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Surface and mass fractals in vapor-phase aggregates

Alan J. Hurd, Dale W. Schaefer, and James E. Martin
Phys. Rev. A 35, 2361(R) – Published 1 March 1987
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Several types of fumed-silica aggregates with differing surface areas were studied over a wide range of spatial resolution by employing both light and neutron scattering. At intermediate length scales, between 100 and 1000 Å, the aggregates are mass fractals with Dm≊1.7–2.0, in basic agreement with simulations of aggregating clusters. At short length scales below 100 Å where the nature of the surfaces of the primary particles dominates the scattering, some of the samples appear to be fractally rough. In particular, a higher surface area seems to be correlated not with smaller primary particles in the aggregates, as previously assumed, but with fractally rough surfaces having Ds as high as 2.5. These may be the first materials discovered to have both mass and surface fractal structure.

  • Received 14 October 1986


©1987 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Alan J. Hurd, Dale W. Schaefer, and James E. Martin

  • Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87185

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Vol. 35, Iss. 5 — March 1987

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