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Decline of Potentillo albae-Quercetum Libb. 1933 phytocoenoses in Poland

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Vegetatio Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The historical process of the decline of the thermophilous oak forest was studied at 11 selected localities within the whole area of the association in Poland. The comparative analysis of phytosociological data from the periods of 1929–1981 and 1987–1991 has shown the total decline of Potentillo albae-Quercetum at nine localities as well as symptoms of regression at two localities. It has been stated that in Eastern Pomerania and in Greater Poland in the places of Potentillo albae-Quercetum phytocoenoses the communities of Galio-Carpinetum and Calamagrostio-Quercetum have appeared. In the central, north-east, south-east and southern part of the country, the thermophilous oak forest has changed into Tilio-Carpinetum phytocoenoses. The results of the study indicate that the recession of Potentillo albae-Quercetum is taking place in the whole area of the association in Poland. The size of the area is changing, the number of localities is decreasing. The consequence of the thermophilous oak forest decline is the unification and impoverishment of woodland vegetation and flora. These localities of the association which exist up to date are ‘refuges’ for many interesting helio- and thermophilous species. Their presence to a great extent determines the genetic pool and diversity of Polish flora.

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Jakubowska-Gabara, J. Decline of Potentillo albae-Quercetum Libb. 1933 phytocoenoses in Poland. Vegetatio 124, 45–59 (1996).

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