Trajectory ontology inference considering domain and temporal dimensions—Application to marine mammals rights and content


  • Modeling approach: from raw data to semantic trajectory modeling based on an ontological approach.

  • Trajectory ontology inference: how domain and temporal rules are modeled and computed.

  • Application domain trajectory model: how the approach can be applied to a specific domain.

  • Design and implementation with the focus on inference system.

  • Experiments and results.


Capture devices rise large scale trajectory data from moving objects. These devices use different technologies like global navigation satellite system (GNSS), wireless communication, radio-frequency identification (RFID), and other sensors. Huge trajectory data are available today. In this paper, we use an ontological data modeling approach to build a trajectory ontology from such large data. To accomplish reasoning over trajectories, the ontology must consider mobile object, domain and other knowledge. In our approach, we suggest expressing this knowledge in the form of rules. To annotate data with these rules, we need an inference mechanism over trajectory ontology. Experiments over our model using domain and temporal rules address an inference computation complexity. This complexity has two important factors: time computations and space storage. In order to reduce the inference complexity, we proposed optimizations, such as domain constraints and temporal neighbor refinements. In this paper, we define a refinement specifically for the application domain. Then, we evaluate our contribution over real trajectory data. Finally, the results show the positive impact of the last refinement on reducing the complexity of the inference mechanism. This refinement reduces half of the time computation and then allows considering larger data sets.


Advances in information and communication technologies have encouraged collecting spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal data of moving objects  [1]. The raw data captured, commonly called trajectories, traces moving objects from a departure point to a destination point as sequences of data (sample points captured, time of the capture). Raw trajectories do not contain goals of traveling nor activities accomplished by the moving object. Large data sets need to be analyzed and modeled to tackle user’s requirements. To answer user’s queries we also need to take into account the domain knowledge.

This paper deals with marine mammals tracking applications, namely seal trajectories. Trajectory data are captured by sensors included in a tag glued to the fur of the animal behind the head. The captured trajectories consist of spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal data. Trajectories data can also contain some meta-data. These data sets are organized into sequences. Every sequence, mapped to a temporal interval, characterizes a defined state of the animal. In our application, we consider three main states of a seal: hauling out, diving and cruising. Every state is related to a seal’s activity. For example, a foraging activity occurs during the state diving.

Our goal is to enrich trajectory data with semantics to extract more knowledge. In our previous work  [2], we tackled trajectory data connected to other temporal and spatial sources of information. We directly computed the inference over these data. The experimental results addressed time computation and space storage problems of the ontology inference. Then, we proposed some solutions to reduce the inference complexity by defining time restrictions in  [3] and inference passes refinements in  [4]. These later studies focus mainly on the term of time computation.

In the present paper, we continue studying the ontological inference complexity, specially in terms of inference space storage complexity. We propose two-tier inference filters on trajectory data. In other words, two distinct operations are performed to enhance the inference: primary and secondary filter operations. The primary filter is applied to the captured data with the consideration of domain constraints. The primary filter allows fast selection of the analyzed data to pass along to the secondary filter. The latter computes the inference over the data output of the primary filter.

This paper is organized as follows. Section  2 summarizes recent work related to trajectory data modeling using ontology approach and some introduced solutions to tackle the problem of the inference complexity using data filtering. Section  3 illustrates an overview of the used domain data model. This trajectory ontology contains temporal concepts mapped to W3C OWL-Time ontology  [5] in Section  4. Sections  5 Trajectory ontology inference, 6 Trajectory ontology inference using domain rules details the trajectory ontology inference and the integrated knowledge. In Section  7, we implement the trajectory ontology, the domain ontology rules and the temporal rules. Section  8 addresses the complexity of the ontology inference over the domain and temporal rules. Section  9 introduces an application domain inference refinement. Section  10 evaluates the ontology inference over the proposed refinement. Finally, Section  11 concludes this paper and presents some prospects.

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Related work

Data management techniques including modeling, indexing, inferencing and querying large data have been actively investigated during the last decade  [6], [7], [8]. Most of these techniques are only interested in representing and querying moving object trajectories  [9], [2], [10]. A conceptual view on trajectories is proposed by Spaccapietra et al.  [11] in which trajectories are a set of stops and moves. Each part contains a set of semantic data. Based on this conceptual model, several studies

Design and methodology

Our work is based on moving objects trajectories. This requires a trajectory data model and a moving object model. Moreover, to enrich data with knowledge, a semantic model should be taken into consideration. Therefore, we need a generic model to consider the trajectory, moving object and semantic models simultaneously as shown in Fig. 1. The semantic trajectory model can consume captured data of trajectories and other external data as shown in Fig. 1 link (1). These data are related to an

Time ontology

The seal trajectory ontology includes concepts that can be considered as temporal. For example, the concept Sequence is a temporal interval. To integrate temporal concepts and relationships in the seal trajectory ontology, we choose a mapping approach between our ontology and the OWL-Time2 ontology  [5] developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This mapping is detailed in our previous work  [2]. An extract of the declarative part of this ontology is shown in

Trajectory ontology inference

Inference is the ability to make logical deductions based on ontologies, and optionally individuals. It derives new knowledge based on rules. A rule’s definition, Fig. 5, has an antecedent, filters and a consequent. If knowledge are represented using RDF triples, then the antecedent is a set of triples, filters apply restrictions, and finally consequent is a new derived triple.

In the present work, we consider two kinds of inference:

  • 1.

    Inference using standard rules: Our semantic trajectory

Trajectory ontology inference using domain rules

Our application domain is seals’ trajectories, where a seal is considered as a mobile object. The captured data comes from the LIENSs laboratory3 in collaboration with SMRU.4 We consider three main states of a seal: Dive, Haulout and Cruise. Every state is related to a seal’s activity, like Resting, Traveling and Foraging.

The captured data can also contain some


Our implementation framework uses Oracle RDF triple store  [18]. Based on a graph data model, RDF triples are persisted, indexed and queried, like other object-relational data. In this framework, we create the following models and rulebases (a set of rules):

  • owlTrajectory, owlTime and owlSealTrajectory: declarative part of the trajectory, time and seal ontologies;

  • OWLPrime: rulebase of the standard rules;

  • Time_Rules: a rulebase of the temporal holding the interval temporal relationships. The


In our experiment, we measure the time needed to compute the entailment (Fig. 9) for different sets of real trajectory data. We consider one seal’s trajectory data captured from 16 June until 18 July 2011. We have 10 000 captured data. In this experiment, the seal rulebase contains only the foraging rule. The input data for this entailment are type of dives. Fig. 10 shows the experiment results for the computation time in seconds needed by the entailment. For example, for 450 dives, the

Application domain inference refinement

We introduce a two-tier inference refinement on trajectory data. In other words, two distinct operations are performed to enhance the inference: primary and secondary inference operations. Fig. 12 shows the two-tier inference filter refinement. The primary filter is applied to the captured data to classify them into a set of interesting places. The primary filter allows fast selection of the classified data to pass along to the secondary inference. The latter computes the inference mechanism

Research results

We consider trajectories of one seal captured from 16 June until 18 July 2011. This data set contains about 10 000 dives. To analyze our data, we pass them to the Place Of Interest algorithm. This algorithm analyzes the data and gives as output interesting places, as shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 14 shows the evaluation of the two-tier inference refinement over real data. We evaluate the space storage consumed by the inference. For that purpose, this experiment gives number of triples generated by the

Conclusion and future work

In this work, we propose a modeling approach based on ontologies to build a trajectory ontology. Our approach considers three separated ontology models: a general trajectory domain model, a domain knowledge or semantic model and a temporal domain model. To implement the declarative and imperative parts of the ontologies, we consider the framework of Oracle Semantic Triples Store. To define the domain and temporal reasoning, we implement rules related to the considered models. The domain rules

Rouaa Wannous is a post doctoral at the University of La Rochelle, France. She was an assistant Professor at the University Institute of Technology, La Rochelle in 2015. In 2014, she achieved her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the L3i laboratory at the University of La Rochelle, France. Main research interests include: Trajectory ontology modeling, spatio-temporal data modeling, environmental applications, ontology inference using user-defined rules.

References (20)

  • S. Spaccapietra et al.

    A conceptual view on trajectories

    Data Knowl. Eng.

  • R. Güting et al.

    Moving Objects Databases

  • R. Wannous et al.

    Time integration in semantic trajectories using an ontological modelling approach

  • J. Malki et al.

    Temporal reasoning in trajectories using an ontological modelling approach

    Control Cybernet.

  • R. Wannous et al.

    Modelling mobile object activities based on trajectory ontology rules considering spatial relationship rules

  • R.H. Jerry et al.

    An ontology of time for the semantic web

  • Z. Yan et al.

    SeMiTri: A framework for semantic annotation of heterogeneous trajectories

  • P. Matthew

    A framework to support spatial, temporal and thematic analytics over semantic web data

  • J. Malki et al.

    An ontological approach modeling and reasoning on trajectories. taking into account thematic, temporal and spatial rules

  • Z. Yan et al.

    A hybrid model and computing platform for spatio-semantic trajectories

There are more references available in the full text version of this article.

Cited by (4)

  • Models and data engineering

    2017, Future Generation Computer Systems
    Citation Excerpt :

    The fifth paper, “Trajectory ontology inference considering domain and temporal dimensions. Application to marine mammals”, by Rouaa Wannous, Jamal Malki, Alain Bouju and Cecile Vincent, proposes a modelling approach based on ontologies to build a trajectory ontology [15]. The ontology model is composed of a general trajectory domain model, a domain knowledge and a temporal domain model.

Rouaa Wannous is a post doctoral at the University of La Rochelle, France. She was an assistant Professor at the University Institute of Technology, La Rochelle in 2015. In 2014, she achieved her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the L3i laboratory at the University of La Rochelle, France. Main research interests include: Trajectory ontology modeling, spatio-temporal data modeling, environmental applications, ontology inference using user-defined rules.

Jamal Malki received his Post-Graduate degree in applied mathematics from the University of Paris Dauphine in 1997. In 1998, He joined the research group IMEDIA of the INRIA-Rocquencourt institute to work in the field of images retrieval by content. In 2001, he obtained his Ph.D. for research in objects spatio-temporal relationships modelling and reasoning from the University of La Rochelle, L3i laboratory. Since 2001, he has been with the computer science department of the University Institute of Technology, University of La Rochelle, where he was an Assistant Professor, became an Associate Professor in 2003. Since this date, he was a permanent member of the L3i Laboratory and his research interests include masses data analysis, modelling and querying. His works consider different cases when data can be trajectories, e-learning traces and enterprise data applications.

Alain Bouju received an engineering degree in computer science from the “École nationale supérieure d’électronique, d’électrotechnique, d’informatique, d’hydraulique et des télécommunications” (ENSEEIHT), Toulouse, France in 1990, a Toulouse M.S. degree in computer science, a Ph.D. degree in artificial intelligence from SUPAERO “École nationale supérieure de l’aéronautique et de l’espace” (as “National Higher School of Aeronautics and Space”), France, and an habilitation to direct research (HDR) from La Rochelle University, France in 2004. He is currently Associate Professor in Laboratory of Informatics, Image and Interactions (L3i). His current research interests lays in the area of the Mobility, Trajectory, Geographic Information System, Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart Cities.

Cécile Vincent is a research lecturer at the University of la Rochelle (France) since 2002. She achieved her Ph.D. in marine biology at the University of Brest in 2001. Her research mainly focuses on the ecology of marine mammals, especially seals, as assessed from telemetry. The outcomes of this research help the management and conservation of the species in France and in Europe. For several years she collaborates with colleagues in computer science at the University of La Rochelle in order to develop new methods in the analysis of trajectories

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