European Journal of Business Science and Technology 2018, 4(2):174-186 | DOI: 10.11118/ejobsat.v4i2.115

Differences of Diversity Attitudes between Employees with and without an Immigration Background: The Case of Germany

Petia Genkova1
1 Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Germany

The demographic shift in the age structure has the effects that many ageing employees work in organisations. Migration can slow down the ageing of population but could not stop it. More and more people with immigration background work in organisations. Therefore, the question is whether diversity sensitive attitudes count for all diversity aspects. The central aim of the study is to deal with the problem fields of multicultural teamwork. Thereby, the focus is on the collaboration of employees with and without immigration background. The interviews with employees with and without an immigration background of various company branches were conducted. The results show that employees with an immigration background have more contact and feel comfortable with persons from different cultures than employees without an immigration background. The qualitative analysis indicates that there is a high need of competence development, especially intercultural and social competences in organisations. The results of the study reveal that personality traits and characteristics of employees play a role to what extent they accept diversity and are willing to work with persons from another culture. Age is not important regarding intercultural competence development.

Keywords: diversity attitudes, multicultural teamwork, migration
JEL classification: O15

Published: December 28, 2018  Show citation

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Genkova, P. (2018). Differences of Diversity Attitudes between Employees with and without an Immigration Background: The Case of Germany. European Journal of Business Science and Technology4(2), 174-186. doi: 10.11118/ejobsat.v4i2.115
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