Stochastics and Statistics
Analysis of stochastic dual dynamic programming method rights and content


In this paper we discuss statistical properties and convergence of the Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP) method applied to multistage linear stochastic programming problems. We assume that the underline data process is stagewise independent and consider the framework where at first a random sample from the original (true) distribution is generated and consequently the SDDP algorithm is applied to the constructed Sample Average Approximation (SAA) problem. Then we proceed to analysis of the SDDP solutions of the SAA problem and their relations to solutions of the “true” problem. Finally we discuss an extension of the SDDP method to a risk averse formulation of multistage stochastic programs. We argue that the computational complexity of the corresponding SDDP algorithm is almost the same as in the risk neutral case.


The goal of this paper is to analyze convergence properties of the Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP) approach to solve linear multistage stochastic programming problems of the formMinA1x1=b1x10c1Tx1+EminB2x1+A2x2=b2x20c2Tx2+E+EminBTxT-1+ATxT=bTxT0cTTxT.Components of vectors ct, bt and matrices At, Bt are modeled as random variables forming the stochastic data process1 ξt = (ct, At, Bt, bt), t = 2,  , T, with ξ1 = (c1, A1, b1) being deterministic (not random). By ξ[t] = (ξ1,  , ξt) we denote history of the data process up to time t. The SDDP method originated in Pereira and Pinto [11], and was extended and analyzed in several publications (e.g., [2], [4], [7], [12]). It was assumed in those publications that the number of realizations (scenarios) of the data process is finite, and this assumption was essential in the implementations and analysis of the SDDP type algorithms. In many applications, however, this assumption is quite unrealistic. In forecasting models (such as ARIMA) the errors are typically modeled as having continuous (say normal or log-normal) distributions. So one of the relevant questions is what is the meaning of the introduced discretizations of the corresponding stochastic process. Related questions are convergence properties and error analysis of the method.

We make the basic assumption that the random data process is stagewise independent, i.e., random vector ξt+1 is independent of ξ[t] = (ξ1,  , ξt) for t = 1,  , T  1. In some cases across stages dependence can be dealt with by adding state variables to the model. For example, suppose that parameters of the data process ξt other than bt are stagewise independent (in particular are deterministic) and random vectors bt, t = 2,  , T, form a first order autoregressive process, i.e., bt = Φbt−1 + εt, with appropriate matrix Φ and error vectors ε2,  , εT being independent of each other. Then the feasibility equations of problem (1.1) can be written asbt-Φbt-1=εt,Btxt-1-Φbt-1+Atxt=εt,xt0,t=2,,T.Therefore by replacing xt with (xt, bt) and data process with (ct, At, Bt, εt), t = 2,  , T, we transform the problem to the stagewise independent case. Of course, in this new formulation we do not need to enforce nonnegativity of the state variables bt.

We also assume that the implementation is performed in two steps. First, a (finite) scenario tree is generated by randomly sampling from the original distribution and then the constructed problem is solved by the SDDP algorithm. A current opinion is that the approach of random generation of scenarios (the so-called Sample Average Approximation (SAA) method) is computationally intractable for solving multistage stochastic programs because of the exponential growth of the number of scenarios with increase of the number of stages (cf., [18], [19]). An interesting property of the SDDP method is that the computational complexity of one run of the involved backward and forward step procedures is proportional to the sum of sampled data points at every stage and not to the total number of scenarios given by their product. This makes it computationally feasible to run several such backward and forward steps. Of course, this still does not give a proof of computational tractability of the true multistage problem. It also should be remembered that this nice property holds because of the stagewise independence assumption.

We also discuss an extension of the SDDP method to a risk averse formulation of multistage stochastic programs. We argue that the computational complexity of the corresponding SDDP algorithm is almost the same as in the risk neutral case.

In order to present some basic ideas we start our analysis in the next section with two-stage linear stochastic programming problems. For a discussion of basic theoretical properties of two and multi-stage stochastic programs we may refer to [21]. In Section 3 we describe the SDDP approach, based on approximation of the dynamic programming equations, applied to the SAA problem. A risk averse extension of this approach is discussed in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 is devoted to a somewhat informal discussion of this methodology.

We use the following notations and terminology throughout the paper. The notation “≔” means “equal by definition”. For aR, [a]+≔max{0, a}. By ∣J∣ we denote cardinality of a finite set J. By AT we denote transpose of matrix (vector) A. For a random variable Z, E[Z] and Var[Z] denote its expectation and variance, respectively. Pr(·) denotes probability of the corresponding event. Given a convex function Q(x) we denote by ∂Q(x) its subdifferential, i.e., the set of all its subgradients, at point xRn. It is said that an affine function ℓ(x) = a + bTx is a cutting plane, of Q(x), if Q(x)  ℓ(x) for all xRn. Note that cutting plane ℓ(x) can be strictly smaller than Q(x) for all xRn. If, moreover, Q(x¯)=(x¯) for some x¯Rn, it is said that ℓ(x) is a supporting plane of Q(x). This supporting plane is given by (x)=Q(x¯)+gT(x-x¯) for some subgradient gQ(x¯).

Section snippets

Two-stage programs

In this section we discuss a setting of the SDDP method applied to the following two-stage linear stochastic programming problem:MinxXcTx+Q(x),where X{xRn1:Ax=b,x0}, Q(x)E[Q(x,ξ)] and Q(x, ξ) is the optimal value of the second stage problemMinyRn2qTys.t.Tx+Wy=h,y0.It is assumed that some/all elements of vectors q, h and matrices T, W are random. The data vector ξ is formed from elements of q, h, T, W, and the expectation in (2.1) is taken with respect to a (known) probability distribution

Multistage programs

Consider the linear multistage stochastic programming problem (1.1). Recall that we make the assumption that the data process ξ1,  , ξT is stagewise independent. Then the dynamic programming equations for problem (1.1) take the formQtxt-1,ξt=infxtRntctTxt+Qt+1xt:Btxt-1+Atxt=bt,xt0,whereQt+1xtEQt+1xt,ξt+1,t = T, …,2 (with QT+1(·)0 by definition). At the first stage problemMinx1Rn1c1Tx1+Q2(x1)s.t.A1x1=b1,x10,should be solved. We assume that the cost-to-go functions Qt(·) are finite valued, in

Risk averse approach

Let us look again at the two-stage problem (2.1), (2.2). At the first stage the value Q(x, ξ) is minimized on average. Of course, for a particular realization of the random vector ξ the second stage cost Q(x, ξ) can be quite bigger than its mean (expected value) Q(x). Therefore, in order to control this cost one can add the constraint Q(x, ξ)  η for some chosen constant η and trying to enforce it for all realizations of the random vector ξ. However, enforcing such constraint for all realizations of


One run of the backward step procedure requires solving 1 + N2 +  + NT linear programming problems. Each of these problems has a fixed number of decision variables and constraints with additional variables and constraints corresponding to cutting planes of the approximate functions Qt(·). That is, complexity of one run of the backward step procedure is more or less proportional to the sum of the sample sizes, while the total number of scenarios is given by the product of the sample sizes. Therefore


This research was partly supported by the NSF award DMS-0914785 and ONR award N000140811104.

References (21)

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