Deflection of atoms by a resonant standing electromagnetic wave

R. J. Cook and A. F. Bernhardt
Phys. Rev. A 18, 2533 – Published 1 December 1978
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Deflection of an atom due to momentum transfer from a strong resonant standing electromagnetic wave is investigated theoretically in the limit of short atom-field interaction time. The translational and internal motions of the atom are treated quantum mechanically, while the field is treated classically. It is shown that momentum transfer from a standing wave to an atom proceeds at the induced or Rabi rate, rather than the spontaneous rate characteristic of radiation pressure. In a typical case, atomic deflections of order 1° are achieved with 106 W/cm2 field intensity in a time less than the natural lifetime of the excited atom.

  • Received 8 May 1978


©1978 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

R. J. Cook and A. F. Bernhardt

  • University of California, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, P. O. Box 808, Livermore, California 94550

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Vol. 18, Iss. 6 — December 1978

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