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This study investigates the epidemiology and psychiatric morbidity of the wish to be dead, suicidal ideation, and suicidal intent in a group of elderly persons (> 70 years). A representative community sample of 516 persons aged 70 to 105 was extensively investigated by psychiatrists using the structured interview GMS-A and various other self-rating and observer-rating scales. Diagnoses were made according to DSM-III-R and clinical judgment. In a cross-section of this population, we found the following prevalence rates: At the time of the study, 14.7% of the elderly community had symptoms of tiredness of life, 5.4% wished to die, and 1% showed suicidal ideation or gestures. Depending on the intensity of suicidality, 80% to 100% were clinically diagnosed as suffering from psychiatric disorders and 50-75% showed symptoms fulfilling the criteria of at least one specific psychiatric diagnosis. Further, logistic regression analysis showed a significant influence of major depression and specific DSM-III-R diagnosis on suicidality in old age. Our conclusion is that suicidal ideation in the elderly is usually a sign of a mental illness warranting diagnosis and treatment rather than assisted suicide.


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