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Medikamentöse Versorgung von Demenzpatienten als Teil einer integrativen „Teamproduktion“ — Diskussion von Verschreibungs- und Behandlungsverhalten und gesundheitspolitische Handlungsempfehlungen

Medical care for dementia sufferers as part of an integrative “team production” — Discussion of prescription and treatment patterns and recommended course of action from a health policy perspective

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PharmacoEconomics German Research Articles


The number of older individuals with dementia will increase over the next years. Thus, there is an ongoing debate over how to face the challenges of financing their medical care and how to identify appropriate pharmacotherapies. Some empirical articles have elaborated on problems of inappropriate quality of care for patients suffering from dementia. They identified quality deficits due to missing information, qualifications and cooperation structures as well as the potentially negative impact of budget restraints that confront physicians. From an economic point of view taken in this paper, it seems necessary to analyse the problem as a case of “team production”. The conclusion indicates that enhancing cooperative structures for medical production is paramount and that all strategies building on cooperative behaviour need to be accompanied with well-defined means for financing the challenges of an aging society. Hence, “risk sharing” between social institutions and private savings is necessary and must be conveyed by political strategies that are aware of the impact of the ongoing aging process within all industrialised countries.

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Zerth, J., Gaudig, M. & Schmid, A. Medikamentöse Versorgung von Demenzpatienten als Teil einer integrativen „Teamproduktion“ — Diskussion von Verschreibungs- und Behandlungsverhalten und gesundheitspolitische Handlungsempfehlungen. Pharmacoeconomics-Ger-Res-Articles 6, 53–68 (2008).

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