Teleportation of n-Particle State via n Pairs of EPR Channels

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© International Academic Publishers
, , Citation Cao Min et al 2004 Commun. Theor. Phys. 41 689 DOI 10.1088/0253-6102/41/5/689



The teleportation of an arbitrary n-particle state $(n \ge 1)$ is proposed if n pairs of identical EPR states are utilized as quantum channels. Independent Bell state measurements are performed for joint measurement. By using a special Latin square of order $2^n(n \ge 1)$, explicit expressions of outcomes after the Bell state measurements by Alice (sender) and the corresponding unitary transformations by Bob (receiver) can be derived. It is shown that the teleportation of n-particle state can be implemented by a series of single-qubit teleportation.

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