
Ascochyta blight disease, caused by the necrotrophic fungus , is a major biotic constraint to chickpea production in Australia and worldwide. Detailed knowledge of the structure of the pathogen population and its potential to adapt to our farming practices is key to informing optimal management of the disease. This includes understanding the molecular diversity among isolates and the frequency and distribution of the isolates that have adapted to overcome host resistance across agroecologically distinct regions. Thanks to continuous monitoring efforts over the past 6 years, a comprehensive collection of isolates was collated from the major Australian chickpea production regions. To determine the molecular structure of the entire population, representative isolates from each collection year and growing region have been genetically characterized using a DArTseq genotyping-by-sequencing approach. The genotyped isolates were further phenotyped to determine their pathogenicity levels against a differential set of chickpea cultivars and genotype-phenotype associations were inferred. Overall, the Australian population displayed a far lower genetic diversity (average Nei’s gene diversity of 0.047) than detected in other populations worldwide. This may be explained by the presence of a single mating-type in Australia, MAT1-2, limiting its reproduction to a clonal mode. Despite the low detected molecular diversity, clonal selection appears to have given rise to a subset of adapted isolates that are highly pathogenic on commonly employed resistance sources, and that are occurring at an increasing frequency. Among these, a cluster of genetically similar isolates was identified, with a higher proportion of highly aggressive isolates than in the general population. The discovery of distinct genetic clusters associated with high and low isolate pathogenicity forms the foundation for the development of a molecular pathotyping tool for the Australian population. Application of such a tool, along with continuous monitoring of the genetic structure of the population will provide crucial information for the screening of breeding material and integrated disease management packages.

This study was supported by the:
  • Grains Research and Development Corporation (Award UM00052)
    • Principle Award Recipient: RebeccaFord
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This article was made open access via a Publish and Read agreement between the Microbiology Society and the corresponding author’s institution.

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