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Predictions and systematizations of the zinc-blende–wurtzite structural energies in binary octet compounds

Chin-Yu Yeh, Z. W. Lu, S. Froyen, and Alex Zunger
Phys. Rev. B 45, 12130(R) – Published 15 May 1992
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To systematize the wurtzite (W) versus zinc blende (ZB) structural preferences among the binary octet compounds, we have calculated the correponding energy difference ΔEWZBLDF(AB) for thirteen AB compounds using the local-density formalism (LDF). We then uncovered a linear scaling betwteen ΔEWZBLDF and an atomistic orbital-radii coordinate R̃(A,B) that can be simply calculated from the properties of the free A and B atoms. This permits predictions of W-ZB energy differences for all binary compounds and exposes simple chemical trends, including the stabilization of the ZB form in the sequence B=O→S→Se→Te for AIIBVI and A=Ga→Al→In for AIIIBV’s. We propose new structural assignments for the low-temperature ground state of CdSe (ZB) and MgTe (NiAs type).

  • Received 9 January 1992


©1992 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Chin-Yu Yeh, Z. W. Lu, S. Froyen, and Alex Zunger

  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401

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Vol. 45, Iss. 20 — 15 May 1992

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