Hot holes in naphthalene: High, electric-field-dependent mobilities

Wilhelm Warta and Norbert Karl
Phys. Rev. B 32, 1172 – Published 15 July 1985
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Intrinsic time-of-flight hole mobilities (μ+) were obtained in naphthalene single crystals down to 4.2 K. Between 300 and 150 K the tensor component μaa+ increases with decreasing temperature T, obeying a μ∝Tn dependence, with n=-2.9. At low temperature the hole transport becomes nonlinear (sub-Ohmic) with the hole velocity tending to saturate with increasing electric field, E, at about 2×106 cm/s. The highest experimental μaa+ (obtained at the lowest E which allowed the observation of a distinct hole transit pulse) was 400 cm2/V s at 10 K and 3 kV/cm. It will be shown that the low-temperature results can be understood in terms of a standard band-model description, whereas the continuation of the experimental temperature-dependence law (μ∝Tn) (for both holes and electrons) into the high-temperature regime remains a problem for future theoretical work. Electron transits were obtained down to 22.5 K [μaa (22.5 K) = 24.5 cm2/V s]. No field dependence of the electron mobility was detected.

  • Received 9 October 1984


©1985 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Wilhelm Warta and Norbert Karl

  • Physikalisches Institut der Universitat Stuttgart, D-7000 Stuttgart 80, Pfaffenwaldring 57, Federal Republic of Germany

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Vol. 32, Iss. 2 — 15 July 1985

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