Issue 4, 2012

Luminescence of oxyfluoride glasses co-doped with Ag nanoclusters and Yb3+ ions


Bulk oxyfluoride glasses co-doped with Ag nanoclusters and Yb3+ ions have been prepared by a melt quenching technique. When excited in the absorption band of the Ag nanoclusters between 300 to 500 nm, these glasses emit a broad band characteristic of the Ag nanoclusters between 400 to 750 nm as well as an emission band between 900 to 1100 nm, originating from Yb3+ ions. The intensity ratio of the Yb3+/Ag emission bands increases with the Ag doping level at a fixed concentration of Yb3+, indicating the presence of energy transfer mechanism from the Ag nanoclusters to the Yb3+ ions. Comparison of time-resolved decay kinetics of the luminescence in the respectively Ag nanocluster-Yb3+ co-doped and single Ag nanocluster doped glasses, hints towards an energy transfer from the red and infrared emitting Ag nanoclusters to the Yb3+ ions.

Graphical abstract: Luminescence of oxyfluoride glasses co-doped with Ag nanoclusters and Yb3+ ions

Article information

Article type
03 Nov 2011
07 Nov 2011
First published
19 Dec 2011

RSC Adv., 2012,2, 1496-1501

Luminescence of oxyfluoride glasses co-doped with Ag nanoclusters and Yb3+ ions

V. K. Tikhomirov, T. Vosch, E. Fron, V. D. Rodríguez, J. J. Velázquez, D. Kirilenko, G. Van Tendeloo, J. Hofkens, M. Van der Auweraer and V. V. Moshchalkov, RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 1496 DOI: 10.1039/C1RA01026C

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