Superconducting Properties of High-Purity Niobium

D. K. Finnemore, T. F. Stromberg, and C. A. Swenson
Phys. Rev. 149, 231 – Published 9 September 1966
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Precision magnetization data are given for high-purity niobium metal samples (resistance ratio R300R4.2N=1600±400) over the range from 1.1°K to Tc=9.25(±.01)°K. The thermodynamic critical-field curve, which is parabolic to 1%, is that to be expected for an intermediate-coupling superconductor. The magnetization curves are qualitatively like those associated with a type-II superconductor with κ1, but the detailed shape does not follow any theory. In particular, the magnetization increases linearly with a slope of 23 G/Oe from 1.005 Hc1 to 1.025 Hc1, where a sharp break occurs to a smaller slope. The magnetization data at Hc1 and in the region of Hc2 are consistent with published specific-heat data. The magnitudes of Hc2 and Hc are consistent with measured values of the penetration depth λ. Preliminary data are reported for Hc3 as obtained from both resistive and ac susceptibility measurements.

  • Received 7 March 1966


©1966 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

D. K. Finnemore, T. F. Stromberg*, and C. A. Swenson

  • Institute for Atomic Research and Department of Physics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

  • *Present address: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.

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Vol. 149, Iss. 1 — September 1966

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