Rigid-Band Behavior in Aluminum-Based Alloys—Electronic Specific Heat

Donald A. Dicke and Ben A. Green, Jr.
Phys. Rev. 153, 800 – Published 15 January 1967
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Measurements of the specific heat of aluminum and its dilute alloys below 4°K show that the electronic specific-heat coefficient γ changes linearly with the valence electron concentration from below to above the pure-aluminum value, in contradiction to previous work. The difference is attributed to undetected precipitation of the solutes Ge or Si in the previous work. Good agreement is found between γ values for AlZn alloys and the previous AlMg alloys. The rate of increase of γ is three times that expected from free-electron theory. For pure Al, γ=1.362 mJ mole1 °K2, and the Debye temperature =431°K.

  • Received 18 July 1966


©1967 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Donald A. Dicke and Ben A. Green, Jr.

  • Department of Physics and Condensed State Center, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

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Vol. 153, Iss. 3 — January 1967

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