Nuclear magnetic relaxation in porous media: The role of the mean lifetime τ(ρ,D)

David J. Wilkinson, David Linton Johnson, and Lawrence M. Schwartz
Phys. Rev. B 44, 4960 – Published 1 September 1991
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We show that the mean lifetime τ(ρ,D) provides a compact and convenient description of surface-enhanced nuclear magnetic relaxation in fluid-saturated porous media. Here ρ is a parameter that measures the relaxation rate at the pore-grain interface and D is the bulk diffusion constant for the fluid in the pore space. In the case of simple pore shapes with uniform magnetization at the interface, e.g., slabs (d=1), cylinders (d=2), or spheres (d=3) of radius a, we derive the equation τ(ρ,D)=a2/d(d+2)D +a/dρ. For more general pore shapes the relation between τ, D1, and ρ1 is nonlinear, but is well represented by a Padé approximant based on four parameters that are characteristic of the pore geometry. The utility of this representation is illustrated by numerical calculations on a series of two-dimensional pore geometries. The average lifetime is also of interest because a recently established bound on the permeability of porous media can be recast in terms of τ(ρ→∞,D). We show that a modified version of this bound can be expressed in terms of the directly measurable quantity τ(ρ,D). The limitations of such bounds are illustrated by numerical simulations on simple three-dimensional pore geometries.

  • Received 22 February 1991


©1991 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

David J. Wilkinson, David Linton Johnson, and Lawrence M. Schwartz

  • Schlumberger-Doll Research, Old Quarry Road, Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877-4108

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Vol. 44, Iss. 10 — 1 September 1991

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