Issue 3, 2006

Microfluidic sorting system based on optical waveguide integration and diode laser bar trapping


Effective methods for manipulating, isolating and sorting cells and particles are essential for the development of microfluidic-based life science research and diagnostic platforms. We demonstrate an integrated optical platform for cell and particle sorting in microfluidic structures. Fluorescent-dyed particles are excited using an integrated optical waveguide network within micro-channels. A diode-bar optical trapping scheme guides the particles across the waveguide/micro-channel structures and selectively sorts particles based upon their fluorescent signature. This integrated detection and separation approach streamlines microfluidic cell sorting and minimizes the optical and feedback complexity commonly associated with extant platforms.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic sorting system based on optical waveguide integration and diode laser bar trapping

Article information

Article type
08 Sep 2005
05 Jan 2006
First published
20 Jan 2006

Lab Chip, 2006,6, 422-426

Microfluidic sorting system based on optical waveguide integration and diode laser bar trapping

R. W. Applegate Jr., J. Squier, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D. W. M. Marr, P. Bado, M. A. Dugan and A. A. Said, Lab Chip, 2006, 6, 422 DOI: 10.1039/B512576F

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