Issue 21, 2012

Microfluidic diagnostic tool for the developing world: contactless impedance flow cytometry


In this work, we demonstrate a novel and cost-effective approach to implement a disposable microfluidic contactless impedance cytometer. Conventional methods for single cell impedance cytometry use microfabricated electrodes in direct contact with the buffer to measure changes of its electrical impedance when cells pass through the applied electric field. However, this approach requires expensive microfabrication of electrodes, and also, the fabricated electrodes cannot be reused without thorough and time-consuming cleaning process. Here, we introduce a novel approach to allow for single cell impedance cytometry using electrodes that can be reused, without the need for microfabrication of the electrodes. This disposable device can be potentially inserted onto a printed circuit board (PCB) which has a non-disposable, yet inexpensive, electronic reading apparatus. This significantly reduces the manufacturing costs, making it suitable for low resource settings, such as point-of-care testing in the developing countries.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic diagnostic tool for the developing world: contactless impedance flow cytometry

Article information

Article type
05 Jul 2012
19 Aug 2012
First published
21 Aug 2012

Lab Chip, 2012,12, 4499-4507

Microfluidic diagnostic tool for the developing world: contactless impedance flow cytometry

S. Emaminejad, M. Javanmard, R. W. Dutton and R. W. Davis, Lab Chip, 2012, 12, 4499 DOI: 10.1039/C2LC40759K

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