I have learned from a late great master of mine (László Vekerdi, Head Librarian at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) that if I find in a book one sentence to remember, then this book is of remarkable value. I often try to apply this wisdom to value other sources: theater plays, movies, or—why not?—scientific journals.

In what follows, the reader may find the result of my attempt to select sentences to remember from each of the first 100 volumes of the journal Scientometrics. I have to admit that the selection was absolutely subjective, and I apologize to all sentences and all authors having been left out from this selection. In compensation, I encourage the readers to find other sentences to remember; it takes nothing more than to browse through the nearly 4,000 papers so far published in the journal—of course, if you are lucky, you may find yours in the very first page.

I tried to do my best not to corrupt the sentences while detaching them from their original context, and to apply only the minimal possible changes (correcting typos, completing informations exposed elsewhere in the paper, omitting references to other parts of the paper, etc.)—such changes are usually marked by square brackets.

Here you are.

Vol 1 p 8, Derek de Solla Price

It becomes apparent, even from our first few decades of analysis, that science and scientific activity is peculiarly measurable and peculiarly regular in its behavior even compared with other modes of scholarship.

Vol 2 p 3, A. I. Yablonsky

The number of publications dealing with Lotka’s, Zipf’s and Bradford’s laws is already so large that it is possible to compile bibliographies on this topic and even to verify Lotka’s law using the bibliographical material devoted to Lotka’s law.

Vol 3 p 21, Irina V. Marshakova

[An] important aspect of citation analysis is its application for revealing the inner structure of a science field. Citation networks might serve as a useful tool in solving the problem.

Vol 4 p 191, S. D. Haitun

If, say, the distribution of people in their creative abilities [were] Gaussian, there would be much less Einsteins and Edisons than [they were] in reality.

Vol 5 p 65, András Schubert, Wolfgang Glänzel

Reliable comparisons based on citation rate per publication can be performed only with an appropriate test of statistical significance of the observed differences.

Vol 6 p 224, J. Davidson Frame

Anyone familiar with the problems of trying to rationalize the management of scientific activity through quantification recognizes that scientific research efforts can be stubbornly resistant to management by numbers.

Vol 7 p 143, Michael J. Moravcsik

What he [Derek de Solla Price] started and advocated continues to grow, perhaps in directions and along dimensions sometimes different from Derek’s own views and perceptions, and one of the aims of this medal is to underscore this continuity and cumulation by honoring those who play a significant role in this ongoing development of scientometrics.

Vol 8 p 13, Attila T. Szabó

In his Histoire des sciences et des savants depuis deux sciècles (1885), [Alphonse] De Candolle was the first to analyse mathematically the number, dynamics and national distribution of scientists in their professional organisations, the specialization and professionalization of scientists and characterized the scientific potential of different countries with the number of international science society members per inhabitant [for the] period 1750–1884.

Vol 9 p 278 Dean K. Simonton

Time lapse between the first and last entry in a given multiple [discovery] can vary according to both historical time and discipline, a variation that is interpretable within a communication framework: Some disciplines have more efficient vehicles for disseminating the latest findings, and that efficiency has also tended to increase over time.

Vol 10 p 92, Y. Guay

Data collected in this study show that […] publication in Indian journals was likely to have had a trifling impact on the international scientific community, indicating that Indian organic chemists had not reached in 1926, the stage [of] “independant scientific tradition”. In fact, it is to be questionned whether or not Indian organic chemistry has reached it to this day.

Vol 11 p 320, Loet Leydesdorff

The Sciences Citation Index and the different levels at which we can study aggregates of citations should not be conceptualized as a garbage can with individual elements, but as highly structured networks with specific hierarchical relations which can only be understood from a theoretical point of view.

Vol 12 p 303, Vasily V. Nalimov

No, we are not acrobats, we do not stand on the shoulders of giants.

Vol 13 p 257, Péter Vinkler

If appropriate standards are found, the performance of a research team can be evaluated in its own category, and, figuratively speaking it can be achieved that Formula-1 cars and touring-class cars race in different categories and they are rewarded independently, in their own category.

Vol 14 p 80, D. Lindsey

It has been argued that there is substantial agreement in the manuscript review process, however, examining the published data used in support of this contention within a proper statistical framework suggests substantial imprecision in the manuscript review process. The use of three or more reviewers would substantially limit the tendency to capitalize on chance agreement and should lead to greater overall precision.

Vol 15 p 445, Susan E. Cozzens

The act of citation itself may not be in essence evaluative; there may be types of high-quality work that tend not to be cited; yet when we compare citations to two papers of the same type in the same field, we find it difficult to attribute the difference to anything other than an evaluative concept.

Vol 16 p 4, András Schubert, Wolfgang Glänzel, Tibor Braun

The list of publications submitted to analysis is supposed to form, in a sense, a sufficiently large and statistically representative sample: As a general rule of thumb, a sample size of 30–100 can be suggested as a minimum and samples preselected just on the basis of the characteristics being analyzed are to be avoided.

Vol 17 p 330, P. S. Nagpaul, S.P. Gupta

The quality of leadership cannot be improved merely through management development programmes. It would also be essential and desirable to improve the level of expertise of the leaders through a package of incentives like sabbatical leave to enable them to work at centres of excellence within or outside the country and by inviting leading scientists from such centres to work in the research institutions.

Vol 18 p 237, Hariolf Grupp

In addition to the conventional concentration indices used in economics the entropy measure has an important feature: it assign different values of depending on the size of the sample of institutions or subfields of R&D included in the analysis; therefore, small and large samples and, thus, small and large groups of institutions (for instance small and large nations) differ in entropy all other things being equal.

Vol 19 p 415, Thomas Finkenstaedt

The Federal Republic of Germany is a developing country as far as the measurement of research performance is concerned, and the majority of our colleagues—at least in the humanities—are happy and lucky that this is so.

Vol 20 p 67, Vasily V. Nalimov

In my opinion the negative phenomena that we are observing now are explained not by the fact that people cannot satisfy their needs, but that the needs cease to satisfy people.

Vol 21 p 245, Susan Bonzi, Herbert W. Snyder

In a time when estimates of scientific quality, productivity, and even tenure have come to be based on citation counts, the practice of self citation, especially frequent self citation, is sometimes seen as suspect […]; however, there are many reasons why self citation may be desirable or even necessary.

Vol 22 p 376, B. Balmer, Ben R. Martin

There is a possibility that major research initiatives may not always give rise to an increase in the volume of research and published output, but may instead follow such an increase, recognizing a change in the research that has already taken place. If so, it raises doubts about the ability of policy-makers to act in a pro-active manner, as many have been attempting to do in recent years.

Vol 23 p 5, András Schubert, Tibor Braun

The formula for calculating the publication potential is fairly simple:

$$ {\text{T}} = {\text{N}}\left( { 1{-}{\text{f}}_{ 1} } \right)/\left( { 1{-} 2 {\text{f}}_{ 1} + {\text{f}}_{ 1} /{\text{x}}} \right), $$

where T is the publication potential; N is the number of authors; f1 is the fraction of authors with exactly one publication; x is the average number of papers per author

Vol 24 p 298, Terttu Luukkonen

We may assume that the reward maximization model of publishing is a relatively accurate description of the publishing habits of scientists in particular specialties, particular fields, or particular research organizations, but does not pervade the whole of the research world.

Vol 25 p 369, Hajnalka Maczelka, Sándor Zsindely

Newly founded, unprecedented journals are usually highly specialized and are published mainly by profit-oriented publishing houses. The “infant mortality” of these genuinely new journals is relatively high, because the publishing houses are willing to undertake a risk venture and, if they fail, to close them down. It means, that commercial publishers are more adaptable and move more quickly in this respect.

Vol 26 p 158, Aida Méndez, Isabel Gómez, Maria Bordons

Journal referees and editors become, without realizing it, bank cashiers.

Vol 27 p 16, Sven Hemlin

When explicitly prompted to give ratings of the importance of characteristics of good research, scientists emphasized the internal research relevance more than the external relevance; but when given the opportunity of expressing a free description of research quality, they reversed the results.

Vol 28 p 388, Paula E. Stephan, Sharon G. Levin

Age is a measure not only of the amount of time that has elapsed in a career but also the amount of time remaining in the career.

Vol 29 p 11, Manfred Bonitz

Derek Price, who derived from his exponential law the well-known aphorism that 80–90 percent of the scientists that have ever lived are living now, would certainly agree if a similar metaphor is applied to his friend Gene: most of the future users of the ideas and practical achievments of Eugene Garfield are not yet alive!

Vol 30 p 151, Francis Narin

If we define technology cycle time (TCT) as the median age of the US patents referenced on the front pages of other US patents, then electronics, a relatively fast moving area, has cycle times of four to five years in the US patent system, whereas ship and boat building and some of the older mechanical areas have cycle times that are more likely to be in the range of 15–20 years.

Vol 31 p 40, J. Sylvan Katz

The frequency of research collaboration between domestic universities in the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia decreases exponentially with the distance separating the research partners.

Vol 32 p 226, Zora J. Sampson

We predict that the number of authors [in high energy physics] will continue to increase and disappear into the names of institutes, collaborations, or other groups [making] future studies more difficult and less meaningful.

Vol 33 p 188, B. M. Gupta, Lalita Sharma, C. R. Karisiddappa

The exponential growth of scientific knowledge can be interpreted as a “contagion” process in which early adopters influence later adopters, which in turn creates an exponential in growth of scientific knowledge can be interpreted as a “contagion” process in the number of publications and the number of new authors entering the field.

Vol 34 p 169, Ronald N. Kostoff

A credible R[esearch] I[mpact] A[ssessment] of completed research would trace the dissemination of the research products through the many communication channels and would identify the multitude of near and long term research impacts (impact on other research fields, impact on technology, impact on systems, impact on education, etc.).

Vol 35 p 172, Wolfgang Glänzel

Though it is impossible to avoid the uninformed use of our results for journalistic purposes, the existence of standards may help the reader to distinguish between dilettantism and evaluations based on serious research.

Vol 36 p 442, M. H. MacRoberts, Barbara R. MacRoberts

If one wants to know what influence has gone into a particular bit of research, there is only one way to proceed: head for the lab bench, stick close to the scientist as he works and interacts with colleagues, examine his lab notebooks, pay close attention to what he reads, and consider carefully his cultural milieu.

Vol 37 p 20–21, Juan M. Campanario

Science educators […] should educate students not only to obtain the right response and to observe the proper fact, but also to recognize the importance of departures from expected results.

Vol 38 p 52, Paul Wouters

Scientometrics as a separate entity might very well disappear.

Vol 39 p 170, Lucia Fonseca, Sancia Velloso, Susana Wofchuk, Leopoldo De Meis

In spite of the great sophistication of science in our days, scientists still give much more importance to human factors than to material conditions as the main driving force for scientific productivity.

Vol 40 p 384, Abraham Bookstein, Benjamin Wright

Inherent in much of our soundest research methodologies is an unstudied and unappreciated resistance to the faulty understanding with which we begin the study of any new field.

Vol 41 p 5, Grant Lewison

It is desirable that [the research evaluations] should cover many different aspects of research outputs and that the evaluees can play a part in helping to create appropriate methodology.

Vol 42 p 225, Judit Bar-Ilan

The WWW was released by CERN in 1991, […] the first graphic browser Mosaic was developed by Marc Andreessen and his team at NCSA, but the World Wide Web really started to take off only after the release of Netscape 1.0 in 1994

Vol 43 p 75, Eugene Garfield

A citation-ranked list of scientists will identify 50 % or more present and future members of the Academy; therefore, while citation frequency alone does not warrant election, the nominating group should at least consider as candidates all those who achieve a given threshold of citation frequency.

Vol 44 p 194, Diana Hicks

The social science literature is fragmented because social scientists develop less consensus and adhere to more competing paradigms than do natural scientists.

Vol 45 p 134, Thomas J. Phelan

Bibliometrics is best suited for the examination of entities with large numbers of citations […] there are too many random forces operating to be convinced that there is a real difference between, for example, a researcher who has received only a single citation and another who has received two.

Vol 46 p 561, Marc Luwel

For the basic and applied sciences, the SCI seems to cover equally well the US and the EU research works and no “US-bias” was observed.

Vol 47 p 53, Thijs Pollmann

There is no evidence in the data currently known that confirms the feeling that in the last century, the last decades, the last years, etc. [the literature obsolescence] process is speeding up.

Vol 48 p 200, Anna Sandström, Ingrid Pettersson, Anna Nilsson

One-third of the companies that have been granted biotechnology-related patents in the US patent system also have published at least one scientific publication in biotechnology-related science and one-fourth have co-authored an article with a public research organisation.

Vol 49 p 60, Peter Ingwersen

Due to the quite substantial international visibility of the research areas outlined above, and the relative increase of citation impact monitored through the 90 s, one may conclude that the SSCI is increasingly relevant as a tool for international informetric analyses of non-US countries.

Vol 50 p 60, Anthony F. J. Van Raan

The scientific journal will not disappear; the electronic version will simply be added to the paper version and will become rapidly more important, mainly because of many additional facilities.

Vol 51 p 320, Patrick Thomas

A company whose technology-based valuation is higher than its actual market valuation is regarded as undervalued: such a company offers an attractive investment opportunity.

Vol 52 p 367–368, Donald DeB. Beaver

The statistics of collaborative authorships follow a Poisson distribution, signifying a relatively rare event, gradually tending to a negative binomial distribution as collaboration became more frequent […] coauthorships in giant collaborations (teamwork) follow a power law distribution, different from the Poisson characteristic of “traditional” small collaborations.

Vol 53 p 18, András Schubert

The greatest challenge [of the 21th century] is the advent of electronic publication and communication, in short, the Internet. Scientometrics, may I say, is multiply challenged, not only—similarly to all other areas of science and social science research—by getting somewhat confused about the most effective way of communicating its own results, but also by being compelled to properly describe, analyse and evaluate the new forms of communication in other science and social science fields.

Vol 54 p 285, P. Pichappan, S. Sarasvady

The author self-citation is the result of the interaction between the past and present cognition of the author.

Vol 55 p 69. Alexandru T. Balaban, Douglas J. Klein

By analogy with the Erdős number devised by mathematicians for expressing closeness in co-authorship between one person and several other people, one can estimate quantitatively this closeness by [non-integer valued] resistance distances [influenced by] the whole structure of the graph (via all possible paths between two vertices).

Vol 56 p 244, Dag W. Aksnes

When removing self-citations from individual publications this will undermine the possibility for producing certain types of indicators (e.g., comparisons with average field citation rates).

Vol 57 p 395, James Hartley, James W. Pennebaker, Claire Fox

It is a well-known fact that Abstracts are difficult to write: dense and complex material has to be fitted within a tight word limit and, sometimes, authors fail to manage it.

Vol 58 p 75, Andrea Bonaccorsi, Cinzia Daraio

Our data suggest that the appropriate recruitment policy for scientific institutions is based on a steady flow of job opportunities, that encourage the investment of human capital and reduce the time interval between the graduate degree and a permanent position. If recruitment is based on long periods of stasis and discrete waves of massive entry, the system of incentives of young graduate students may be severely distorted.

Vol 59 p 373, Concepción S. Wilson, Valentina A. Markusova

The collapse of the USSR as a rival and as a military threat, the discrediting of the “communist experiment”, and the runaway success of the “new industrial revolution” in information technologies, have encouraged the view that the optimum balance of funding for R&D in a society now lies—in fact, some might say, has always lain—much further towards the market than is currently the case in the West.

Vol 60 p 315, Henry Small

Understanding the factors of novelty, utility, significance, and interest, and how they contribute to high citation rate, involves relating the content of the papers to the structure of the fields in which they are imbedded and to societal issues in and around the field of study.

Vol 61 p 124, K. Brad Wray

Contrary to what Kuhn suggests, it seems that significant discoveries are less a consequence of unconstrained creative thinking, and more a consequence of scientists amassing resources, both intellectual and material, that enable them to take chances, and seek assistance in following through on their new ideas.

Vol 62 p 130, Peter Weingart

Bibliometric indicators are a research based social technology, and because they convey knowledge that unlocks an otherwise hidden process to policy makers and the media it is prone to being instrumentalized for all kinds of interests involved in science policy.

Vol 63 p 580, Jonathan Adams

Evidence of high impact based on initial citations counts […] is likely to be soundly based and subsequently validated, whereas lack of that evidence should not condemn a field, a programme or a researcher to obscurity.

Vol 64 p 313, Manuel Cardona, Werner Marx

The indescribable agony of the victims of the Nazi-terror, in particular the Jews, exceeds any imagination and cannot be quantified.

Vol 65 p 386, Quentin L. Burrell

Informetrics/scientometrics is not just a matter of mathematical/statistical modelling (or analysis) but should always be directly addressed at a particular problem by taking full account of its context.

Vol 66 p 83, Anton J. Nederhof

Social sciences and humanities research is not one homogeneous block (nor even two separate ones), but is heterogeneous in nature: some of the social sciences and humanities resemble natural and life sciences in publication and citation behavior, while others share characteristics with the traditional profile of humanities scholarship.

Vol 67 p 364, James K. Wetterer

I have found no study attempting to determine how often claims in the scientific literature are based on anecdotal observations without any quantitative data, nor how often unsupported claims are cited uncritically.

Vol 68 p 109–110, Benoît Godin

In 1906, Cattell [James McKeen Cattell, American psychologist, editor of Science from 1895 to 1944] launched the biographical directory American Men of Science, published every five years [from which] he produced statistics on the number of scientists and their geographical distribution, and ranked scientists according to performance.

Vol 69 p 215, Maria Pinto

The abstract of a research article is considered, at least under particular information circumstances, to be the most important part of the article. It should contain, in a brief but concise form, the critical components of the scientific study being reported.

Vol 70 p 64, Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent, Juan Carlos Valderrama Zurián, Alberto Miguel-Dasit, Adolfo Alonso Arroyo, Miguel Castellano Gómez

Authors should submit their research results and manuscripts to journals that are easily available and are read by their peers (the most interested audience) and pay less attention to journal impact factors.

Vol 71 p 156–157, Tibor Braun, Ildikó Dióspatonyi, Erika Zádor, Sándor Zsindely

Journal gatekeeping indicators are based on the fact that for the satisfactory operation of the international system of basic research in the sciences, the screening activity of journal editorial boards, which guarantee the professional standard of science journals, is of paramount importance.

Vol 72 p 482, Iina Hellsten, Renaud Lambiotte, Andrea Scharnhorst, Marcel Ausloos

Self-citations can be used as documentation of several important aspects of scientists’ field mobility when combined with an analysis of the related keywords and co-authorships.

Vol 73 p 358, Helmut A. Abt

Single-authored papers will decrease in frequency in coming years, but will not disappear; there are some projects that do not require teams and some authors who prefer to work individually.

Vol 74 p 186, Ulf Sandström, Martin Hällsten

The prestige of peer-review[…] is under threat if conflicts of interest overshadow the procedures. Still, […] the system seems to be riddled with factors external to science. Nepotism matters.

Vol 75 p 512, Luís M. A. Bettencourt, David I. Kaiser, Jasleen Kaur, Carlos Castillo-Chávez, David E. Wojick

Compared to most diseases, scientific ideas spread slowly, taking years to become adopted by a significant number of practitioners; […] useful ideas may never be forgotten, leading to very long infectious periods.

Vol 76 p 153, Dalibor Fiala, François Rousselot, Karel Ježek

Collaboration networks are also a valuable source of information and their combination with citation graphs […] may lead to more “fair” rankings of authors; […] Rankings based on both the citation and co-authorship information tend to place the awarded [ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award] authors higher than the standard PageRank ranking.

Vol 77 p 206, Sándor Zsindely

It is a fact that at least from 1991, human genealogy is not merely an auxiliary science of history, still less a territory for family researcher hobbyists, but a discipline whose results are used by researchers of various science fields, especially those of medicine and genetics.

Vol 78 p 42, Annamária Inzelt, András Schubert, Mihály Schubert

The results of our study clearly suggest an answer “yes” to the question formulated in the title of the paper of Herbertz: “Does it pay to cooperate?”, at least as the returns measurable in the number of citations are concerned.

Vol 79 p 676, Rafael Ball

Formulating the titles of scientific publications as questions is increasingly becoming a widespread phenomenon: […] in medicine today, one in twenty articles has a question-mark title.

Vol 80 p 728, Heting Chu, Chen Xu

Web 2.0 is a rapidly developing area with contributions from not only the IT sector but also other disciplines such as medicine, sociology, and physics; […] Web 2.0 is of the user, by the user, and more importantly, for the user.

Vol 81 p 311, Leo Egghe

One disadvantage of the h-index (in fact of any indicator) is that it is just one number, hereby reducing the evaluation of a researcher r (or another source) to a one-dimensional scale.

Vol 82 p 454, Reinhilde Veugelers

When a Harvard physicist, whose most important work was done collaboratively with overseas scientists and engineers [was asked] “so you are helping them catch up with us”, the scientist replied: “no, they are helping us keep ahead of them”.

Vol 83 p 822, Judit Bar-Ilan

The addition of proceedings papers as source items to the database does not simply increase the quantity of the source items, but results in an increase in multiple expressions of the same work in the database; […] multiple expressions of a work not only have a positive effect on the publication counts of the authors, but they also have a positive effect on the citation counts of items referenced in the publications.

Vol 84 p 163, Gangan Prathap

Borrowing an example from cricket, [instead of the] batting average = C/P, where C is the total number of runs scored in a career of P innings played, […] if [the distribution] is Lotkaian or Paretian, as is often the case, a [mock h-index] (C2/P)1/3 may be profitably used to rank [the] performers.

Vol 85 p 744, Jorge E. Hirsch

A useful bibliometric indicator should (i) reflect elements of reality that are useful for evaluation and meaningful in a statistical sense (there are always exceptions to any criterion) and ideally have predictive power, (ii) not lead to undesirable incentives that are detrimental to the progress of science, (iii) not be too sensitive to small variations in citation records that could be due to random events, and (iv) last but not least be not too difficult to obtain from existing databases.

Vol 86 p 174, Lutz Bornmann

Since bibliometric indicators have obtained a general acceptance in science policy and attained applied relevance in research evaluation, feedback effects on scientists’ behaviour resulting from the use of these indicators for science funding decisions have been reported; these adaptation strategies could be called mimicry in science.

Vol 87 p 18, Chia-Lin Chang, Michael McAleer, Les Oxley

Although there is a multitude of contradictory biblical, bibliographical, conceptual, Darwinian, definitional, evolutionary, genetic, grammatical, literary, logical, logistical, mathematical, paleontological, paradoxical, philosophical, processional, and theoretical possibilities associated with the perennial question as to which came first, the chicken or the egg, the same question may also be asked in the context of which came first, the great paper or the great journal in which the paper was published.

Vol 88 p 628, Juan Gorraiz, Christian Gumpenberger, Martin Wieland

Galton was one of the first scientists who made use of “mapping” methods: […] he developed a “beauty-map” of the British Isles, based on how many pretty women he encountered, giving London the highest score and Aberdeen the lowest.

Vol 89 p 273, Igor Kissin

Disproportional representation of Jewish scientists as authors in top biomedical journals and among Nobel Prize laureates in Medicine is mostly due to their overrepresentation as research participants, not because of the increased chances for reward for a Jewish researcher per se.

Vol 90 p 478, Vincent Larivière

Even though we cannot assess the direction of the relationship, publishing papers during the doctorate is positively linked with PhD students’ degree completion and with postgraduation research productivity.

Vol 91 p 350, Isidro F. Aguillo

The use of Google Scholar for bibliometric or evaluation purposes should be done with great care, especially regarding the items not overlapping with those present in the Scopus or W[eb]o[f]K[nowledge] citation databases.

Vol 92 p 352, Peter Jacso

One of the reasons for the adulation of GS as the Great Democratizer—beyond its freeness—is that it reports higher number of publications and citations (and consequently higher h-index) for many researchers than what they deserve.

Vol 93 p 857, Pleun van Arensbergen, Inge van der Weijden, Peter van den Besselaar

The trend in developed societies, that women increasingly outperform men in all levels of education, is also becoming effective in the science system.

Vol 94 p 32–33, Anne-Wil Harzing

As research projects are less easily reproducible, academics in the Social Sciences do not face the same urgency as in the Sciences to “beat” other academics in publishing new research results: It is not at all unusual to see five or even more years pass between data collection and publication.

Vol 95 p 860, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Blaise Cronin

Ego does not seem to intrude on the peer review process, at least as far as JASIS&T is concerned. Referencing the editor or reviewers does not statistically significantly influence editorial decisions or reviewer recommendations.

Vol 96 p 63, Amalia Más-Bleda, Isidro F. Aguillo

A researcher’s personal website is an excellent tool to provide, in addition to his/her list of publications, other information that is often difficult to find, such as experience and expertise, research projects performed, teaching commitment (materials for onsite or distance learning), conference presentations, events involvement, etc. So, a scientist’s personal website can become one of the most complete channel for disseminating his/her work and career and perhaps the preferred one given a stronger control the authors themselves have on its contents.

Vol 97 p 127, Michael Bonitz, Andrea Scharnhorst

To make contact with the history of our own field by looking into biographies of its early explorers is one way to understand and place current debates and controversies.

Vol 98 p 24, Sándor Soós

A striking similarity between reference-based science mapping and evolutionary biosystematics is that both attempts to detect groups of related actors based on common ancestors: In the case of science mapping, biological descendancy is to be replaced by citation links, or “intellectual descendancy”: a reference can be viewed as an ancestor of the citing document.

Vol 99 p n/a, Martin Meyer, Kevin Grant, Piera Morlacchi, Dagmara Weckowska

Existing rational and mechanistic ways of measuring the T[riple] H[elix] may not be as appropriate in our current austerity period, as policy makers, owners of businesses and service providers look to the TH as a way of climbing out of deep and even triple dip recession.

Vol 100 p n/a, András Schubert

A very simplistic word cloud of the selected sentences from the first 99 volumes of the journal Scientometrics looks like this: