Issue 6, 2011

Application of ion molecule reaction to eliminate WO interference on mercury determination in soil and sediment samples by ICP-MS


Mercury is subject to severe tungsten oxide (WO) interference in the direct ICP-MS analysis for soil or sediment samples. In this study, a method based on ion molecule reaction (IMR) was used to eliminate the WO spectral interference in a dynamic reaction cell (DRC). Interfered ion (202WO+) was drastically oxidized to higher oxide ions (218WO2+ or 234WO3+) by O2 as the reaction gas in the DRC, while the analyte ion (202Hg+) cannot react with O2. Under the optimized O2 flow rate (1.9 mL min−1) and DRC rejection parameter q (Rpq, 0.80), the background signal was reduced by up to 1000-fold at m/z 202 and the limit of quantitation (LOQ, 10σ) for 202Hg was 1 ng g−1. The proposed method was applied to direct determination of Hg in a series of soil and sediment standard reference materials (SRMs) and the satisfactory results indicate that it has great potential for the determination of trace or ultra-trace level mercury in various environmental or geological samples.

Graphical abstract: Application of ion molecule reaction to eliminate WO interference on mercury determination in soil and sediment samples by ICP-MS

Article information

Article type
05 Jan 2011
16 Feb 2011
First published
11 Mar 2011

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011,26, 1198-1203

Application of ion molecule reaction to eliminate WO interference on mercury determination in soil and sediment samples by ICP-MS

W. Guo, S. Hu, X. Wang, J. Zhang, L. Jin, Z. Zhu and H. Zhang, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011, 26, 1198 DOI: 10.1039/C1JA00005E

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