For an \(n\times n\) square matrix \({\varvec{H}}\), we use \((h_{ij})\) to represent a matrix \({\varvec{H}}\), the (ij) component of which is \(h_{ij}\). Similarly, for a vector \({\varvec{v}}\in \mathbb R^n\), we define \(({\varvec{v}})_j\) as the j-th component of \({\varvec{v}}\). Let \({\varvec{H}}^T\) be the transpose of \({\varvec{H}}\) and \(\Vert {\varvec{H}}\Vert _{\infty }\) be the \(\max _i \sum _{j=1}^n |h_{ij}| \). We denote by \(\mathsf{diag}(d_1, \cdots , d_n)\) the diagonal matrix with diagonal coefficients equal to \(d_1, \cdots , d_n\).

3 The CLT15 Multilinear Map and Its Cryptanalysis

In order to make our article self-contained, a short introduction to multilinear maps and graded encoding schemes is provided in Appendix A.

3.1 The CLT15 Multilinear Map over the Integers

Shortly after the multilinear map over ideal lattices by Garg, Gentry and Halevi [GGH13a], another construction over the integers was proposed by Coron, Lepoint and Tibouchi [CLT13]. However a devastating attack was published by Cheon, Han, Lee, Ryu and Stehlé at Eurocrypt 2015 (on ePrint in late 2014). In the wake of this attack, a revised version of their multilinear map over the integers was presented by Coron, Lepoint and Tibouchi at Crypto 2015 [CLT15]. In the remainder of this article, we will refer to the original construction over the integers as CLT13, and to the new version from Crypto 2015 as CLT15.

In this section we recall the CLT15 construction. We omit aspects of the construction that are not relevant to our attack, and refer the reader to [CLT15] for more details. The message space is \(R = \mathbb {Z}_{g_{1}} \times \dots \times \mathbb {Z}_{g_{n}}\), for some (relatively small) primes \(g_{i} \in \mathbb {N}\). An encoding of a message \((m_{1}, \dots , m_{n}) \in \mathbb {Z}_{g_{1}} \times \dots \times \mathbb {Z}_{g_{n}}\) at level \(k \le \kappa \) has the following form:

$$\begin{aligned} e = \mathsf {CRT}_{(p_{i})}\Big (\frac{r_{i}g_{i} + m_{i}}{z^{k}} \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{i}\Big ) + a x_{0} \end{aligned}$$


  • The \(p_{i}\)’s are n large secret primes.

  • The \(r_{i}\)’s are random noise such that \(|r_{i}g_{i} + m_{i}| \ll p_{i}\).

  • \(x_{0} = \prod _{i \le n} p_{i}\).

  • z is a fixed secret integer modulo \(x_{0}\).

  • a is random noise.

The scheme relies on the following parameters:

figure b

Addition, negation and multiplication of encodings is exactly addition, negation and multiplication over the integers. Indeed, \(m_{i}\) is recovered from \(e\cdot z^k\) as \(m_{i} = (e\cdot z^k \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{i}) \,\mathrm{mod}\,g_{i}\), and as long as \(r_{i}g_{i} + m_{i}\) does not go over \(p_{i}\), addition and multiplication will go through both moduli. Thus we have defined encodings and how to operate on them.

Regarding the sampling procedure from Appendix A.2, for our purpose, it suffices to know that it is realized by publishing a large number of level-0 encodings of random elements. Users can then sample a new random element as a subset sum of published elements. Likewise, the rerandomization procedure is achieved by publishing a large number of encodings of zero at each level, and an element is re-randomized by adding a random subset sum of encodings of zero at the same level. The encoding procedure is realized by publishing a single level-1 encoding y of 1 (by which we mean \((1,\dots ,1) \in \mathbb {Z}_{g_{1}} \times \dots \times \mathbb {Z}_{g_{n}}\)): any encoding can then be promoted to an encoding of the same element at a higher level by multiplying by y.

Zero-testing in CLT13. We now move on to the crucial zero-testing procedure. This is where CLT13 and CLT15 differ. We begin by briefly recalling the CLT13 approach.

In CLT13, the product \(x_{0}\) of the \(p_{i}\)’s is public. In particular, every encoding can be reduced modulo \(x_{0}\), and every value below should be regarded as being modulo \(x_{0}\). Let \(p_{i}^{*} = \prod _{j \ne i} p_{j}\). Using (1), define:

where the \(h_{i}\)’s are some relatively small numbers with \(|h_{i}| \ll p_{i}\). Now take a level-\(\kappa \) encoding of zero:

$$\begin{aligned}&e = \mathsf {CRT}_{(p_{i})}\Big ( \frac{r_{i}g_{i}}{z^{\kappa }} \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{i} \Big )&\,\mathrm{mod}\,x_{0}. \end{aligned}$$

Since multiplication acts coordinate-wise on the CRT components, using (1) again, we have:

Since \(p_{i}^{*} = x_{0}/p_{i}\), as long as we set our parameters so that \(|h_{i}r_{i}| \ll p_{i}\), we have \(|\omega | \ll x_{0}\).

Thus the zero-testing procedure is as follows: for a level-\(\kappa \) encoding e, compute \(\omega = e {{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,x_{0}\). Output 1, meaning we expect e to encode zero, iff the \(\nu \) most significant bits of \(\omega \) are zero, for an appropriately chosen \(\nu \). In [CLT13], multiple \({{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\)’s can be defined in order to avoid false positives; we restrict our attention to a single \({{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\).

Zero-testing in CLT15. In CLT13, an encoding at some fixed level is entirely defined by its vector of associated values \(c_{i} = r_{i}g_{i}+m_{i}\). Moreover, addition and multiplication of encodings act coordinate-wise on these values, and the value of the encoding itself is \(\mathbb {Z}_{x_{0}}\)-linear as a function of these values. Likewise, \(\omega \) is \(\mathbb {Z}_{x_{0}}\)-linear as a function of the \(r_{i}\)’s. This nice structure is an essential part of what makes the devastating attack, so called CHLRS attack [CHL+15] possible. In CLT15, the authors set out to break this structure by introducing a new noise component a.

For this purpose, the public parameters include a new prime number \(N \gg x_{0}\), with \(\mathrm{size}(N) = \gamma + 2\eta + 1\). Meanwhile \(x_{0}\) is kept secret, and no longer part of the public parameters. Encodings are thus no longer reduced modulo \(x_{0}\), and take the general form given in (2), including a new noise value a. Equivalently, we can write an encoding e of \((m_{i})\) at level k as:


That is, we fold the \(g_{i}z^{-k}\) multiplier of \(r_{i}\) with the CRT coefficient into \(u_{i}\).

The zero-testing parameter \({{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\) is now defined modulo N in such a way that:


To give an idea of the sizes involved, \(\mathrm{size}(v_{0}) \approx \gamma \) and \(\mathrm{size}(v_{i}) \approx \gamma + \eta \) for \(i > 0\). We refer the reader to [CLT15] for how to build such a \({{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\). The point is that if e is an encoding of zero at level \(\kappa \), then we have:

$$ \omega = e {{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,N = \sum r_{i} v_{i} + a v_{0} \,\mathrm{mod}\,N. $$

In order for this quantity to be smaller than N, the size of a must be somehow controlled. Conversely as long as a is small enough and the noise satisfies \(|r_{i}| \ll p_{i}\) then \(|\omega | \ll N\). We state the useful lemma for an exact zero-testing, the so-called the zero-testing lemma, more precisely.

Lemma 1

(Zero-testing Lemma). Let e be a level-\(\kappa \) encoding of zero with \(e=\sum _{i=1}^n r_i u_i+ax_0, (r_1,\cdots ,r_n, a \in \mathbb Z)\). Then,

$$[e{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}]_N=\sum _{i=1}^n r_i v_i+a v_0,$$

holds over the integers, if \(|a|< 2^{2\eta -\beta -\log _2 n-1}\) and \(|r_i|< 2^{\eta -\beta -\log _2 n-6}\) for \(1\le i\le n\).


By the construction of the zero-testing element, we have \(e{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\equiv \sum \limits _{i=1}^n r_i v_i+a v_0\,\mathrm{mod}\,N\). It is sufficient to show that the right hand side is smaller than N / 2. For \(1 \le i \le n\),

$$\begin{aligned} v_i\equiv \sum _{j=1}^n h_j \alpha _j p_j^{-1} u_i \equiv h_i \beta _i + \sum _{j \ne i} h_j \alpha _j \left[ \frac{g_i}{z^{\kappa }} \Big ( \frac{x_0}{p_i}\Big )^{-1}\right] _{p_i}\frac{x_0}{p_i p_j} \,\mathrm{mod}\,N, \end{aligned}$$

and therefore, \(|v_i|< 2^{\gamma +\eta +\beta +4}\text { for } 1\le i \le n\). Moreover, \(v_0=\sum _{j=1}^n h_j \alpha _j \frac{x_0}{p_j}\) and \(|v_0|< n 2^{\gamma +\beta -1}\).    \(\square \)

Thus the size of a must be controlled. The term \(a x_{0}\) will be dominant in (3) in terms of size, so decreasing a is the same as decreasing the size of the encoding as a whole. The scheme requires a way to achieve this without altering the encoded value (and without publishing \(x_{0}\)).

For this purpose, inspired by [VDGHV10], a ladder \((X_{i}^{(k)})_{0\le i \le \gamma '}\) of encodings of zero of increasing size is published for each level \(k \le \kappa \), where \(\gamma '=\gamma +\lfloor \log _2 \ell \rfloor \). The size of an encoding e at level k can then be reduced without altering the encoded value by recursively subtracting from e the largest ladder element smaller than e, until e is smaller than \(X_{0}^{(\kappa )}\). More precisely we can choose \(X_{0}^{(\kappa )}\) small enough that the previous zero-testing procedure goes through, and then choose \(X_{\gamma '}^{(\kappa )}\) twice the size of \(X_{0}^{(\kappa )}\), so that the product of any two encodings smaller than \(X_{0}^{(\kappa )}\) can be reduced to an encoding smaller than \(X_{0}^{(\kappa )}\). After each addition and multiplication, the size of the resulting encoding is reduced via the ladder.

In the end, the zero-testing procedure is very similar to CLT13: given a (ladder-reduced) level-\(\kappa \) encoding e, compute \(\omega = e{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,N\). Then output 1, meaning we expect e to encode zero, iff the \(\nu \) high-order bits of \(\omega \) are zero.

Extraction. The extraction procedure simply outputs the \(\nu \) high-order bits of \(\omega \), computed as above. For both CLT13 and CLT15, it can be checked that they only depend on the \(m_{i}\)’s (as opposed to the noises a and the \(r_{i}\)’s).

3.2 CHLRS Attack on CLT13

In this section we provide a short description of CHLRS attack on CLT13 [CHL+15], as elements of this attack appear in our own. We actually present (a close variant of) the slightly simpler version in [CGH+15].

Assume we have access to a level-0 encoding a of some random value, n level-1 encodings \((b_{i})\) of zero, and a level-1 encoding y of 1. This is the case for one-round multi-party Diffie-Hellman (see previous section). Let \(a_{i} = a \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{i}\), i.e. \(a_{i}\) is the i-th value “\(r_{i}g_{i} + m_{i}\)” associated with a. For \(i \le n\), define \(r_{i,j} = b_iz/g_{j} \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{j}\), i.e. \(r_{i,j}\) is the j-th value “\(r_{j}\)” associated with \(b_{i}\) (recall that \(b_{i}\) is an encoding of zero, so \(m_{j} = 0\)). Finally let \(y_{k} = yz \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{k}\).

Now compute:

$$\begin{aligned} e_{i,j}&= a \cdot b_{i} \cdot b_{j} \cdot y^{\kappa -2} \,\mathrm{mod}\,x_{0}&\omega _{i,j} = e_{i,j} {{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,x_{0}\\ e'_{i,j}&= b_{i} \cdot b_{j} \cdot y^{\kappa -2} \,\mathrm{mod}\,x_{0}&\omega '_{i,j} = e'_{i,j} {{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,x_{0} \end{aligned}$$

Note that:

$$\begin{aligned} \omega _{i,j}&= \sum _{k} \Big (a_{k} \frac{r_{i,k} g_{k}}{z} \frac{r_{j,k} g_{k}}{z} \frac{y_{k}^{\kappa -2}}{z^{\kappa -2}} \frac{h_{k}z^{\kappa }}{g_{k}} \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{k} \Big ) p_{k}^{*} \nonumber \\&= \sum _{k} a_{k} r_{i,k} r_{j,k} c_{k} \quad \quad \text {with } c_{k} = g_{k}y_k^{\kappa -2}h_{k}p_{k}^{*}. \end{aligned}$$

Crucially, in the second line, the modulo \(p_{k}\) disappears and the equation holds over the integers, because \(e_{i,j}\) is a valid encoding of zero, so the correctness of the scheme requires \(|e_{i,j}z^{\kappa }/g_{k} \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{k}| \ll p_{k}\).

Equation (5) may be seen as a matrix multiplication. Indeed, define \(\varOmega \), resp. \(\varOmega '\), as the \(n \times n\) matrix with entries \(\omega _{i,j}\), resp. \(\omega '_{i,j}\), and likewise R with entries \(r_{i,j}\). Moreover let A, resp. C, be the diagonal matrix with diagonal entries \(a_{i}\), resp. \(c_{i}\). Then (5) may be rewritten:

$$\begin{aligned} \varOmega&= R \cdot A \cdot C \cdot R ^\mathrm{T}\\ \varOmega '&= R \cdot C \cdot R ^\mathrm{T}\\ \varOmega \cdot (\varOmega ')^{-1}&= R\cdot A \cdot R^{-1}. \end{aligned}$$

Here matrices are viewed over \(\mathbb {Q}\) for inversion (they are invertible whp).

Once \(\varOmega \cdot (\varOmega ')^{-1}\) has been computed, the (diagonal) entries of A can be recovered as its eigenvalues. In practice this can be achieved by computing the characteristic polynomial, and all computations can be performed modulo some prime p larger than the \(a_{i}\)’s (which are size \(2\rho \)).

Thus we recover the \(a_{i}\)’s, and by definition \(a_{i} = a \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{i}\), so \(p_{i}\) can be recovered as \(p_{i} = \gcd (a - a_{i},x_{0})\). From there it is trivial to recover all other secret parameters of the scheme.

4 Main Attack

4.1 Integer Extraction (\(\phi \)-Value)

Integer extraction essentially removes the extra noise induced by ladder reductions when performing computations on encodings. In addition, as we shall see in Sect. 4.3.2, this step is enough to recover \(x_{0}\) when an exact multiple is known, as is the case in the optimized variant proposed and implemented in [CLT15].

In the remainder we say that an encoding at level k is small iff it is less than \(X_{0}^{(k)}\) in absolute value. In particular, any ladder-reduced encoding is small.

Now, we describe our idea of attack. For a level-\({\kappa }\) encoding of zero \(e=\sum _{i=1}^n r_i u_i+a x_0\) of arbitrary size, if one can compute the integer value \(\sum _{i=1}^n r_i v_i+a v_0\), which is not reduced modulus N, then a CHLRS attack can be applied similarly. Hence, we define the function \(\phi \) such that it represents such a value and examine how to obtain the function values for a level-\({\kappa }\) encoding of zero of arbitrary size.

When the size of e is small, by the zero-testing lemma, \([{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot e]_N\) gives the integer value \(\sum _{i=1}^n r_i v_i+a v_0\). However, if the size of e is large, the zero-testing lemma does not hold and one cannot compute the integer value directly. To reach the goal, we use the ladder \(X_j^{({\kappa })}=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij}^{({\kappa })} u_i+a_j^{({\kappa })}\). Let e be a level-\({\kappa }\) encoding of zero. Then, we can compute the size-reduced encoding \(e'\) using the ladder and obtain the quantity (for short, we define \(\gamma '\) as \(\gamma + \lfloor \log _2 \ell \rfloor \).)

$$\begin{aligned}{}[{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot e']_N= & {} \Big [{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot \Big (e-\sum _{j=0}^{\gamma '} b_j X_j^{({\kappa })}\Big )\Big ]_N\\= & {} \sum _{i=1}^n \Big (r_i-\sum _{j=0}^{\gamma '} b_j r_{ij}^{({\kappa })}\Big ) v_i+\Big (a-\sum _{j=0}^{\gamma '} b_j a_j^{({\kappa })}\Big ) v_0 \\= & {} \sum _{i=1}^n r_i v_{i}+a v_0-\sum _{j=0}^{\gamma '} b_j \Big (\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij}^{({\kappa })} v_i+ a_j^{({\kappa })}v_0\Big ). \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, if one can compute \(\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij}^{({\kappa })} v_i + a_j^{({\kappa })} v_0\) from \(X_j^{({\kappa })}\), one can easily obtain \(\sum _{i=1}^n r_i v_i+a v_0\).

To compute \(\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij}^{({\kappa })} v_i + a_j^{({\kappa })} v_0\) for all \(j\in \{0,\cdots , \gamma + \lfloor \log _2 \ell \rfloor \}\), we use an induction on j. When \(j=0\), \([{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot X_0^{({\kappa })}]_N\) gives \(\sum _{i=1}^n r_{i0}^{({\kappa })} v_i + a_0^{({\kappa })} v_0\), by the zero-testing lemma. Suppose we have \(\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij}^{({\kappa })} v_i + a_j^{({\kappa })} v_0\) for \(j\in \{0,\cdots , t-1\}\); then, \([{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot X_{t}]_N=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{it}^{({\kappa })} v_i + a_{t}^{({\kappa })} v_0 -\sum _{j=0}^{t-1} b_j (\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij}^{({\kappa })} v_i + a_j^{({\kappa })} v_0) \) for computable \(b_i\in \{0,1\}\), where \(X_{t}\) is a size-reduced encoding of \(X_{t}^{({\kappa })}\) using \(\{X_0^{({\kappa })},\cdots , X_{t-1}^{({\kappa })}\}\). Since we know the latter terms, we can also compute \(\sum _{i=1}^n r_{it}^{({\kappa })} v_i + a_{t}^{({\kappa })} v_0\). This idea can be extended to any level ladder.

Now, we give a precise description of function \(\phi \).

$$\begin{aligned} \phi :&\mathbb Z \rightarrow \mathbb Z\\&e \mapsto \sum _{i=1}^n \Big [e \cdot \frac{z^{\kappa }}{g_i}\Big ]_{p_i} v_i+\frac{x-\sum _{i=1}^n [e \cdot \frac{z^{\kappa }}{g_i}]_{p_i} u_i}{x_0} v_0, \end{aligned}$$

where \(v_i=[{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot u_i]_N (1\le i \le n)\) and \(v_0=[{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot x_0]_N\). Note that \(\phi \) is defined over the integers, and not modulo N. Indeed the \(v_{i}\)’s are seen as integers: recall from Sect. 2 that throughout this paper \(x \,\mathrm{mod}\,N\) denotes an integer in \(\mathbb {Z}\cap (-N/2,N/2]\).

Proposition 1

Let e be an integer such that \(e\equiv \frac{r_i\cdot g_i}{z^{{\kappa }}} \,\mathrm{mod}\,{p_i}\) for \(1 \le i \le n\). If \(|r_i|<{p_i}/{2}\) for each i, then x can be uniquely expressed as \(\sum _{i=1}^n r_i u_i+ax_0\) for some integer a, and \(\phi (e)=\sum _{i=1}^n r_i v_i+a v_0\).


We can see that \(e\equiv \sum _{i=1}^n r_i u_i \,\mathrm{mod}\,{p_j}\) for each j and thus there exists an integer a such that \(e=\sum _{i=1}^n r_i u_i+ax_0\). For uniqueness, suppose e can be written as \(e=\sum _{i=1}^n r_i' u_i+a' x_0\) for integers \(r_1', \cdots , r_n', a'\) with \(|r_i'|<p_i/2\). Then, \(e\equiv r_i'[\frac{g_i}{z^{\kappa }}\big (\frac{x_0}{p_i}\big )^{-1}]_{p_i} \equiv \frac{r_i' g_i}{z^{\kappa }} \,\mathrm{mod}\,{p_i}\), which implies \(r_i\equiv r_i' \,\mathrm{mod}\,{p_i}\). Since \(|r_i-r_i'|<p_i\), we have \(r_i'=r_i\) for each i and therefore \(a'=a\), which proves the uniqueness.    \(\square \)

The point is that if e is a small encoding of zero at level \(\kappa \), then \(\phi (e) = e {{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\mod N\). In that case \(\phi (e)\) matches the extraction in the sense of the \(\mathsf {ext}\) procedure of Appendix A.2 (more precisely \(\mathsf {ext}\) returns the high-order bits of \(\phi (e)\)).

However we want to compute \(\phi (e)\) even when e is larger. For this purpose, the crucial point is that \(\phi \) is actually \(\mathbb {Z}\)-linear as long as for all encodings involved, the associated \(r_{i}\)’s do not go over \(p_{i}/2\), i.e. reduction modulo \(p_{i}\) does not interfere. More formally:

Proposition 2

Let \(e_1, \cdots , e_m\) be level-\(\kappa \) encodings of zero such that \(e_j\equiv \dfrac{r_{ij} g_i}{z^{\kappa }} \,\mathrm{mod}\,{p_i}\) and \(|r_{ij}|<p_i/2\) for all \(1\le i\le n\), \(1\le j\le m\). Then, the equality

$$\phi (\sum \limits _{j=1}^m e_j)=\sum \limits _{j=1}^m\phi (e_j),$$

holds if \(\Big |\sum \limits _{j=1}^m r_{ij}\Big |< \dfrac{p_i}{2}\), for all \(1\le i\le n.\)


From Proposition 1, each \(e_j\) can be uniquely written as \(e_j=\sum \limits _{i=1}^n r_{ij} u_i+a_j x_0\) for some integer \(a_j\), and \(\phi (e_j)=\sum \limits _{i=1}^n r_{ij} v_i+a_j v_0\). Then,

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{j=1}^m\phi (e_j)= & {} \sum _{i=1}^n\Big (\sum _{j=1}^m r_{ij}\Big )\cdot v_i+\Big (\sum _{j=1}^m a_j\Big )\cdot v_0\\= & {} \phi \Big (\Big (\sum \limits _{j=1}^m r_{ij}\Big )\cdot u_i+\Big (\sum \limits _{j=1}^m a_j\Big )\cdot x_0\Big ) =\phi \Big (\sum _{j=1}^m e_j\Big ), \end{aligned}$$

where the source of the second equality is Proposition 1, since \(\big |\sum _{j=1}^m r_{ij}\big |<p_i/2\).    \(\square \)

An important remark is that the conditions on the \(r_{ij}\)’s above are also required for the correctness of the scheme to hold. In other words, as long as we perform valid computations from the point of view of the multilinear map (i.e. there is no reduction of the \(r_{ij}\)’s modulo \(p_{i}\), and correctness holds), then the \(\mathbb {Z}\)-linearity of \(\phi \) also holds.

4.2 Eigenvalue Attack

Our strategy to attack CLT15 is similar to that in [CHL+15]. The goal is to construct a matrix equation over \(\mathbb Q\) by computing the \(\phi \) values of several products of level-0, 1, and \(({\kappa }-1)\) encodings, fixed on level-0 encoding. We proceed using the following three steps.

  • (Step 1) Compute the \(\phi \)-value of level-\({\kappa }\) ladder

  • (Step 2) Compute the \(\phi \)-value of level-\({\kappa }\) encodings of large size

  • (Step 3) Construct matrix equations over \(\mathbb Q.\)

Using the matrix equations in Step 3, we have a matrix, the eigenvalues of which are residue modulo \(p_i\) of level-0 encoding. From this, we deduce a secret modulus \(p_i\).

4.2.1 Computing the \(\phi \)-value of \(X_j^{({\kappa })}\)

To apply the zero-testing lemma to a level-\({\kappa }\) encoding of zero \(e=\sum _{i=1}^n r_i u_i+a x_0\), the size of \(r_i\) and a has to be bounded by some fixed values. By the parameter setting, \(\eta \) is larger than the maximum bit size of the noise \(r_i\) of a level-\({\kappa }\) encoding obtained from the multiplication of lower level encodings. Hence, we need to reduce the size of e so that a satisfies the zero-testing lemma.

Let us consider a ladder of level-\({\kappa }\) encodings of zero \(\{ X_j^{({\kappa })}\}\). This is provided to reduce the size of encodings to that of \(2x_0\). More precisely, given a level-\({\kappa }\) encoding of zero e of size smaller than \(2^{2\gamma +\lfloor \log _2 \ell \rfloor }\), one can compute \(e'=e-\sum _{j=0}^{\gamma '} b_j X_j^{({\kappa })}\) for \(\gamma '=\gamma +\lfloor \log _2 \ell \rfloor \), which is an encoding of the same plaintext; its size is smaller than \(X_0^{({\kappa })}\). As noted in [CLT15], the sizes of \(X_j^{({\kappa })}\) are increasing and differ by only one bit, and therefore, \(b_{j}\in \{0, 1\}\), which implies the noise grows additively. We can reduce a to an integer much smaller than \(2^{2\eta -\beta -1}/n\) so that the zero-testing lemma can be applied. We denote such \(e'\) as \([e]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}\). More generally, we use the notation

$$[e]_{{\varvec{X}}^{(t)}}:= [\cdots [[e]_{X_{\gamma '}^{(t)}}]_{X_{\gamma '-1}^{(t)}}\cdots ]_{X_{0}^{(t)}}\quad \text { for } {\varvec{X}}^{(t)}=(X_0^{(t)}, X_1^{(t)}, \dots ,X_{\gamma '}^{(t)}), 1\le t\le \kappa .$$

Note that, if e satisfies the condition in Lemma 1, i.e., it is an encoding of zero of small size, then \(\phi (e)\) is exactly the same as \([{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot e]_N\). However, if the size of e is large, it is congruent only to \([{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot e]_N\) modulo N. Now, we show how to compute the integer value \(\phi (e)\) for an encoding e of zero, although e does not satisfy the condition in Lemma 1.

First, we adapt the size reduction process to a level-\({\kappa }\) ladder itself. We can compute binary \(b_{ij}\) for each ij, satisfying

$$\begin{aligned}{}[X_0^{({\kappa })}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}&=X_0^{({\kappa })}\\ [X_1^{({\kappa })}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}&=X_1^{({\kappa })}-b_{10}\cdot X_0^{({\kappa })}\\ [X_2^{({\kappa })}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}&=X_2^{({\kappa })}-\sum _{k=0}^1 b_{2k} \cdot X_k^{({\kappa })}\\&\vdots \\ [X_j^{({\kappa })}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}&=X_j^{({\kappa })}-\sum _{k=0}^{j-1} b_{jk}\cdot X_k^{({\kappa })}. \end{aligned}$$

Each \([X_j^{({\kappa })}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}\) is an encoding of zero at level \({\kappa }\) and therefore can be written as \([X_j^{({\kappa })}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij}' u_i+a_j' x_0\) for some integers \(r'_{ij}\) and \(a_j'\). Moreover, its bit size is at most \(\gamma \) and therefore \(a_j'\) is small enough to satisfy the condition in Lemma 1. Therefore,

$$\phi ([X_j^{({\kappa })}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}})= [{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot [X_j^{({\kappa })}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}]_N=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij}' v_i+a_j' v_0.$$

If we write \(X_j^{({\kappa })}=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij} u_i+a_j x_0\) for some integer \(r_{1j},\dots ,r_{nj},a_j\), we have \(r_{ij}'=r_{ij}-\sum _{k=0}^{j-1} b_{jk} r_{ik}\) for each i and \(a_j'=a_j-\sum _{k=0}^{j-1} b_{jk} a_k\), since all the coefficients of \(u_i\) are sufficiently smaller than \(p_i\) for each i. Therefore,

$$\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij}' v_i+a_j' v_0 =\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ij} v_i+a_j v_0-\sum _{k=0}^{j-1} b_{jk} \Big (\sum _{i=1}^n r_{ik} v_i+a_k v_0\Big )$$

holds over the integers. Hence, we have the following inductive equations for \(0\le j \le \gamma '\).

$$\phi (X_j^{({\kappa })})=\left[ {{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot [X_j^{({\kappa })}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}\right] _N+\sum _{k=0}^{j-1} b_{jk}\cdot \phi \Big (X_k^{({\kappa })}\Big ),$$

which gives all \(\phi (X_0^{({\kappa })}),\phi (X_1^{({\kappa })}), \dots , \phi (X_{\gamma '}^{({\kappa })})\), inductively. The computation consists of \((\gamma '+1)\) zero-testing and \(O(\gamma ^2)\)-times comparisons and subtractions of \((\gamma +\gamma ')\)-bit integers, and therefore, the total computation cost is \(\widetilde{O}(\gamma ^2)\) by using fast Fourier transform. Hence, we obtain the following lemma.

Lemma 2

Given the public parameters of the CLT15 scheme, one can compute

$$\phi (X_j^{({\kappa })})=\left[ {{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\cdot [X_j^{({\kappa })}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}\right] _N+\sum _{k=0}^{j-1} b_{jk}\cdot \phi \left( X_k^{({\kappa })}\right) $$

in \(\widetilde{O}(\gamma ^2)\) bit computations.

4.2.2 Computing the \(\phi \)-value of Level-\(\kappa \) Encodings of Large Size

Using the \(\phi \) values of the \({\kappa }\)-level ladder, we can compute the \(\phi \) value of any \({\kappa }\)-level encoding of zero, the bit size of which is between \(\gamma \) and \(\gamma +\gamma '\).

Lemma 3

Let e be a level-\({{\kappa }}\) encoding of zero, \(e=\mathsf {CRT}_{(p_i)} \left( \dfrac{r_i g_i }{z^{{\kappa }}}\right) +q x_0 =\sum _{i=1}^n r_{i} u_i+a x_0\) for some integer \(r_1,\dots ,r_n,a\) satisfying \(|r_i|<2^{\eta -\beta -\log _2 n-7}\) for each i and \(|a|<2^{\gamma '}\). Given the public parameters of the CLT15 scheme, one can compute the value \(\phi (e)=\sum _{i=1}^n r_{i} v_i+a v_0\) in \(\widetilde{O}(\gamma ^2)\) bit computations.


Let e be a level-\({\kappa }\) encoding of zero satisfying the above conditions. As in Sect. 4.2.1, we can find binary \(b_j\)’s satisfying \([e]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}=e-\sum _{j=0}^{\gamma '} b_j\cdot X_j^{({\kappa })}\). Then, we have

$$\phi (e)=\phi ([e]_{{\varvec{X}}^(\kappa )})+\sum _{j=0}^{\gamma '} b_j \cdot \phi (X_j^{({\kappa })}).$$

Since \([e]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}\) is a \({\kappa }\)-level encoding of zero of at most \(\gamma \)-bit and the size of noise is bounded by \((\eta -\beta -\log _2 n-6)\)-bit, we can compute the value \(\phi ( [e]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}})\) via the zero-testing procedure. Finally, the \(\phi \) values of the \({\kappa }\)-level ladder and \(\phi ( [e]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}})\) give the value \(\phi (e)\). The source of the complexity is Lemma 2.    \(\square \)

We apply Lemma 3 to obtain the \(\phi \) value of a \({\kappa }\)-level encoding of zero that is a product of two encodings of \((\gamma +\gamma ')\)-bit size.

Lemma 4

Let X be a level-1 encoding and Y a level-\(({\kappa }-1)\) encoding of zero of bit size at most \(\gamma +\gamma '\). Then, one can compute \(\phi (X Y)\) in \(\widetilde{O}(\gamma ^3)\) bit computations.


We apply Lemma 3 to a product of two \(\gamma \)-bit encodings. From \([X_1^{(1)}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{(1)}}=X_1^{(1)}-b\cdot X_0^{(1)}\) for some \(b\in \{0,1\}\), we find \(\phi (X_1^{(1)}\cdot X_0^{({\kappa }-1)})= \phi ( [X_1^{(1)}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{(1)}}\cdot X_0^{(\kappa -1)})+b \cdot \phi (X_0^{(1)}\cdot X_0^{({\kappa }-1)})\), since \([X_1^{(1)}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{(1)}}\) is \(\gamma \)-bit. Thus, we can obtain inductively all \(\phi (X_j^{(1)}\cdot X_k^{({\kappa }-1)})\) for each jk from \( \phi (X_{l_j}^{(1)}\cdot X_{l_k}^{({\kappa }-1)}),~ 0\le l_j \le j, 0\le l_k \le k, (l_j, l_k)\ne (j,k)\).

Let \([X]_{{\varvec{X}}^{(1)}}=X-\sum _{j=0}^{\gamma '} b_j \cdot X_j^{(1)}\) and \([Y]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa }-1)}}=Y-\sum _{j=0}^{\gamma '} b_j' \cdot X_j^{({\kappa }-1)}.\) Then,

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll} [X]_{{\varvec{X}}^{(1)}} \cdot [Y]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa }-1)}}=&{}X Y -\sum \nolimits _{j} b_j \cdot X_j^{(1)} \cdot Y\\ &{}-\sum \nolimits _{j} b_j'\cdot X_j^{({\kappa }-1)}\cdot X +\sum \nolimits _{j,k} b_j b_k'\cdot X_j^{(1)}\cdot X_k^{({\kappa }-1)}. \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

Note that the noise of \([[X]_{{\varvec{X}}^{(1)}} \cdot [Y]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa }-1)}}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa })}}\) is bounded by \(2\rho +\alpha +2\log _2(\gamma ')+2\) and \(\eta > \kappa (2\alpha +2\rho +\lambda +2\log _2n+3)\), and therefore, we can adapt Proposition 2. Therefore, if we know the \(\phi \)-value of each term, we can compute the \(\phi \)-value of XY. Finally, Lemma 3 enables one to compute \(\phi ([X]_{{\varvec{X}}^{(1)}} \cdot [Y]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa }-1)}})\). The second and third terms of the right hand side can be computed using \([X_j^{(1)}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{(1)}}\), \([X_j^{({\kappa }-1)}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa }-1)}}\), and we know the \(\phi \)-value of the last one. Since we perform zero-testings for \(O(\gamma ^2)\) encodings of zero, the complexity becomes \(\widetilde{O}(\gamma ^3)\).   \(\square \)

Note that the above Lemma can be applied to a level-t encoding X and a level-\(({\kappa }-t)\) encoding of zero Y. The proof is exactly the same, except for the indexes.

4.2.3 Constructing Matrix Equations over \(\mathbb Q\)

We reach the final stage. The following theorem is the result.

Theorem 1

Given the public instances in [CLT15] and \({{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\), one can find all the secret parameters given in [CLT15] in \(\widetilde{O}(\kappa ^{\omega +4} \lambda ^{2\omega +6})\) bit computations with \(\omega \le 2.38\).


We construct a matrix equation by collecting several \(\phi \)-values of the product of level-0, 1 and \(({\kappa }-1)\) encodings. Let cX,  and Y be a level-0, 1, and \(({\kappa }-1)\) encoding, respectively, and additionally we assume Y is an encoding of zero. Let us express them as

$$\begin{aligned} c= & {} \mathsf {CRT}_{(p_i)}(c_i), \\ X= & {} \mathsf {CRT}_{(p_i)}\left( \frac{x_i}{z}\right) =x_i \left[ z^{-1}\right] _{p_i}+q_i p_i,\\ Y= & {} \mathsf {CRT}_{(p_i)}\left( \frac{y_i g_i}{z^{{\kappa }-1}}\right) =\sum _{i=1}^n y_i \left[ \frac{g_i}{z^{{\kappa }-1}} \Big ({p_i}^*\Big )^{-1}\right] _{p_i} \cdot {p_i}^*+a x_0. \end{aligned}$$

Assume that the size of each is less than \(2x_0\). The product of c and X can be written as \(c X=c_i x_i \left[ z^{-1}\right] _{p_i}+q_i' p_i\) for some integer \(q_i'\).

By multiplying cX and Y, we have

$$\begin{aligned}&c X Y \\= & {} \sum _{i=1}^n \Big (c_i x_i y_i \left[ z^{-1}\right] _{p_i} \left[ \frac{g_i}{z^{{\kappa }-1}} \Big (\frac{x_0}{p_i}\Big )^{-1}\right] _{p_i} \cdot \frac{x_0}{p_i} +y_i \left[ \frac{g_i}{z^{{\kappa }-1}} \Big (\frac{x_0}{p_i}\Big )^{-1}\right] _{p_i} q_i' x_0 \Big ) +(cX) (ax_0)\\= & {} \sum _{i=1}^n c_i x_i y_i u_i +\sum _{i=1}^n (c_i x_i y_i s_i +y_i \theta _i q_i') x_0 +a c X x_0, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\theta _i=\left[ \dfrac{g_i}{z^{{\kappa }-1}} \Big (\dfrac{x_0}{p_i}\Big )^{-1}\right] _{p_i}, \theta _i \left[ z^{-1}\right] _{p_i} \dfrac{x_0}{p_i}=u_i+s_i x_0\) for some integer \(s_i\in \mathbb Z\). Then, we can obtain \(\phi (c X Y)= \sum _{i=1}^n c_i x_i y_i v_i +\sum _{i=1}^n (c_i x_i y_i s_i + y_i \theta _i q_i')v_0+a c X v_0\) by Lemma 4.

By plugging \(q_i'=\frac{1}{p_i}(cX-c_i x_i [z^{-1}]_{p_i})\) into the equation, we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (c X Y)= & {} \sum _{i=1}^n y_i(v_i+s_i v_0-\frac{\theta _i v_0}{p_i} [z^{-1}]_{p_i}) c_i x_i+\sum _{i=1}^n y_i \frac{\theta _i v_0}{p_i} c X + a v_0 c X\\= & {} \sum _{i=1}^n y_i w_i c_i x_i+\sum _{i=1}^n y_i w_i' c X + a v_0 c X, \end{aligned}$$

where \(w_i=v_i+s_i v_0-\frac{\theta _i}{p_i}[z^{-1}]_{p_i} v_0\) and \(w_i'=\frac{\theta _i v_0}{p_i}\). It can be written (over \(\mathbb Q\)) as

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (c X Y)= \begin{pmatrix} y_1&y_2&\cdots&y_n&a \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} w_1&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}0&{}w_1'\\ &{}w_2&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}w_2'\\ &{}&{}&{}\ddots &{}&{}&{}\vdots \\ &{}&{}&{}&{}&{}w_n&{}w_n'\\ 0&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}v_0 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} c_1 x_1\\ c_2 x_2\\ \vdots \\ c_n x_n\\ cX \end{pmatrix}. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(p_i w_i= p_i(v_i+s_i v_0)-\theta _i \left[ z^{-1} \right] _{p_i}v_0\equiv -\theta _i \left[ z^{-1} \right] _{p_i}v_0 \not \equiv 0 \,\mathrm{mod}\,{p_i},\) \(w_i\) is not equal to zero. Therefore, \( v_0 \prod _{i=1}^n w_i\ne 0\) and thus the matrix in Eq. (6) is non singular. By applying Eq. (6) to various XY, taking for \(0\le j,k\le n\)

$$\begin{aligned} X= & {} [X_j^{(1)}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{(1)}}=\mathsf {CRT}_{(p_i)}\left( \frac{x_{ij}}{z}\right) ,\\ Y= & {} [X_k^{({\kappa }-1)}]_{{\varvec{X}}^{({\kappa }-1)}}=\sum _{i=1}^n y_{ik} \theta _i \frac{x_0}{p_i}+a_k x_0, \end{aligned}$$

we finally obtain the matrix equation

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{llcccc} {\varvec{W}}_c&{}=&{} \begin{pmatrix} y_{10}&{}&{} \cdots &{} y_{n0}&{} a_0\\ &{}&{}&{}&{}\\ &{}&{}\ddots &{}&{}\vdots \\ &{}&{}&{}&{}\\ y_{1n}&{}&{}\cdots &{}y_{nn}&{}a_{n} \end{pmatrix}&{} \begin{pmatrix} w_1&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}0&{}w_1'\\ &{}w_2&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}w_2'\\ &{}&{}&{}\ddots &{}&{}&{}\vdots \\ &{}&{}&{}&{}&{}w_n&{}w_n'\\ 0&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}v_0 \end{pmatrix}&{} \begin{pmatrix} c_1&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}0\\ &{}c_2&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}\\ &{}&{}&{}\ddots &{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}\\ &{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}c_n&{}\\ 0&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}c \end{pmatrix}&{} \begin{pmatrix} x_{10}&{}&{}&{}\cdots &{}&{}&{}&{} x_{1n}\\ &{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}\\ &{}&{}&{}\ddots &{}&{}&{}&{}\vdots \\ x_{n0}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{}&{} x_{nn}\\ X_0&{}&{}&{}\cdots &{}&{}&{}&{}X_{n} \end{pmatrix} \\ &{}=&{}{\varvec{Y}}&{}{\varvec{W}}&{}\mathsf{{diag}}(c_1, \cdots , c_n, c)&{}{\varvec{X}}. \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

We perform the same computation on \(c=1\), which is a level-0 encoding of \({\mathbf{1}}=(1,1,\cdots , 1)\), and then, it implies

$${\varvec{W}}_{1}={\varvec{Y}} \cdot {\varvec{W}} \cdot {\varvec{I}} \cdot {\varvec{X}}.$$

From \({\varvec{W}}_c\) and \({\varvec{W}}_1\), we have a matrix that is similar to \(\mathsf{{diag}}(c_1, \cdots , c_n, c)\):

$${\varvec{W}}_1^{-1} \cdot {\varvec{W}}_c={\varvec{X}}^{-1} \cdot \mathsf{{diag}}(c_1, \cdots , c_n, c) \cdot {\varvec{X}}.$$

Then, by computing the eigenvalues of \({\varvec{W}}_1^{-1} \cdot {\varvec{W}}_c\), we have \(c_1, \cdots , c_n\), satisfying \(p_i |(c-c_i)\) for each i. Using an additional level-0 encoding \(c'\), we obtain \({\varvec{W}}_1^{-1} \cdot {\varvec{W}}_{c'}\), and therefore, \(c_1', \cdots , c_n'\) with \(p_i |(c'-c_i')\) for each i. Computing \(\gcd (c-c_i, c'-c_i')\) gives the secret prime \(p_i\).

Using \(p_1, \cdots , p_n\), we can recover all the remaining parameters. By the definition of y and \(X_j^{(1)}\), the equation \(y/ [X^{(1)}_j]_{x_0}\equiv (r_{i} g_i + 1)/(r_{ij}^{(1)} g_i) \,\mathrm{mod}\,{p_i}\) is satisfied. Since \(r_{i} g_i + 1\) and \(r_{ij}^{(1)} g_i\) are smaller than \(\sqrt{p_i}\) and are co-prime, one can recover them by rational reconstruction up to the sign. Therefore, we can obtain \(g_i\) by computing the gcd of \(r_{i0}^{(1)} g_i, \cdots , r_{im}^{(1)} g_i\). Moreover, using \(r_{ij}^{(1)} g_i\) and \([X^{(1)}_j]_{x_0}\), we can compute \(\left[ z\right] _{p_i}\) for each i and therefore z. Any other parameters are computed using z, \(g_i\), and \(p_i\).

Our attack consists of the following arithmetics: computing \(\phi (X^{(\kappa )}_j)\), \(\phi (X_j^{(1)}\cdot X_k^{({\kappa }-1)})\), constructing a matrix \({\varvec{W}}_c\) and \({\varvec{W}}_1\), matrix inversing and multiplying, and computing eigenvalues and the greatest common divisor. All of these are bounded by \(\widetilde{O}(\gamma ^3+n^\omega \gamma )=\widetilde{O}( \kappa ^{6} \lambda ^{9})\) bit computations with \(\omega \le 2.38\). For this algorithm to succeed, we need a property that \({\varvec{W}}_1\) is non-singular. If we use the fact that the rank of a matrix \({\varvec{A}} \in \mathbb {Z}^{(n+1) \times (n+1)}\) can be computed in time \(\widetilde{\mathcal O}\left( (n+1)^{\omega } \log \Vert {\varvec{A}}\Vert _{\infty }\right) \) (see [Sto09]), we can find that \({\varvec{X}}, {\varvec{Y}}\cdot {\varvec{W}} \in \mathbb Q^{(n+1) \times (n+1)}\) are non-singular in \( \widetilde{\mathcal O} (2 (\gamma +\log \ell ) (n^{\omega } \log N)) = \widetilde{\mathcal O} ( \kappa ^{\omega +4} \lambda ^{2\omega +6})\) by considering another \((n+1)\) subsets of \(X_0^{(1)}, \cdots , X_{\gamma '}^{(1)}\) for X and also for Y. Therefore, the total complexity of our attack is \(\widetilde{\mathcal O}( \kappa ^{\omega +4} \lambda ^{2\omega +6})\).    \(\square \)

4.3 Determinant Attack

4.3.1 On the Impact of Recovering \(x_{0}\)

If \(x_{0}\) is known, CLT15 essentially collapses to CLT13. In particular, all encodings can be reduced modulo \(x_{0}\) so ladders are no longer needed. What is more, all \(\omega _{i,j}\)’s from the CHLRS attack can be reduced modulo \(v_{0} = x_{0}{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,N\), which effectively removes the new noise a. As a direct consequence the CHLRS attack goes through and all secret parameters are recovered (cf. [CLT15, Sect. 3.3]). Moreover ladder elements reduced by \(x_{0}\) provide low-level encodings of zero even if the scheme itself does not. Also note that the CHLRS attack is quite efficient as it can be performed modulo any prime larger than the values we are trying to recover, i.e. larger than \(2^{2\rho }\).

4.3.2 Recovering \(x_{0}\) when an Exact Multiple is Known

The authors of [CLT15] propose an optimized version of their scheme, where a multiple \(qx_{0}\) of \(x_{0}\) is provided in the public parameters. The size of q is chosen such that \(qx_{0}\) is about the same size as N. Ladders at levels below \(\kappa \) are no longer necessary: every encoding can be reduced modulo \(qx_{0}\) without altering encoded values or increasing any noise. The ladder at level \(\kappa \) is still needed as a preliminary to zero-testing, however it does not need to go beyond \(qx_{0}\), which makes it much smaller. In the end this optimization greatly reduces the size of the public key and speeds up computations, making the scheme much more practical (cf. Sect. 4.3.4).

In this scenario, note that \(qx_{0}\) may be regarded as an encoding of 0 at level \(\kappa \) (and indeed every level). Moreover by construction it is small enough to be reduced by the ladder at level \(\kappa \) with a valid computation (i.e. with low enough noise for every intermediate encoding involved that the scheme operates as desired and zero-extraction is correct). As a direct consequence we have:

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (qx_{0}) = qv_{0} \end{aligned}$$

and so we can recover q as \(q = \gcd (qx_{0},\phi (qx_{0}))\), and get \(x_{0} = qx_{0} / q\). This attack has been verified on the reference implementation, and recovers \(x_{0}\) instantly.

Remark. \(qv_{0}\) is larger than N by design, so that it cannot be computed simply as \(qx_{0}{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,N\) due to modular reductions (cf. [CLT15, Sect. 3.4]). The point is that our computation of \(\phi \) is over the integers and not modulo N.

4.3.3 Recovering \(x_{0}\) in the General Case

We now return to the non-optimized version of the scheme, where no exact multiple of \(x_{0}\) is provided in the public parameters.

The second step of our attack recovers \(x_{0}\) using a matrix product similar to the CHLRS attack (cf. Sect. 3.2), except we start with families of \(n+1\) encodings rather than n. That is, assume that for some t we have \(n+1\) level-t small encodings \((a_{i})\) of any value, and \(n+1\) level-\((\kappa -t)\) small encodings \((b_{i})\) of zero. This is easily achievable for one-round multi-party Diffie-Hellman (cf. Sect. A.2), e.g. choose \(t=1\), then pick \((n+1)\) level-1 encodings \((a_{i})\) of zero from the public parameters, and let \(b_{i} = a'_{i}y^{\kappa -2}\) for \(a'_{i}\) another family of \((n+1)\) level-1 encodings of zero and y any level-1 encoding, where the product is ladder-reduced at each level. In other applications of the multilinear map, observe that ladder elements provide plenty of small encodings of zero, as each ladder element can be reduced by the elements below it to form a small encoding of zero. Thus the necessary conditions to perform both our attack to recover \(x_{0}\), and the follow-up CHLRS attack to recover other secret parameters once \(x_{0}\) is known, are very lax. In this respect CLT15 is weaker than CLT13.

Let \(a_{i,j} = a_{i}z \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{j}\), i.e. \(a_{i,j}\) is the j-th value “\(r_{j}g_{j} + m_{j}\)” associated with \(a_{i}\). Likewise for \(i \le n\), let \(r_{i,j} = b_iz^{\kappa -1}/g_{j} \,\mathrm{mod}\,p_{j}\), i.e. \(r_{i,j}\) is the j-th value “\(r_{j}\)” associated with \(b_{i}\) (recall that \(b_{i}\) is an encoding of zero, so \(m_{j} = 0\)). Now compute:

If we look at the \(\omega _{i,j}\)’s modulo \(v_{0}\) (which is unknown for now), everything behaves as in CLT13 since the new noise term \(av_{0}\) disappears, and the ladder reduction at level \(\kappa \) is negated by the integer extraction procedure. Hence, similar to Sect. 3.2, we have:

$$\begin{aligned} \omega _{i,j} \,\mathrm{mod}\,v_{0}&= \sum _{k} a_{i,k} r_{j,k} v_{k}\,\mathrm{mod}\,v_{0}. \end{aligned}$$

Again, Eq. (7) may be seen as a matrix product. Indeed, define \(\varOmega \) as the \((n+1) \times (n+1)\) integer matrix with entries \(\omega _{i,j}\), let A be the \((n+1) \times n\) matrix with entries \(a_{i,j}\), let R be the \((n+1) \times n\) matrix with entries \(r_{i,j}\), and finally let V be the \(n \times n\) diagonal matrix with diagonal entries \(v_{i}\). Then (7) may be rewritten modulo \(v_{0}\):

$$\begin{aligned}&&\varOmega = A \cdot V \cdot R ^\mathrm{T}&\text {in }\mathbb {Z}_{v_{0}}. \end{aligned}$$

Since A and R are \((n+1) \times n\) matrices, this implies that \(\varOmega \) is not full-rank when embedded into \(\mathbb {Z}_{v_{0}}\). As a consequence \(v_{0}\) divides \(\det (\varOmega )\), where the determinant is computed over the integers. Now we can build a new matrix \(\varOmega '\) in the same way using a different choice of \(b_{i}\)’s, and recover \(v_{0}\) as \(v_{0} = \gcd (\det (\varOmega ), \det (\varOmega '))\). Finally we get \(x_{0} = v_{0}/{{\varvec{p}}}_{zt}\,\mathrm{mod}\,N\) (note that \(N \gg x_{0}\) by construction).

The attack has been verified on the reference implementation with reduced parameters.

Remark. As pointed out above, \(\varOmega \) cannot be full-rank when embedded into \(\mathbb {Z}_{v_{0}}\). Our attack also requires that it is full-rank over \(\mathbb {Q}\) (whp). This holds because while \(\varOmega \) can be nicely decomposed as a product when viewed modulo \(v_{0}\), the “remaining” part of \(\varOmega \), that is \(\varOmega - (\varOmega \,\mathrm{mod}\,v_{0})\) is the matrix of the terms \(av_{0}\) for each \(\omega _{i,j}\), and the value a does have the nice structure of \(\omega _{i,j} \,\mathrm{mod}\,v_{0}\). This is by design, since the noise a was precisely added in CLT15 in order to defeat the matrix product structure of the CHLRS attack.

4.3.4 Attack Complexity

It is clear that the attack is polynomial, and asymptotically breaks the scheme. In this section we provide an estimate of its practical complexity. When an exact multiple of \(x_{0}\) is known, the attack is instant as mentioned in Sect. 4.3.2, so we focus on the general case from Sect. 4.3.3.

In the general case, a ladder of encodings of size \(\ell \approx \gamma \) is published at every levelFootnote 1. Using the scheme requires \(\kappa \) ladder reductions, i.e. \(\kappa \ell \) additions of integers of size \(\gamma \). Since there are \(\kappa \) users, this means the total computation incurred by using the scheme is close to \(\kappa ^{2}\gamma ^{2}\). For the smallest 52-bit instance, this is already \(\approx 2^{46}\). Thus using the scheme a hundred times is above the security parameter. This highlights the importance of the optimization based on publishing \(qx_{0}\), which makes the scheme much more practical. More importantly for our current purpose, this makes it hard to propose an attack below the security parameters.

As a result, what we propose in terms of complexity evaluation is the following. For computations that compare directly to using the multilinear scheme, we will tally the complexity as the number of operations equivalent to using the scheme, in addition to the bit complexity. For unrelated operations, we will count the number of bit operations as usual.

There are two steps worth considering from a complexity point of view: computing \(\varOmega \) and computing its determinant. In practice both steps happen to have comparable complexity. Computing the final \(\gcd \) is negligible in comparison using a subquadratic algorithm [Mol08], which is practical for our parameter size.

Computing \(\varOmega \mathbf{.}\) As a precomputation, in order to compute \(\phi \), the integer extraction of ladder elements at level \(\kappa \) needs to be computed. This requires \(\ell \) integer extractions, where \(\ell \le \gamma \). Computing \(\varOmega \) itself requires \((n+1)^{2}\) integer extractions of a single product. Each integer extraction requires 1 multiplication, and \(2\ell \) additions (as well as \(\ell \) multiplications by small scalars). For comparison, using the multilinear scheme for one user requires 1 multiplication and \(\ell \) additions on integers of similar size. Thus overall computing \(\varOmega \) costs about \(\gamma + n^{2}\) times as much as simply using the multilinear scheme. For the 52-bit instance proposed in [CLT15] for instance, this means that if it is practical to use the scheme about a million times, then it is practical to compute \(\varOmega \). Here by using the scheme we mean one (rather than \(\kappa ^{2}\)) ladder reduction, so the bit complexity is \(\mathcal {O}(\gamma ^{3} + n^{2}\gamma ^{2})\).

Computing the Determinant. Let n denote the size of a matrix \(\varOmega \) (it is \((n+1)\) in our case but we will disregard this), and \(\beta \) the number of bits of its largest entry. When computing the determinant of an integer matrix, one has to carefully control the size of the integers appearing in intermediate computations. It is generally possible to ensure that these integers do not grow past the size of the determinant. Using Hadamard’s bound this size can be upper bounded as \(\log (\det (\varOmega )) \le n(\beta + \frac{1}{2}\log n)\), which can be approximated to \(n\beta \) in our case, since \(\beta \) is much larger than n.Footnote 2

As a result, computing the determinant using “naive” methods requires \(\mathcal {O}(n^{3})\) operations on integers of size up to \(n\beta \), which results in a complexity \(\widetilde{\mathcal {O}}(n^{4}\beta )\) using fast integer multiplication (but slow matrix multiplication). The asymptotic complexity is known to be \(\widetilde{\mathcal {O}}(n^{\omega }\beta )\) [Sto05]; however we are interested in the complexity of practical algorithms. Computing the determinant can be reduced to solving the linear system associated with \(\varOmega \) with a random target vector: indeed the determinant can then be recovered as the least common denominator of the (rational) solution vectorFootnote 3. In this context the fastest algorithms use p-adic lifting [Dix82], and an up-to-date analysis using fast arithmetic in [MS04] gives a complexity \(\mathcal {O}(n^{3}\beta \log ^{2} \beta \log \log \beta )\) (with \(\log n = o(\beta )\))Footnote 4.

For the concrete instantiations of one-round multipartite Diffie-Hellman implemented in [CLT15], this yields the following complexities:

Security parameter:





Building \(\varOmega \):










Thus, beside being polynomial, the attack is actually coming very close to the security parameter as it increases to 80 bits.Footnote 5