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Erschienen in: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 12/2018


DC reactively sputtered TiNx thin films for capacitor electrodes

verfasst von: Nana Sun, Jin Xu, Dayu Zhou, Peng Zhao, Shuaidong Li, Jingjing Wang, Shichao Chu, Faizan Ali

Erschienen in: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | Ausgabe 12/2018


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Being used as typical electrode layers in the state-of-the-art microelectronic devices, titanium nitride (TiNx) thin films have to meet the critical requirements for high conductivity, low surface roughness and thickness. In this work, TiNx thin films were deposited by direct current (DC) reactive sputtering in a nitrogen and argon ambient using a titanium target. Upon systematically adjusting the sputtering current, target-substrate distance and deposition time, the evolution of film properties were investigated in detail in terms of the composition, crystalline structure, resistivity, thickness and surface roughness. At finally optimized deposition conditions, ultra-thin (∼ 10 nm) TiNx thin films with a low resistivity of 125 µΩ cm and small surface roughness of 0.297 nm can be obtained. These superior performances together with low-running cost suggest great promise for the TiNx thin films to be used as electrodes in microelectronic devices.

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DC reactively sputtered TiNx thin films for capacitor electrodes
verfasst von
Nana Sun
Jin Xu
Dayu Zhou
Peng Zhao
Shuaidong Li
Jingjing Wang
Shichao Chu
Faizan Ali
Springer US
Erschienen in
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics / Ausgabe 12/2018
Print ISSN: 0957-4522
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-482X

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