Acta Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2015, 63(5), 1633-1638 | DOI: 10.11118/actaun201563051633

Mapping of Grocery Stores in Slovak Countryside in Context of Food Deserts

Kristína Bilková, František Križan
Department of Regional Geography, Protection and Planning of the Landscape, Faculty of Natural Science, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina, Ilkovičova 6, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

The paper is focused on mapping grocery stores in the Slovak countryside with an emphasis on identifying potential food deserts in rural areas. Grocery stores are analyzed in the time period 2001-2011. Food deserts in rural areas are identified by two accessibility measures. The results show the development of food retailing in the Slovak countryside and in potentially threatened localities which can be defined as food deserts.

Keywords: grocery stores, food deserts, countryside, Slovakia, FUR Bratislava
Grants and funding:

This work was supported by the VEGA grant project agency named Regions: development, transformation and regional differentiation (contracts No. 1/1143/12) and the VEGA project named Specifics of time-space human behavior under the impact of socio-economic changes (No. 1/0082/15).

Prepublished online: October 29, 2015; Published: December 1, 2015  Show citation

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Bilková, K., & Križan, F. (2015). Mapping of Grocery Stores in Slovak Countryside in Context of Food Deserts. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis63(5), 1633-1638. doi: 10.11118/actaun201563051633
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